"Nurima? Your emperor? Is this the name of the country?"

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's complaints, Evelin, an expert on ancient Egyptian culture, really took it seriously and recalled in her mind whether there was a small country called Nurima in the history of ancient Egypt.

"Why don't I have any impression at all——"

A few seconds later, Evelin, who thought she had a photographic memory and had memorized all the books in the library, found that she could not find any relevant records about 'Nurima', so she could only look through the Sun Gold in a hurry. Scripture, hoping to find a suitable spell on it to deal with the hundreds of thousands of undead armies surrounding them.

But the Scorpion Emperor, who didn't speak the same language as Grandpa Mo Yi and others, had no intention of saying harsh words. He just yelled and issued an order, and the undead around him immediately rushed to everyone.


At this time, there is nothing left to say, it is just a fight.

Although the opponent's number is huge, the individual strength of every person on Grandpa Mo Yi's side is higher than that of the undead soldiers. In addition to being ugly and scary, those undead soldiers really have no combat effectiveness. An ordinary person with a combat effectiveness of only 5 As an adult, you can even fight 50-50 with a kitchen knife.

Suddenly, the battlefield became anxious!

"Judas spread out—"

This situation is the most suitable for Theresa to perform. After the Judas inserted into the ground was fully unfolded, it immediately turned into a Judas emission line, like Gatling, spraying light spears into the sky crazily, and then the sky began to rain. Light rain rises to purify the earth polluted by the undead.

"Auntie, mighty——"

Kiana, who relied on her two guns to aim at the head of the undead, looked at the spectacular scene of the rain of light falling, and immediately shouted 666——

"As expected of a mature adult!"

Theresa, who was responsible for standing there providing Honkai energy and setting up the POS throughout the whole process, immediately smiled proudly after being praised by Kiana.

"Of course."


Illya, who had never seen Theresa and the others take action, was also aroused by Theresa's "Judas Launcher".

Although it didn't take long after being summoned, Illya and Xiao Hei soon discovered that among these unknown elder sisters, the one closest to Grandpa Mo Yi was Theresa.

Girls have unimaginable intuition when it comes to matters like this. Illya was able to discover that the other party seemed to have special thoughts about Baymax.

How can this be done!

This is her exclusive pet, how could it be snatched away by others? !

Especially for peers like Theresa, Illya is even more unwilling to admit defeat.

Well, Illya and others were not familiar with Theresa, and always thought that Theresa was someone of the same age who was one or two years older than her.

"Ruby, Sapphire, please—"

Not to be outdone, Illya directly entered the Star Girl mode, and then took out a Saber class card——

"Dream call, saber!"

Illya borrowed the power of the stupid-haired King Artoria, and the wand in her hand turned into a curry stick. Under the condensation of magic power, the holy sword held high burst out with golden light, and she immediately swung it forward.

"EX——Curry stick!"

It's still a familiar smell. Under the torrent of light cannons from curry sticks, any undead in front of the stall will be turned into ashes in an instant.

“This——, is also very powerful!”

Kiana and others were also impressed by the handsomeness of Illya, who threw her big move when they met. Except for Abigail, who looked very well-behaved but exuded a terrifying aura, Illya and Xiao Hei were just Mo. Grandpa Yi summoned the primary school student to act as the mascot.

But at this moment, the opponent directly cleared a channel of light cannons. Kiana could only say, 'Auntie, you have met your opponent.'

"Are all primary school students today so good?"

Except for Theresa and Illya, everyone else is taking action to eliminate the undead that are coming up, but judging from the momentum and effect, Theresa and Illya are the most powerful.

"Sakura, scatter——"

Yae Sakura's hand sword slashed across the bodies of many undead. After a few seconds, flames burst out from many undead's bodies, and then they were burned to ashes.

In contrast, Himeko's attack direction was more direct and brutal. She held a heavy knight sword with a huge double-edged blade, and then, strengthened by Honkai energy to transform into fire, she swept through the undead with one strike.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi, he is also holding a golden sword and guarding Ou Kang and the other four. Every time he strikes out with his sword, a huge sword energy is generated, cutting open the undead in front of him, and the speed of clearing monsters is no faster than the others. slow.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi was paddling in the water, but he seemed to be paddling very busy.

"Rita, cover me—"

Hollander, who has rich combat experience, quickly found the key to breaking the situation, that is, after summoning the undead army, he hid behind and watched the Scorpion Brigade massacre his younger brothers.

If you kill the opponent, maybe these legions will dissipate automatically.

After thinking of this possibility, Hollander glanced at her good friend Rita beside her. Rita, who had many years of cooperation experience with Hollander, also realized it and rushed in front of Hollander with a huge scythe in her hand. , to clear the way for the other party, so that Youlandel can go straight to Huanglong.

"give it to me--"

"Blade Storm!"

Rita's attacks became faster and faster, and finally she held the scythe in front of her, then spun at high speed and released Honkai energy.

A tornado carrying Honkai energy sword light appeared next to everyone, emitting abnormal gravity, sucking the undead into it, and then cut it into powder.

"It's close——"

Under the cover of Rita's ability to clear monsters, Hollandel quickly rushed to the Scorpion Emperor. , stabbing the opponent with the black abyss white flower in his hand.

The Black Abyss White Flower has the ability to decompose, but whether you are matter or energy, as long as your level is not higher than it, it will be decomposed into molecules in an instant.

Youlandel's attack was not concealed from the Scorpion Emperor. The opponent who had suffered a loss did not choose to use scorpion pincers to resist, and directly summoned a group of soldiers made of sand to stand in front of him.

The sand soldier is a dead creature, so he naturally has no fear. He stood in front of the Scorpion Emperor and ignored the attack of the black abyss white flower. He stabbed out the sand spear in his hand, saying, "You stab me once, and I will stab you back." 'the meaning of.

"it's useless--"

However, any sand soldiers that stood in front of the Black Abyss White Flower were decomposed into nothingness the moment they were touched by the Black Abyss White Flower, and they did not play any blocking role at all.

Facing the unstoppable black abyss and white flowers, the Scorpion Emperor took a very scrupulous look, and felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he had thought about it and summoned his younger brother to block the knife, instead of just using his hands to attack it as he did before. Of course, the weapon in the opponent's hand should have the ability to ignore all defenses.

The Forbidden Wall!

As one of the favorite toys of Anubis, the god of death, especially in the Courtyard of the Gods, the Scorpion Emperor is extremely powerful. In addition to summoning endless undead legions, he also has the power to control the earth in the desert.

Suddenly, the sand under the Scorpion Emperor's feet seemed to come to life, and then formed a defensive wall of sand in front of Youlandel, and then withdrew towards the surrounding areas.

The Black Abyss White Flower can indeed ignore all defenses, but the gun-wielding Hollander cannot, and the Scorpion Emperor's move of sand wave wall is to drive the gun-wielding Hollander away, unless Youlan Del can break down the tsunami-like waves of sand in an instant, otherwise she would have to be pushed out by the sand.

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