After suffering two losses, the Scorpion Emperor fought very wretchedly in the next battle. With his ability to manipulate sand, once he found Theresa and others approaching or attacking him from a distance, he used the absolute defense formed by the sand to resist them. Come down, or push away the people who are approaching, it seems that they just want to hold on and let the army of hundreds of thousands of undead consume everyone.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword——"

Xiao Hei, who had been staying with Grandpa Mo Yi to protect the four Ou Kangs who had no fighting ability, projected a bow and spiral sword, and then shot it at the Scorpion Emperor in the distance.

At this moment, the Scorpion Emperor was dealing with the siege of four people including Landel, Yae Sakura, Raiden Mei and Cecilia. However, the opponent relied on the home field advantage and the endless sand was at his disposal. It was simply cheating. Same thing, especially when the opponent puts most of their energy on defense. If something goes wrong, they will just use huge waves of sand to clear the area and push everyone away. It's as disgusting as a hedgehog.

At this time, Xiao Hei, an archer who inherited the red A ability of the melee archer, suddenly fired a powerful sniper shot at him. It was obvious that the blind spot was unknown, but the sand under the opponent's feet seemed to have its own consciousness. When the spiral sword was about to When he shot the opponent in the back, a wall of sand automatically appeared on the ground, blocking the pseudo-spiral sword.

Even though Xiao Hei immediately detonated his bow and arrow, most of the damage was still blocked by the opponent's sand barrier. This damage was nothing to the Scorpion Emperor who had become a monster and would heal automatically after a few minutes.

"Onii-chan, do you need my help?"

Little Abi has always stayed with Grandpa Mo Yi to protect the four of Ou Kang. Of course, the real reason is that Grandpa Mo Yi told the other party not to take action. After all, Abigail, who inherited the power of bubbles, is extremely powerful and easy to Injury to teammates.

Little Abi felt a little embarrassed when he saw others beating him, but only himself.

"Not yet, they need your protection, Abi—"

Grandpa Mo Yi swung his sword and wiped out all the undead that came up again. He put his left hand on Abi's head, rubbed it twice, and coaxed:

"This is a difficult task, but I believe you can do it well, Abi."


After taking a shot to kill, Abi was immediately coaxed and continued to stay beside O'Connell and others to protect them. If any undead rushed over, he would summon countless colored beams to dissolve them.

As for the tentacle attack, why didn't he use it just because Grandpa Mo Yi ordered it.

Otherwise, the enemy did not kill Ou Kang and the others, but first they became mad because of seeing the projection of the evil god summoned by Abi.

"In about ten seconds, I will transfer you and the Scorpion Emperor to another space. You don't need to panic-"

Feeling that the time was almost up, and if everyone continued to row in the water and everyone might be running out of energy, Grandpa Mo Yi used telepathy and said in everyone's minds.

After giving everyone ten seconds to mentally prepare, Grandpa Mo Yi snapped his fingers - snap!

Afterwards, all the friends and the Scorpion Emperor, who was still driving around, disappeared in the desert in an instant, leaving only Grandpa Mo Yi and countless undead legions.

Undead: "??"

Where is our emperor? Why did you suddenly disappear?

These undead are all the former subjects of the Scorpion Emperor, or are the undead souls who were killed and cursed by him. They can only survive because of the existence of the Scorpion Emperor. Once the Scorpion Emperor dies, they will also return to hell. Because of this, he is very sensitive to the scent of the Scorpion Emperor.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi was not in the mood to explain to a group of skeletons what happened, and then snapped his fingers - bang.

Immediately, starting from Grandpa Mo Yi, the undead souls approaching him suddenly floated away in the wind. After a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of undead souls just disappeared.

Fuyuki snapped his fingers, it was so terrifying!

————The dividing line of the end——————

The space where everyone was moved was the 'City in the Sky' that Grandpa Mo Yi created before.

Because of Grandpa Mo Yi's warning beforehand, everyone was not confused like the Scorpion Emperor when he was suddenly transferred to a strange world.

Even, everyone took advantage of the opponent's confusion and attacked together.

"The world's most adorable punch!"

Teresa jumped up high, dragged the huge Judas, and struck at the Scorpion Emperor who was stunned.

The Scorpion Emperor subconsciously manipulated the sand to resist Teresa's attack, but this was Grandpa Mo Yi's world, and there were still bricks and stones underground, so there was sand for him to control.

As the saying goes, if you hesitate, you will lose!

At this moment of hesitation, the Scorpion Emperor was immediately hit by the most adorable blow in the world. In desperation, he could only use his pair of pincers to block it, but Teresa's blow, which was launched with all her strength, was more than a pound of force. Break his scorpion pincers and then hammer them away.

Looking at the Scorpion King flying backwards, the friends would never let go of such a good opportunity, and they all used their most powerful long-range attacks.

Just like when Ultraman kills little monsters, he relies on the Specium Ray. Well, he crosses his hands and releases lasers, which makes the little monster explode on the spot.

Everyone probably had the same idea. When the opponent was knocked unconscious by Theresa's hammer, they took the opportunity to use a big move to finish the opponent off.

"Multiple Duo Saturation Bombardment——"

"Pseudo Spiral Sword——"

"Crimson Hell——"

"Electromagnetic gun——"


Countless ultimate moves struck the Scorpion Emperor in an instant as he stood up from the ground before he woke up.


The Scorpion Emperor, who was hit by countless ultimate moves, exploded on the spot like a little monster, without even having time to say "I will be back."

"it is finally over."

The four O'Connells, who were moved to a safe distance, finally breathed a sigh of relief after watching the Scorpion Emperor being hit by everyone's ultimate moves and exploding to the ground, with not even a single part left. They hugged and cheered excitedly.

Although they have always been just making excuses and shouting 666 from the side, as ordinary people, having the courage to shout 666 from the side is something that can be boasted about for decades, isn't it?

Chapter 527: Mo Mo: I am not a lolicon

The Scorpion Emperor, who was transferred to the world created by Mo Yi, naturally lost the blessing of the Lord God's Courtyard. If he were still in the desert, the God of Death Anubis would always have his eyes on him, even if he was ignored by everyone. Even if it explodes on the spot, it will be resurrected under the power of Anubis.

But now, the Scorpion Emperor, who was hit by many big moves, is really in trouble.

In the desert, after Grandpa Mo Yi wiped out the undead army, the scorching sun suddenly dimmed. In just a few seconds, it turned from day to night, and then an uncomfortable energy condensed around him.

"Death is the destination of all things——"

A hoarse, extremely unpleasant voice sounded in Grandpa Mo Yi's ears.

"Human, did you lose my toy?"

The black energy condensed into a huge money wolf head in front of Grandpa Mo Yi. The other party was obviously roaring, but the roar was automatically transformed into understandable meaning in Grandpa Mo Yi's heart.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi felt the anger in the other party's roar, as if he had been licking a dog for ten thousand years and finally licked the goddess who had been waiting for ten years, only to become the father of his child six months later.


Grandpa Mo Yi has no fluctuations in the other party's telepathy. It is fine against ordinary people. If it is used to scare Grandpa Mo Yi, it can only be said that the other party is thinking too beautifully.

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