Grandpa Mo Yi also quickly guessed the other party's identity from his dog-headed appearance, and then used the same telepathy method to transmit his words to the other party's ears.


Anubis, the god of death, was a little surprised, firstly because of Grandpa Mo Yi's telepathy, and secondly because he instantly guessed his identity.

From Grandpa Mo Yi's skin color and facial features, he could easily tell that the other person was not from Egypt, so it was naturally impossible for him to know ancient Egyptian mythology.

"Interesting human—"

"You have successfully attracted my attention."

After all, there are all kinds of mysterious powers in this world, especially in the era when gods were still walking on the earth. The number and power of magicians cannot be compared to modern times when the mystery has faded.

Anubis has seen a lot of magicians and so on. Well, there are also countless magicians who were played by him and finally took away their souls and became his collection.

When he met Grandpa Mo Yi, who could communicate with him telepathically, he didn't panic at all. He never thought about the possibility of overturning. The mystery of the magician and the mystery of the gods are two dimensions of existence. A flying dragon rides on a dragon. How could it lose if the opponent's magic attack would not break its defense?

It originally wanted to come out and crush the bugs that dared to damage the toy Scorpion Emperor it used to kill time, but it didn't expect to meet a magician, especially after Grandpa Mo Yi guessed his identity, he didn't panic. Make it more interesting.

Anubis suddenly thought of countless interesting ways to torment Grandpa Mo Yi's soul, such as playing a betting game with Grandpa Mo Yi, and if he didn't lose once, he would have to pay the most precious thing.

In just a few seconds, Anubis had already imagined the happy scene of Grandpa Mo Yi losing his red eye, with his facial features distorted, despair mixed with a bit of expectation, and finally, even his soul lost to it.

The other party is not a beautiful goddess. Naturally, Grandpa Mo Yi has no interest in using clairvoyance to read the other party's thoughts. If Grandpa Mo Yi knows so much about this kobold's inner drama, he probably has no idea of ​​​​saying a few words and just kills 9999. Send the other person back to his hometown in the underworld.

"I'm sorry, Chouji—"

After feeling that the Scorpion Emperor was beaten to death by the crowd, Grandpa Mo Yi did not want to get involved with him anymore. Anubis was a super version for Theresa and others, and it was not a monster that they could get rid of. Naturally, there was no such thing. The value left behind.

Especially the condescending tone of the other party made Grandpa Mo Yi even more unhappy. A mere doghead dared to show off in front of Grandpa Mo Yi. This was simply asking for death!

Seeing that Anubis was about to say something, Grandpa Mo Yi directly rejected him, and then pulled out the golden sword on the ground. The golden sword held high suddenly turned into a huge lightsaber that shot straight to the top of the clouds. Cut off the dog's head!

From the time the lightsaber appeared to when it was struck down, there was not even two seconds. When Anubis, the god of death, was still sighing, "This kid is so terrifying," the lightsaber was about to strike down on its dog's head, and there was no time to dodge. .

In desperation, Anubis, the god of death, only had time to gather his power to block his head.

It's a pity that since Grandpa Mo Yi doesn't want to fight with the other party, he naturally won't hold back. Under the light sword that can cut through the sky, Anubis's weak divine defense is in vain and has no use at all. The lightsaber is like this Spread Anubis's fearful and shocked dog head in half, and then burn it into nothingness.

"The villain dies with words——"

Mo Yi complained and put away the golden sword. As for the question of what Anubis wanted to say before he stopped talking, it has become a mystery.

After solving the problem of what Anubis said before his death, Grandpa Mo Yi opened the door to the world of 'Sky City' and summoned his friends back.


Their eyes lit up, and everyone who suddenly returned to the desert environment was ready for battle to deal with the countless undead legions.

Then they discovered that they were overthinking it.

Theresa and the others did not doubt Grandpa Mo Yi's ability. The other party had already given them too many surprises. Not surprisingly, the other party was the strongest in the team, but he also liked paddling the most.

But no matter how powerful they were, they never thought that the other party would destroy the undead army that used one hundred thousand as a unit of measurement in less than five minutes.

Even if the other party stood there without resisting and allowed them to chop, they wouldn't be able to do it until they were weak.

But it turned out that they still underestimated Mo.

Of course, there is also a possibility that when the Scorpion Emperor was defeated by them, the undead army also disappeared.

"Isn't this too exaggerated?!"

However, everyone's attention has shifted from the disappearing undead army to the endless tunnel that Grandpa Mo Yi's lightsaber slashed into the desert and burned across the front of them.

"So hot!"

Looking at the surface of the tunnel, the glass-like surface burned due to the high temperature, and the colorful scene in the sun, Kiana stretched out her hand and touched it a little, but she was burned by the high temperature and retracted. She quickly shouted with her fingers and complained. road:

"Mo Yi, no, uncle, if I get bullied from now on, it's up to you to help my poor, helpless and edible niece."

————My dog ​​head (desert god of death) is so strong that he has no friends——————

Immorton, La Er's grandmother, the Scorpion Emperor, and even Grandpa Mo Yi only knew that Anubis, the final boss who had appeared, had all been taken away. The trouble caused by the O'Connell quartet was considered All solved.

So everyone returned to the Theresa, which was equipped with central air conditioning, and enjoyed the comfortable life on board.

Well, as the saying goes, after passing the dungeon, there must be a short celebration party (daily).

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't hesitate and took out a lot of precious ingredients from his pocket, preparing to treat everyone to a feast full of golden light, explosive clothes and a certain medicine.

After solving the Scorpion Emperor and once again successfully saving the world, O'Connell and Evelin were naturally very happy, but soon, they remembered a very important question, that is, how should they leave this desert!

Previously, they were in a certain lake, waiting for the moment the sun set, then jumped into the water and came to this desert.

At first, this place used to be just a lost and mysterious place. As long as you kept walking, you could always leave. Then I learned from Theresa and others that this place was no longer their world.

To put it nicely, they are adventurers, but to put it worse, they are just ordinary people who relied on the aura of pig feet to survive. They are lucky to be here. There is really no way to let them leave!

They originally jumped into the lake, but there was desert everywhere here. How could there be a lake for them to jump into?

After thinking of this, the four Ou Kangs looked confused and confused. In the end, they could only ask the big guys here. The best target was naturally Grandpa Mo Yi, who exuded the aura of the master of the harem.


Evelin pulled Ou Kang, who wanted to ask Grandpa Mo Yi for help, and whispered:

"Although Mr. Mo Yi is the most likely to be able to help us, it's too abrupt for you to ask like this. Besides, it's not like you don't know Mr. Mo Yi's character."


Although it didn't last long, Ou Kang and the others were deeply aware of Grandpa Mo Yi's evil personality that likes to deceive others. Ou Kang said helplessly:

"No matter how hard you try, you have to go -"

"This is the only way we can go back."

"Don't worry-"

Evelin said angrily:

"You men know how to go straight. We can find others to help us ask."

"Pillow style, do you understand?!"

Only then did Ou Kang realize that there was another way.

"Then who to look for?"

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