It was no different from what Grandpa Mo Yi had guessed. The other party really wanted to find Wang Xiang who had disappeared and returned to the underworld.

The method was to dig out the thousand-year artifacts and divine cards buried under the collapsed ruins. Under the guidance of the thousand-year building blocks, he successfully opened the door to the underworld. After explaining everything, he took his own equipment and faced a new adventure.

Unexpectedly, when he walked through the gate, he did not see the scene he imagined in the underworld, but an endless desert. Even though he stopped for supplies, he still could not get out of the desert after walking for more than a week.

After consuming the supplies, he fainted and fell to the ground.

Well, this experience is similar to what Grandpa Mo Yi imagined, so what else can I say?

I can only say that President, you really risked your life just to play cards.

I think so, but I can't say it. Unlike a happy-go-lucky person like Kiana, the president has such a proud character that I can't complain about it.

Grandpa Mo Yi could only praise the other party for being so brave and decisive and a true adventurer.

In other words, it sounds silly and bold.

After briefly chatting about their respective experiences, Grandpa Mo Yi mentioned:

"Mr. Kaiba, what are your plans next?"

Although Grandpa Mo Yi doesn't mind giving him a lift, he can't waste their time accompanying him to find his lost wife, right?

President Haima also heard the implication of Grandpa Mo Yi's words, and did not feel angry or anything like it. Although he was a domineering president, he was still very different from Long Aotian.

The domineering president only acts in a domineering manner, but he still knows the truth, he just wants to follow it or not. But if it were Long Aotian, in this situation, his inner feeling would be -

Huh, isn't this hidden meaning that you want to drive me away? What's so great! Today is thirty years from Hedong and thirty years from Hexi. Don’t bully young people into poverty. If you look down on me today and don’t kneel down and lick me, you will be rewarded in the future!

As for other people's kindness to him, he probably takes it for granted, but he writes down every little thing in a small notebook in his heart, and uses it to spur himself all day long as a source of hard work.

"Mr. Mo Yi, you said your target is the light tower in the distance——"

President Kaiba took out the Millennium Brick from his arms and explained:

"When I came to this desert, the Millennium Building Blocks have been guiding me in the direction of progress. If nothing unexpected happens, my destination should also be that light tower."

"I may have to interrupt you again, Mr. Mo Yi."

When you change your skin to a thicker one, you still have to be thicker, otherwise you will be driven away, and President Kaiba will have to continue hiking in the desert. You will not be so lucky this time, and you will be picked up again.

The president's little thoughts can't be hidden from Grandpa Mo Yi, but he doesn't care, as long as the other party doesn't cause any trouble on the Theresa.

If possible, Grandpa Mo Yi would be very interested in meeting his idol in his previous life, the original pharaoh Muto Yugi (Wang Yi) who forced the nameless king. It would be better if he could play cards with him.

"It doesn't matter--"

Grandpa Mo Yi waved his hand, and as the leader, he agreed to the president's temporary boarding of the ship.

"With more people, the journey might be more interesting."

At this time, a fierce duel was going on on the deck——

Theresa and Illya competed for the title of 'who is the cutest in the world', putting their own dignity on the line and engaging in an extremely fierce card game!

Chapter 532: Theresa VS Illya

Grandpa Mo Yi is a relatively good talker, but the president is not. Besides, the two men with different personalities really have nothing to talk about, and the atmosphere gradually becomes awkward.

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi and the president didn't seem to care, but Lei Dian Meiyi, who was clearing away the dishes, couldn't stand it anymore and suggested with a smile:

"Kiana and the others are playing monster duel outside. If you are bored, you can go up and have a look-"

"It's good to go out and get some air."


Grandpa Mo Yi thinks this is okay, it is much more interesting than sitting here with the president.

"Then I'll leave this place to you, Mei."

When they first got along with each other, Grandpa Mo Yi was Lei Dian Mei's junior sister, or junior sister, but now that they are familiar with each other, he is still 'Mea Yi'.

I'm used to the Chinese way of calling people by their full names or first names, but I still feel uncomfortable calling people by their last names like those in District 11. Especially Raiden Mei's last name is 'Thunder', which makes people mistake her for Professor Raiden Dharma King Sheep.


Raiden Meiyi, who was wearing an apron and putting away the dishes and chopsticks, smiled nonchalantly:

"And Miss Rita is here to help."

Rita likes to dress up as a maid. Although the scythe in her hand is so cruel during a fight that it will be cut into pieces within three meters, her daily life is really full of maid skills. It can be said that he can leave the hall, enter the kitchen, and even go to the battlefield.

Of course, during these days, she mainly circled around Theresa, followed by Ilia, Xiao Hei and Xiao Abi, but she did not show the slightest bored look, instead she was happy all day long. Perverted smile.

It can only be said that a pseudo-lolicon like Grandpa Mo Yi is like a younger brother in front of such a professional lolicon.

——————Go to the dividing line of the deck————

At the invitation of Grandpa Mo Yi, the president, who had nothing to do, had no choice but to follow him up to the deck to watch others play cards. It was more interesting than having an awkward chat with another man.

When the two of them walked out on the deck, a monster duel was going on on the ship. It was the duel between Theresa and Illya over "who is cuter".

As for the battle between Kiana and Bronya, it has ended long ago.

Even though Kiana's deck contains very powerful rare cards, Bronya is a player with a super high IQ. Giving her some tools to build a Gundam by herself is not a problem. Under the calculation and infinite chain, the Herrscher of the Sky Luhuana, whom Kiana finally summoned, was overturned to the ground by the Herrscher of Reason Motorcycle duck summoned by Bronya.

Once upon a time, Yae Sakura in Yae Village became famous all over the world as soon as she appeared. Until Lu Huana came out, Yae Sakura could only scream.

However, who can always dominate?

When the beautiful girl, a motorcycle, a mecha, a drill, a cannon, a laser, a missile, and all the men's romantic combination, the Herrscher of Reason, Motor Duck, appeared on the stage, the Queen could only watch the Motor Duck in Yae together with Ying Ying Ying. The village raced wantonly.

After the two ended their duel, they gave the not-so-large deck to Theresa and Illya.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Grandpa Mo Yi saw Theresa and Ilia standing opposite each other, both carrying a duel plate in a style that didn't match them in their right hands, and the expressions on their faces were the same as during the final exam. Seriously, Grandpa Mo Yi thought to himself after seeing this: "Interesting woman——"

President Kaiba, who walked out immediately, had a different attention than Grandpa Mo Yi. He first discovered that the Duel Ping in the hands of Theresa and Illya had been realized virtually through the Duel Disk. The realism was no better than that of Grandpa Mo Yi. The system he developed was poor.

My heart suddenly warmed up. Since people from other worlds like Grandpa Mo Yi have such skills, doesn't it mean that card games are also very popular in their world?

Otherwise, there would be no such transferred equipment.

After looking at the hard drive equipment, he turned his attention to Theresa and Illya.

At this moment, Theresa and Illya both had less than 1,000 health points left, and they entered the blood-locked state. It was obvious that the winner was about to be decided.

Field leader Teresa's monster is Teresa and Yuexiachuhu with an attack power of 3500 points, while Illya's monster on the field is the magical girl Illya with an attack power of only 2500 points. As far as the situation is clear, it is Germany. Lisa takes advantage.

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