Of course, the president didn't pay attention to this. What really concerned him was that the monsters on Theresa and Illya's field all looked like their pigeons!

What the hell is this? ! Is it true that in this world, private card manufacturing is popular? If everyone just prints their own cards as invincible cards, then what else is there to do?

"Calm down——"

Although President Kaiba wanted to complain, he was unfamiliar with the place, so he had to suppress the doubts in his heart and look at the field calmly, maintaining a cold and cool demeanor.

"it's useless--"

Teresa covered one eye without any knowledge and showed the classic POS of the evil king's true eye, and said with a proud smile:

"I, who was embraced for the first time under the moon, have 3500 attack points, and can ignore all magic, traps and monster cards. No matter what effect your magical girl uses, it will be in vain due to her absolute strength!"

After seeing clearly the situation on the field, President Kaiba couldn't help but nod secretly. The monster on Theresa's field looked very cute, not hard-core or ferocious at all. It was indeed very powerful. In terms of attack power, it was better than him. My wife's Blue Eyes White Dragon is 500 points higher, and even has effect resistance comparable to that of the Three Illusion Gods. This is basically the category of a God card!

As for the monster on Illya's field created in the pattern of the opponent, the attack power is really far behind, a full 1,000 difference. In addition, the opponent does not take the effect, so you can only defeat the opponent by increasing your own attack power. .

If it were the president who played on his own, I can't say he would be able to handle it, unless there was a wave of magic draws, and he just happened to draw the right card to complete the chain kill.

However, the president didn't know that Theresa and Illya's decks were all made by Grandpa Mo Yi last night. How many bug-level cards were in them? The Moon's First Embrace that Theresa summoned at this moment· Theresa is not a trump card yet, and Illya's horse-monkey soju-themed deck also hides several possibilities for a comeback.


Of course, Illya can't be cowardly. The other party is obviously a 47-year-old aunt, and she dares to snatch her own pet Baymax. She can't bear it for a long time!

The reason why Illya, who has such a good temper and can complain like crazy at most, and Theresa's argument about 'who is cuter' was just a trigger.

Fighting and scolding are impossible. Illya and Theresa are both respectable people. How could they behave like children?

Isn't the duel between monsters that just appeared the most suitable way to decide?

"How can an adult like Aunt Theresa understand that Mahou Soju is synonymous with miracles——"

"As long as you have hope, you can seize the last hope!"

Teresa: "..."

How dare you say that this girl doesn't understand Mahou soju? Theresa can't bear it!

She is just a 47-year-old girl. How old is she? Why can’t she become a magical girl?

I don’t know if playing cards has the power to activate the chuuni soul hidden in the heart of the card player. First, Theresa transformed into the True Eye of the Evil King, and then Illya maintained a handsome posture of drawing cards while saying that she was very handsome. Another hit line.

"Draw a card——"

Illya forcefully pulled out the cards from the deck, and when she turned around to take a look, her serious face immediately relaxed. It was obvious that she had drawn a good card.

"Theresa, let me show you the true power of a magical girl next!"

"I am here to summon the four-star monster Kaleidoscope Wand Sapphire——"

Originally, the magical girl Illya has the ability to search, but Theresa's First Embrace of the Moon has the ability to block the opponent's monster effect. Otherwise, Illya would have activated the effect long ago and extracted the class of the Silly Hair King from the deck. Ka, give Teresa a curry stick.

Despite the arrogant look on her face just now, she was still very nervous, otherwise she wouldn't have put her finger on the deck, and she hadn't drawn a card for so long.

"Activate the ability of the Kaleidoscope Wand Sapphire and equip it on Magical Girl Illya. This will allow Magical Girl Illya to enter the 'Star Girl Illya' mode!"

Following Illya's words, Illya on the field suddenly emitted a burst of holy light after getting the ruby ​​sapphire. With the twinkling stars, Illya put on a more gorgeous and mature magical girl dress, and her whole body exuded dazzling light.

"So what?"

Looking at Illya radiating dazzling light in the sky, Theresa said harshly:

"Magical girls can't become stronger just by changing their clothes. It's such a superficial thing!"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was watching the show on the side, complained in his heart:

"Who says it's not?! Not to mention Mahou Soju, even the Valkyrie has a new set of clothes and a different hairstyle. Even if she is a new character, she can still get a lot of money!"

"It's a very simple truth. If you don't change into a cool new set of clothes and play an explosive BGM after you practice and upgrade, how can others tell that you have indeed upgraded?"

"Take a good look at the attack power of the Star Girls——"

Illya said proudly:

"Even if the special effects of Star Girl Illya are ineffective against you, the attack power alone will be increased to 3500 points."

Theresa continued to speak harshly:

"so what?"

"The first embrace under the moon is just my weakest mode, Theresa!"

In fact, before last night, Theresa had no idea that she had so many modes in other parallel worlds. The Valkyrie armor she usually wore was either the 'Oath' or the 'Execution Suit·Aster'.

Because of this, she sneaked into Grandpa Mo Yi's room last night, asked for details, chatted until they were tired, and took a nap together.

"I use Star Girl Illya to attack Theresa, the First Embrace of the Moon——"

Illya, who had been bullied by the opponent's Yuexia Chuyong who ignored all effects and had high attack power, could finally take a breath and call out the name of the special move handsomely——

"Multiplex saturation bombardment!"

“Who is afraid of whom——”

Teresa also called out the name of Yuexiachuyu's special move——

"Nirvana: Feast of the Dead!"

So Teresa, the First Advocate under the Moon on the field, held a huge bloody axe, and jumped up towards the star girl Ilia who was spraying starlight magic cannons in the air, ignoring the starlight washing her body, her blood-red eyes only saw the sky. Floating Mahou Soju!

Although the result of the battle between monsters with the same attack power is to be sent to the graveyard at the same time according to the rules, the two of them did not seem to have thought of this. They yelled at each other to cheer themselves up on the field. It seemed that who shouted more powerfully and who It looks like you can win.

However, in the end, Theresa's big ax hit Illya in the air and broke her into pieces. Then her body, which could not hold up long ago, also turned into pieces, and they both disappeared into the air.


After watching herself disappear in the sky, Theresa had the illusion of feeling the same thing, as if she was the one who perished with the other person.

"My turn isn't over yet—"

After seeing the magical girl herself disappear, Illya felt equally uncomfortable, but she quickly cheered up, put a card in her hand on the duel plate, and said:

"When Illya series monsters are sent to the graveyard, I can special summon the monster card 'Partner of Justice - Heroic Spirit Emiya (Red A)' from my hand!"

Then, a white-haired man wearing red and black tights appeared on the field.

Red A finally managed to coax his boss, and was about to go back to Avalon to find King Da Mao for a date. As soon as he entered Avalon, he came here as soon as the light changed.

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