"What the hell is it this time?!"

After all, Red A is a man who has experienced many battles, so he did not panic too much. Then a stream of relevant information was transmitted to his brain. It turned out that he was now being pulled into a game called Monster Duel. However, unlike the Holy Grail War, he He just came here temporarily as in a dream, and he didn't need to fight. He just had to obey the orders.

Red A suddenly felt something bad. He first looked back to see who had summoned him to come out to make soy sauce.


An acquaintance, my sister Ilia!

Okay, it’s unexpected, but it’s reasonable. Ilia in this world looks so young?

No, even if he was summoned by his sister, he shouldn't be so uneasy. He thought that when he was summoned by Tohsaka Rin, he had to fight with a bunch of idiots, such as the immortal Uncle B, the mythical demon Medusa, and his stupid wife. Wang, the lifelong Kiwang-chan, the foul-mouthed knight Jin Pika, etc., have never felt so uneasy!


Soon, Red A saw Grandpa Mo Yi watching a show next to him.

Sure enough, it's you who's such a charlatan! !

My sister looks so stupid and doesn't seem to know that she is the real person, so I know that this matter was probably not caused by Illya. Then there is only one truth!

Feeling the complex look Red A was looking at him, Grandpa Mo Yi was also a little surprised. Most of the duel disks summoned by this monster duel produced a welcome, but only a very few people could summon their own guardian spirits.

Obviously, this red A is one of Illya's guardian elves.

When meeting an old friend, Grandpa Mo Yi gave him a kind smile.

Of course, in Red A's eyes, this harmonious smile suddenly turned into an insidious and evil smile. The other party must be thinking of how to trick him again!

"End turn—"

After seeing Illya suddenly summoning another high-level monster, but there were no duel monsters on her field, and there were no cards in her hand that could turn defeat into victory, Theresa panicked, as she seemed to be losing!

I can only wait until the next time I draw a card!

After pulling out the card with force, Theresa glanced at the portrait of the majestic blond man who always seemed to be staring at the distance on the card, and her mood suddenly became complicated.

Chapter 533: Master Lutuo: My Kallen! !


The monster card Theresa drew was the most powerful monster card in her deck, but she did not want to use it in the first place, Archbishop Otto Apokalis.

Teresa's life began because of him, but also because he understood freedom, unwillingness and struggle, and realized why her true self exists.

Because she was dissatisfied with the other party, Theresa chose to stay away from the other party and escape from the other party's control.

Like a rebellious child, grateful but dissatisfied with the other person, holding such contradictory feelings.

But even so, when Theresa needs help, Master Lutuo rarely refuses. Just like in the duel game at this moment, feeling Theresa's desire for victory, Master Luto appears in Theresa's hands. .

There is no doubt that Theresa's card drawing is exactly Muto Yugi's famous stunt, Destiny Card Drawing, commonly known as the God Drawing!

No matter how complicated her heart was, Teresa held the card that symbolized Lord Lituo tightly, and her expression soon seemed to calm down. Only those who are familiar with her can see the turbulent reflection under her blue pupils. mood.

"I'm sorry, Illya-"

Theresa pressed the monster card in her hand onto the card slot and said:

"I already have victory in my hands, so I want to win this game!"

"When there are monster cards with the words 'Karen Kaslana' and 'Teresa' in the graveyard, and there are no monsters on the field, you can special summon this monster card from your hand. 'O Tor Apocalypse'!"

"Come out, grandpa!"

Then, Mr. Lutuo, dressed in British style, appeared on the field.

"Grandpa's original attack power is based on the total attack power of the monster cards with the 'Destiny' attribute in the graveyard——"

"There are four destiny monster cards in my graveyard. The first one is Valkyrie Rita, which has an attack power of 2700 points. The second one is Kallen Kaslana, which has an attack power of 3000 points. The second one is Oath Delly. Sha, the attack power is 2500 points, and the fourth one, Teresa, the First Embrace under the Moon, has an attack power of 3500 points——"

"So, Archbishop Otto's attack power at this moment is 11,700 points!"

As Theresa explained, the dull eyes of the summoned Lord Luto gradually became clear.

He was in the room, thinking about how to resurrect Kallen. Maybe he was a little tired from thinking, so he fell asleep all of a sudden, and then suddenly came here.

There are always people trying to kill me!

However, like Red A, he was a man who had seen countless big scenes, and when he was summoned for the first time, he did not show any panic.

Soon, the relevant information appeared in his mind. After hearing Theresa's explanation, Lord Lutuo quietly glanced back and confirmed that it was indeed Theresa who had been missing for many days. I felt relieved.

Well, I should say that I am very happy that I finally found my precious granddaughter.


Lord Luto's voice sounded in Theresa's ears.


Theresa was shocked, what the hell is this!

Shouldn't the grandfather he summoned just be a virtual image? Why are you talking to yourself? Is it a fixed dialogue design?

She thought so, but Teresa still had an extremely desperate desire to survive and shouted tentatively:

"Grandpa? Are you serious?"

"You can also say that I am probably in a dream now, and then due to unknown factors, I appear in front of you through this game called Monster Duel."

After all, it was Lord Lutuo, the chief scientist of Tianming, who quickly deduced the greatest possibility from the current information.

"For me, it is a dream, but for you, it is reality. Illusion and reality often do not need to be distinguished clearly."

"No matter what, I'm happy to see Theresa again."

Theresa thought to herself: But I'm not happy at all. Why would I meet the person she least wants to see right now just by playing a game?

Then, Theresa, who didn't want to give up the treatment, turned to look at Grandpa Mo Yi, with a silent accusation in her eyes, praying for Grandpa Mo Yi's answer, hoping that the other party would tell him that this was an easter egg and it was all fake!


Grandpa Mo Yi avoided Theresa's resentful gaze and explained on the spot seriously:

"Only the best duelists who are favored by fate can summon their own guardian spirits——"

"And guardian elves do exist, but they may not necessarily be in the same world. They may live in parallel worlds or even different worlds."

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