Therefore, after hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's positive answer, Mr. Lutuo fell silent instead, thinking about what conditions could be used to 100% impress the other party.

One is that resurrecting Kallen has been the only obsession that has supported him in living alone for 500 years. The other is that the person who uses magic is a magician, and magicians have always been people from the mysterious camp. As the saying goes, there is no need for anything if they have different beliefs. He said, just cut it up.

Of course, Mr. Lutuo is overthinking this time. Grandpa Mo Yi is no longer limited to men of one clan, village or camp. He is a magic association and other things. He was maxed out and cleared by Grandpa Mo Yi not long ago.

"I know Mr. Luto's goal is to resurrect Kallen Kaslana—"

Grandpa Mo Yi has no intention of playing tricks on the other party's little heart. He can indeed protect Theresa, escape from the hands of Lord Lutuo, and live the life he wants.

But in this way, Theresa must have a knot in her heart. Although Lord Luto is a bad person, he has been extremely kind to Theresa. Without him, Theresa cannot even appear in this world. He is said to be a grandfather, but in fact he is his parents. .

How can a marriage be happy without the blessing of parents?

It would be nice to have the best of both worlds.

Grandpa Mo Yi had already thought of a way to deal with Mr. Lu Tuo, which was to help him resurrect Kallen. As for Kallen's choice to resurrect Mr. Lu Tuo, who farmed alone and grew into a big devil, she should continue the relationship and choose The reincarnated vixen Yae Sakura is no longer a problem that Grandpa Mo Yi needs to consider.

After saying Kallen's name, Grandpa Mo Yi set his sights on Theresa. Master Lutuo, who was also a smart person, realized after a second that this was the other party's condition.

With Kallen, what else does the Archbishop need? Theresa, how can a Loli be as good as Royal Sister!

"no problem--."

Master Lutuo suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said with a smile:

"Teresa can make more friends, which is exactly what my grandfather wants to see."

After saying that, Grandpa Mo Yi and Mr. Lu Tuo laughed at the same time, and their eyes met——

With a look of confirmation, this is a happy PY transaction.

"Nice to meet Mr. Luto——"

"Our affairs can wait until the matter here is over and we can discuss it after we return to Fuyuki City. Mr. Midori is welcome to visit my home then."

"Let's continue this monster duel game now. Theresa and the others are getting impatient."

Teresa: "..."

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

I wish you, Mo Yi, could continue talking to Grandpa, so that the other party would not focus on me.

Following Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Mr. Lutuo finally made up his mind. His dream is right in front of him, and there is only a few steps left to achieve it!

Since Grandpa Mo Yi said this, Mr. Lutuo didn't say anything else. In fact, it would be better not to say anything. Doesn't it mean that there are no other changes?

For more than a minute, it was really exciting for Mr. Lutuo. First he saw the missing Theresa, then he saw the pig Grandpa Mo Yi who wanted to steal food, and then he met the most hated enemy in the past five hundred years. Yae Sakura meets the resurrected Cecilia again, and finally learns the way to resurrect Kallen. The ups and downs of this life are exciting to Zhenji. Fortunately, he is still in a dream, and there is no need to worry about excessive sorrow and joy, which will lead to stroke and hemiplegia. After all, he is over five hundred years old. As he gets older, his body is prone to problems.


Satisfied Midorito-sama no longer cares about Yae Sakura and Cecilia beside him, and focuses on the game duel.

End the duel quickly, so that you can return to reality, and then you can look for the holy relic suitable for summoning Kallen. Well, Mr. Luto, who has a serious look on his face, is thinking about what can be 100%. Summon Kallen with 100% guarantee——

Judah's oath? Karen wants the intimate clothes from back then? Or Karen's body?

Otherwise, I want them all!

Said seriously:

"Don't worry, with grandpa here, this game is safe!"

"Just use Grandpa to your heart's content!"

With Mr. Lutuo's words, the atmosphere at the scene finally became normal.

When Master Luto was summoned, and then showed corresponding wisdom and got to know everyone, the atmosphere became strange. Needless to say, Teresa had no intention of ordering her grandfather to continue playing cards.

And Ilya was similar. After knowing that the blond brother opposite was actually Theresa's grandfather, it was like going to an Internet cafe to play games with a friend, and then the friend's parents came to catch the friend and beat him and scold him. As a child, My partner’s accomplice, even if he’s gone, can’t just sit here and pretend not to know him, talk to my partner to plead with him, let alone talk to him.

After seeing that Master Lutuo did not punish her or call her back to the Tianming Headquarters, Theresa breathed a sigh of relief. The situation seemed to be different from what she had imagined.

How did Teresa know that she had been sold to Grandpa Mo Yi by Mr. Lu Tuo as a reward for resurrecting Kallen?

With Kallen's Lituo-sama, there is nothing to care about and nothing to be afraid of.

The mobile network cable at home exploded last night, and the signal just got restored. Sorry, everyone. .

Chapter 534: Illya: I’m going to start printing cards!

She had always been a little at a loss, just like Ilia who was caught by her parents playing games in an Internet cafe. She finally relaxed after seeing that Mr. Luto didn't seem to blame Theresa.

However, after seeing Theresa was able to summon the guardian spirit that Grandpa Mo Yi said could only be summoned by the best duelists, she couldn't help but feel envious and muttered:

"Why can't the brother I summoned speak?"

After going through a series of great adventures in "Magical Girl Illya", Illya naturally knew Red A who was summoned by her. In fact, he was also his brother Emiya Shirou. Well, his brother in the parallel world.

But summoning an exclusive talking elf is really cool and interesting.

"Sure enough, my brother is not some strange guy with white hair."

Red A: "···"

In the spirit of having more things to do than doing less, Red A wanted to pretend that he was just an ordinary obedient monster, and quickly beat up the opponent, or be beaten up by the opponent and go home, so that he could go to Avalon to find King Dumao to cook. Give each other something to eat.

It’s not like I haven’t seen Illya before. Just in the Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, he has seen countless Illyas with different personalities. Even the fourth one that Fite left tonight is legendary. A hidden result, the result of Yuan Zhi Kong (Illya’s finale as the heroine has also been played, what kind of Ilia has not seen!

But now, after being criticized by Ilia who was so sharp in her complaints, Red A felt that she couldn't bear it!

Looking back at Illya, he said helplessly:

"I don't want to have gray hair either—"

"Compared to those guys who need to become bald to become stronger, I just changed my hairstyle and it's already good, Illya."

Red A's white hair is caused by the erosion of magic. It is said that he turned white in order to become stronger. There is no problem.


Illya was startled by Red A's sudden turn around and complained. After all, someone was saying bad things behind their backs and was caught red-handed. A child like Illya who has not yet learned the thick-skinned ways of an adult, It must have been embarrassing.

"So you...Oni, you can talk!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It turns out that I am also one of the excellent duelists."

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