Red A: "···"

If you tell me earlier, how can I catch your little tail, Illya?

"Ahaha, I'll give it to you, Unnie. Theresa's grandfather looks very powerful, and his attack power is 11,700 points."


Red A did not expose Illya's cuteness. Although he did not want to show that he was self-aware at first, he also wanted to try his best to help Illya win, even if it was just an abnormal virtual game, and A game without substance.

After responding to Illya, when Red A turned back to look at Lord Green Tuo again, his lazy eyes changed. The momentum gained from protecting the world countless times and endless battles burst out in an instant, mixed with blue magic power. He rushed towards Mr. Midori who was watching the show with an indifferent smile on his face.

"Oh——, that's interesting."

Lord Luto is also the big boss of Destiny. Although he is a scientist type player, he still has the necessary fighting ability. Facing the momentum of Red A, he also bursts out with the momentum of a high-ranking person to fight against it.

"It turns out to be a heroic spirit, but I don't know that great hero?"

Although the words praised the birth of Red A, there was no corresponding admiration in the tone, and some were just plain, as if talking about a passerby.

"I can't bear the title of a great hero. I was just an unknown magician during my lifetime."

Red A, who had been around in Chaldea, did not dare to take over the fatal flag of 'Great Hero'. Although after many observations, he could already project the Noble Phantasm of 'Meteor Ichijo', which can be used as a late-stage hero. , but they believe in the concept of "if you keep at it, you will get output", it is impossible for this generation to self-destruct.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't say it. Anyway, this game is about our own true strength."

Lord Luto didn’t care about Red A’s identity, so he turned to Theresa and said:

"Theresa, your round isn't over yet, I'm ready."

On the other side, after receiving the words from Lord Luto, Theresa continued the game and said:

"Grandpa has the ability - Void Manzo, which can arbitrarily reproduce the magic cards and trap cards that have been activated in the duel between the two sides."

"Activate grandpa's ability to reproduce the magic card you once used, Illya: the class card Lancer!"

Void Manzo is also one of the Keys of the Thirteen Gods, a weapon made from the core of the Herrscher of Reason. It is normally a golden hexahedron and can be turned into a fluid. The God Key can copy weapons and props whose construction principles are understood by the user. The same is true for the God Key, but the copied God Key is far inferior to the real God Key. Inside is an almost infinitely extending knowledge space, which stores the knowledge of previous generations of civilization collected by the Herrscher of Reason. This knowledge is preserved along with the Herrscher's core along with the particularity of the Herrscher of Reason's abilities.

Simply put, as long as the user understands anything, it can be reproduced through Void Manzo, and its effect is somewhat similar to the shining golden treasure of the king.

Following Theresa's instructions, the ability of the Cu Chulainn class card that Ilia had used before appeared on Master Luto. With the ability of Void Manzo, Master Luto quickly mastered Wang Jiang's power. , and then reproduced the spear-level Cú Chulainn's Noble Phantasm, the Spear of Piercing Death Thorns, and held it in his hand.

"Then activate the ability to pierce the Death Thorn Spear, and the monster equipped with this magic card can ignore the opponent's monster barrier and attack the player directly!"

Theresa, who issued the attack command, felt that she was sure!

Lord Luto's attack power at this moment is a full 11,700 points. Not to mention that Illya only has less than 1,000 health points. Even if she has full health, she will be killed with one hit.

In addition, the opponent only has one summoned monster on the field, and there are no other ambush trap cards or magic cards. I asked Illya-chan how he could block this shot!

"The spear that pierces the death thorns of Cu Chulainn, the son of light in Ireland?"

Through the ability of Void Manzo, Lord Luto quickly mastered the secret of the red spear that appeared in his hand.

After this understanding and reappearance, Lutuo is confident that even if he returns to the real world, he can rely on his memory and the power of Void Manzo in the real world to recreate the spear that pierces the death thorn.

Of course, this is not his biggest gain. The biggest gain is that after analyzing the structure of the Noble Phantasm, he is confident that he can study the secret of the Noble Phantasm and even deduce the essence of the existence of the heroic spirit. This is an important power on the mysterious side!

This alone is enough to say that this trip is worth it! Of course, studying this matter is just his interest and convenience. After waking up, the most important thing is to resurrect Kallen.

Then think about how to greet the other person when you see them again, and then how to conquer the other person step by step, what you need to prepare for holding the world's largest wedding, what children will be born in the future, what names should be changed for boys, what names should be changed for girls, and... ··

Ahem, in short, a wise and scheming man like Mr. Luto, of course, likes to plan everything well and then implement it step by step.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Seeing his old rival Wang Jiang's spear that pierced the Death Thorn, Red A didn't know what to say. This bitch was really haunting. No matter which studio he went to, the other party would always jump out and fight against him. Even playing a game.

"Is that Cú Chulainn's Noble Phantasm? It's really annoying——"

"The spear that pierced the death thorn——"

Lord Luto called out the true name of the spear in his hand without any fireworks, and then threw it into the air. Then the spear, which was stained red with blood, seemed to be equipped with an automatic jet propeller. It first flew high into the sky, and then moved abnormally. Under the acceleration, it shot at Illya who was standing behind Red A.

"Ilia, hurry up and activate my ability——"

If it were a normal battle, Red A could naturally deal with the battle as he pleased, but now it was just a card strategy game, and his battle had to be conducted according to the basic laws. He could respond to what cards Illya played.


As Alaya's favorite, the true son of the type moon version, even after becoming a real card in Yu-Gi-Oh!, Red A still has its own special abilities. Naturally, it cannot be an attack with only 2500 points and no special effects. Weird!

Red A's ability is 'projection', which allows him to directly play magic cards and trap cards related to him from his hand and deck during his opponent's attack, or during his own turn.

Well, the ability is somewhat similar to that of Mr. Lu Tuo after he turned it into a real card. However, usually he is the one who copies others. In this game, it is Mr. Lu Tuo who comes to copy him. After all, the magic cards and trap cards he has used will be waiting for Mr. Lu Tuo. round, you can copy it.

When Red A sees his projection treasure being copied by Master Green Tutor through Void Manzo, he will probably understand why Jin Shining Shining was so unhappy with him in the first place and shouted:

Damn faker!

Shameless Green Shining, copying others' abilities at will without paying royalties! Please, can you be a human being?

At Red A's reminder, Illya came to her senses, quickly pulled out the card that could resolve the crisis from the deck, and then played it on the duel plate!

"Activate the magic card - Blazing Sky Covers Seven Rings!"

Blazing Sky Covered Seven Rings, Red A's only and most proud defensive treasure, is commonly known as the Chrysanthemum Shield. As long as the magic power is sufficient, it can theoretically exert the defensive power of seven ancient city walls.

"Durex, on——"

"Rho Aias!"

Queen A stood in front of Illya, stretched out her right hand, and projected a chrysanthemum shield.

If it were realistic, Red A should be able to withstand this blow in a somewhat embarrassed state, but this is a card game, and everything must be based on the effect of the card, otherwise he will really become the King of Mouth, whose mouth is it? Whoever is great is great.

Ilia, who was behind the red A, began to explain the effect of the magic card Blazing Sky Sevenfold Circle:

"This card can only be activated when there is a Heroic Spirit Emiya or Blackie on the field. As long as this card exists, it can withstand seven attacks from the opponent without damage."


After the chrysanthemum shield resisted, the spear that pierced the death thorn and the chrysanthemum shield were in a stalemate for a few seconds, then bounced back and returned to the hands of Mr. Green Sparkling Green Tuo.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~, you are really tenacious——"

Theresa looked very calm on the surface, but in fact she was very unhappy and roared, damn Illya, how could there be such a rogue card that could withstand seven times of damage from others.

After Theresa roared in her heart enough, she comforted herself and said: It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as the other party's magic cards have been used, her grandfather can copy them. Illya is just enriching her own choices of effects.

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