"But my turn is not over yet. I asked Grandpa to launch a normal attack on the righteous partner, Heroic Spirit Emiya!"

In fact, Mr. Lutuo is really not panic at all. The longer the time goes on, the more things he can copy from the village, just like the chrysanthemum summoned by Red A at this moment, he is very interested.

"Ten thousand treasures in the void, raining all the heavenly flowers!"

After hearing Theresa's order, Lord Luto unfolded the Void Manzo, and then countless golden ripples appeared behind him, and then the artifacts he had studied before appeared in the void.


Looking at such a familiar move scene - Chang Wei, you still said you don't know martial arts! As soon as I came in, I saw you hitting Laifu!

Ahem, Lu Tuo, you still said that you are not Lu Shining. As soon as you took action, I saw that this was clearly Jin Shining’s famous stunt, the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle!

At this time, Red A didn't want to complain about anything. First, it was Wang Jiang's sure-hit gun, and then it was Jin Pica's precious weapon, Xia Ji Ba Sha, Yu. He just came out to do a temporary job and pretended to be with his sister. Force her to fly, Wang Jiang and Jin Shining, do you two need to be so haunted?

"This is a collection of weapons that I have analyzed and studied over the years—"

Lord Luto snapped his fingers, and the weapons that appeared behind him turned into cannonballs and shot towards Red A.

"Hope you like it."

Red A: "···"

I like your sister! What I hate the most is you, a tycoon who uses his magic weapon to hit people!

Of course, Lord Luto's attack is gorgeous, but in this kind of card play, the gorgeous attack is just a normal attack, which is offset by Red A's seven-fold ring of blazing sky, which consumes a petal.

"Illya, how many times can your Blazing Seven-fold Circle withstand attacks? Grandpa has overwhelming attack power. Even if he has magic cards and trap cards that can reverse the situation, he will also be countered by Grandpa's ability. .”

Theresa smiled confidently:

"I'm sorry, I'm the cutest in the world, I'm sure!"

"Huh, it's still too early to say this now, Theresa!"

Illya, who felt extremely guilty, pretended to be calm, put her finger on the card deck, and said firmly:

"Baymax once said that as long as a true duelist hasn't lost yet, has hope in his heart, and consistently believes in his deck, his monster cards will return hope!"

"So, the real duel begins now -"

"Draw a card!"

Illya's finger on the deck suddenly felt an inexplicable rhythm!

Although she didn't know what the card in her hand was, was it a monster card, a magic card, or a trap card?

But she felt that the card in her hand was responding to her feelings!

"This is--"

President Kaiba, who had always been calm and just a happy theatergoer, could no longer remain calm, because these familiar and similar words, as well as the temperament exuding from Illya at the moment, followed him all the time, and must be defeated by him personally. The figure of the man seemed to appear behind Illya, and then gradually overlapped!


Grandpa Mo Yi, who had already seen through everything, smiled softly. The reason why President Kaiba felt that Illya and Muto Yugi were very similar at the moment was because Illya triggered the ultimate card-playing secret of Muto Yugi (Wang Xiang). In the desperate situation, Only then can you use the most powerful card-playing secret - destiny card drawing (card printing on the spot)!

Chapter 535: Have you seen my little bear?

"Why did it become like this?"

Seeing her grandfather, Mr. Luto, being exploded into pieces by the Joy of Fire, and then her health points dropped to 0, Theresa, who lost the duel, suddenly felt bad!

Obviously victory is in sight, as long as the 'Seven Rings of Blazing Heaven' are broken, Illya's health can be cleared with one blow. Grandpa Green has the ability to counter all magic cards and trap cards, and has an attack power of up to 10,000 points. Trust me, I won’t lose no matter what.

But in fact, Theresa really lost and looked confused.

Things have to go back to when Illya used the ‘Destiny Drawing Card’——

Feeling that the card in her hand was responding to her, Illya turned over the card and found a card that she should not have seen when she was studying her deck, that was 'Yakumo Master Mo Yi'.

Twelve-star phantom elves with divine attributes have infinite attack and defense power. The conditions for summoning are to exclude all duel elves from the game, drop their health points to 1 point, and then play three guessing games with the opponent. Success will be achieved after winning three times. Summon 'Yakumo Master Mo Yi' from the hand. If the guessing game fails once, the summoning fails, and the removed monsters and reduced health points will not be returned.

The effect of the monster is that after it is successfully summoned to the field, you will win the duel unconditionally!

Because the monster duel game played by Illya and Theresa was created by Grandpa Mo Yi in the name of Master Yakumo, so Grandpa Mo Yi made an easter egg at the beginning, and this one is equivalent to the real creation of the game. God's card, Master Yakumo Mo Yi, and then use magic to hide this card in the concept of "Duel Monster Game". In theory, as long as a duelist approved by Grandpa Mo Yi, this card can be used out of thin air. Pull out the card (it disappears automatically after the game is over), and then play guessing games with the opponent in a desperate situation.

Well, the probability of winning three guessing games in a row is one in eight. It is considered a wicked Easter egg. Even if it is drawn with the approval of Grandpa Mo Yi, if he is an African, it will only lead to no monster card summoning, and The health value becomes one, which is actually no different from losing.

If you can't beat others at cards, you can't even beat the opponent in guessing games, and your skills are inferior to others, what else can you say?

"This is--"

After Illya read the description on the 'Yakumo Master Mo Yi' card clearly, she hesitated for a few seconds, and then her expression became firm. Although she didn't know where this card came from, it was already Illya's. The last chance to make a comeback!

Illya remembered that there was no card in her deck that could make a comeback, so now she could only take a gamble.

Illya looked at Red A firmly and asked:

"Unnie, do you believe me?"


The change in Illya's expression was all due to his eyesight. Red A guessed the possibility of the card drawn by the opponent and turned defeat into victory, but it was only a possibility, otherwise Illya's expression would not have been 'hesitant' first. Then become 'firm'.

"Don't worry, you can do it, I'm here!"

After saying this, Red A couldn't help but recall what happened during his lifetime. He failed to save the other party before, and now he can help repay Illya. It's not bad, even if it's just a fake game - Don't be afraid, Illya. Here, rush the duck!

After hearing what Red A said, Illya breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the opponent was not one of those fake duel monsters, but her guardian elf with her own true thoughts. Her actions later would be tantamount to directly sacrificing the opponent. , let’s bet on the possibility that she wouldn’t be happy if it were her.

However, after hearing Red A's words of support, Illya could put down her psychological burden, hit the drawn 'Yakumo Master Mo Yi' on the duel plate, and said:

"I will exclude all your monster cards from the field, hand, graveyard, and deck——"

Red A was still recalling the past when he suddenly heard this and was completely confused. With the infusion of relevant knowledge, he naturally knew what "except" meant. In fact, it had the same meaning as direct sacrifice as a sacrifice, and it was still the same. A sacrifice that is almost impossible to resurrect. (The dead cannot be resurrected.)

Why do I have to sacrifice?


Before Red A finished speaking, he disappeared from everyone's eyes with a confused look on his face.

In Avalon, Red A wakes up from the game and returns to reality with a look of hopelessness. What the hell is this!

Are you saying something so sensational and requiring trust just to make me sacrifice?

My red A is a late-game hero who can make a comeback. Why don’t I just give up on treatment?

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