"When there is a duel monster 'Uesugi Fuutarou' on the field, you can activate the magic card 'Fifth of the Flower Wedding' by sacrificing the opponent -"

Following Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Uesugi Fuutarou, who was still hypnotizing himself in his dream, was grabbed by several hands wearing wedding gloves that suddenly appeared on the magic card on the field, "Fifths of the Flower Wedding". live.

"What is this!"

No matter what happened, Fuutarou's intuition told him that if he was caught in the card by these hands, something extremely terrible would definitely happen!


However, it was of no use. He was still caught by those hands. What will happen inside, you can refer to the picture on the magic card: Five-quarter hatchet.

Grandpa Mo Yi continued:

"Then you can summon the five Nakano sisters to indicate attack status!"

As Futaro Uesugi disappeared, five red-haired girls wearing white wedding dresses appeared in front of everyone.

Of course, the five of them do not have their own consciousness like Futaro Uesugi. The most conspicuous thing is that there are one or two very conspicuous red cinnabar objects on the white wedding dresses of the five of them.

"Each of the five Nakano sisters only has 1,000 attack points, but because they are quintuplets with the same spiritual connection, they can combine the power of all of them into one person——"

Grandpa Mo Yi issued an attack command:

"In May, attack the Blue-Eyed Yabai Dragon!"

Nakano Satsuki reached out from the bottom of her wedding dress, took out a meat bun that was still radiating heat, and then threw it hard at the blue-eyed Yabailong.

"Bun bomb!"

Yes, the bun bombs in the anti-Japanese drama really exist.

President Kaiba looked at the bun that shot at his wife, and felt uneasy in his heart. If his wife was really defeated by such a ridiculous bun, how could he be worthy of his wives!

However, this is a game. Even if you can change certain settings with your mouth, there is no way to change it. Monsters with high attack power can 100% defeat monsters with low attack power.

At this moment, the attack power of the five Nakano sisters summoned by Grandpa Mo Yi was 5,000 points, far exceeding the 3,000 attack power of the Blue-eyed Yabailong. No matter how unhappy President Kaiba was, it could not change this fact.

"Wait a minute——"

In order to protect his wife, President Kaiba immediately activated the card he had laid in ambush before and said:

"Activate the trap card and negate the attack!"

Immediately, a vortex appeared, sucking the bun flying towards the blue-eyed Yabailong into it, and then the sound of 'booming' nuclear explosions came from inside before it was accepted.

"If the trap card's attack is invalid, in addition to preventing your monsters from attacking this turn, it can also force the end of your turn!"

"You are really tenacious, Mr. Kaiba."

Mo Yi was not surprised that President Kaiba was able to escape Grandpa Mo Yi's counterattack this time. Mo Yi was the second-level master in the world of "Yu-Gi-Oh!".

When Nakano Satsuki's attack was stopped, her attack power also dropped back to 1,000 points again.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi did not panic, because the card he had ambushed before was the legendary 'Hanno's Sublime Power' - the sacred protective shield-reflector power!

As long as President Kaiba wants to reduce Grandpa Mo Yi's life and uses the Blue-Eyed Yabai Dragon to attack the five Nakano sisters whose attack power is only 1,000 points, 'Hanno's Sublime Power' will wipe out President Kaiba on the field in an instant. All monster cards are destroyed.

"My turn, draw a card——"

President Kaiba drew a card handsomely, but he was muttering the same words as Grandpa Mo Yi - a difficult guy!

Apparently it only took two turns to summon so many high-level monsters to each other, and even his ace, Blue-Eyes Yabailong, was almost defeated.

Even now, at first glance, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on your field has relatively high attack power and has the initiative. Although the monsters on the opponent's field are powerful when attacking, in your own turn, they are just five scum with only 1000 attack power. Scum monsters, as long as you summon one more monster, you can clear out two of them this round, and you can also cause a large loss of health to the opponent.

But in fact, is this really the case? ,

After two rounds of fighting, President Kaiba didn't dare to relax at all. The opponent still had an unknown card lurking on the field. This card might be a fatal trap, and he didn't have any counter traps in his hand. Card of cards.

"I will first ambush a card, and then activate the Blue-Eyes Yabai Dragon's ability to destroy one of the Five Nakano Sisters!"

After hesitating for a few seconds, President Kaiba relied on the intuition of a top duelist to avoid Grandpa Mo Yi's trap. He did not choose to attack directly, but used effects to destroy Grandpa Mo Yi's monster.

Nakano Yotsuba, who was pointed at by President Kaiba, disappeared under the light of the blue-eyed subwhite dragon.

"End turn—"

"Don't you choose to attack?"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled, you took out a card from the deck and said:

"Mr. Kaiba, you have already summoned your ace, so it's time for me to make the ace appear."

"I will use Nakano Ichika, Nakano Nino, Nakano Sanku, and Nakano Satsuki as sacrifices to summon the Yokai Sage, Yakumo Murasaki!"


President Kaiba was really shocked when he heard Grandpa Mo Yi say that he would use four monsters to summon high-level monsters.

Although the levels of duel monsters are divided into one to twelve stars, President Kaiba has never seen a duel monster that requires four sacrifices to summon. You must know that even the three phantom gods only need If three monsters are sacrificed as a ten-star duel monster, then a monster that requires four sacrifices would be an eleven or twelve-star duel monster?

Except for fusion monsters with special effects such as the Five Emperor Dragon and the Ultimate Dragon Knight, Kaiba has never seen an 11- or 12-star duel monster summoned in such a way as to really require sacrifices.

In fact, President Kaiba thought too much. Yakumo Purple's level is only ten stars, but the setting requires four sacrifices to summon her.

"As a person from District 11, Mr. Kaiba should be aware of the rumors and myths about monsters in District 11, right?"

"As the mystery fades, youkai and gods become weaker and weaker. Yakumo Murasaki, the sage of youkai among youkai, foresees the rise of human beings when they and humans equally share the dominion of night and day in the world, resulting in the decline of youkai. Destroy. In order to continue the yokai race, the yokai sage, Murasaki Yakumo, created a yokai paradise called Gensokyo that is isolated from the human world—"

President Kaiba: "..."

Faced with Grandpa Mo Yi's science popularization, President Haima just wanted to say that he was so busy, either running the company to make money or improving his card playing skills, how could he have time to understand the mythical ghosts in District 11?

In fact, Seto Kaiba is an out-and-out atheist, so President Kaiba didn't know what Grandpa Mo Yi said in the end.

"First there is Hongjun and then there is Tian. Zima is still in front of Lu Ya. She is now seventeen years old, and one year after another is chaos - "

Grandpa Mo Yi placed the monster card Yakumo Purple in his hand on the duel plate and said seriously:

"Come out, purple mother who is always seventeen years old!"

Then, the space around everyone began to crack, as if they were being torn open one after another with dark scars. What made people feel even more uncomfortable was that among the dark cracks, the ones that opened had different expressions, including greed, Scarlet eyes filled with jealousy, fear, etc., explore the outside world.

Finally, right in front of Grandpa Mo Yi, a blonde woman wearing a Taoist skirt walked out of the dark crack.

"Ara, it's really interesting——"

Obviously, this Yakumo Purple also has its own consciousness.

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