Yakumo Purple was hibernating as usual, but was suddenly pulled from the dream world by an unknown but irresistible force, and appeared here the next second.

Then relevant knowledge appeared in Yakumo Purple's mind.

Unlike ordinary people like Futaro Uesugi, Yakumo Purple quickly accepted this fact. As a monster with the power to control realms, she could truly feel that the time she was in at the moment was real and not an illusory dream. world.

She was still frightened by the force that pulled her into this world not long ago. Even the Dragon God she had fought against was not as scary as the unknown force before.

Although the power of the Dragon God is powerful, Yakumo Purple relied on countless friends, the CIA, to barely protect the newly established Gensokyo. In the end, she still relied on words to reluctantly convince the Dragon God.

But no matter how terrifying the Dragon God is, Yakumo Murasaki can still feel its reality, but the previous power can't be felt. Even the realm that divides all things does not exist. It is like the most basic truth in the universe - —To exist is to be reasonable, incomprehensible, and irresistible.

Therefore, even though Yakumo Purple, who walked out of the gap, heard the closing poem that Grandpa Mo Yi had written for her, she did not immediately go behind Grandpa Mo Yi, press Grandpa Mo Yi's head to the floor, and repeat it crazily. friction.

After all, she has not yet figured out what the power that brought her here is. What if the person who summoned her with the card happened to be the source of that power, wouldn't she be in tragedy?

Stage a scene, the fall of Yakumo Murasaki——

"I, Yakumo Purple, are you the one who 'summoned' me?"

Yakumo Zi looked back and showed an elegant and decent smile, but when she locked on the word "summon", her voice seemed particularly heavy.

"That's right——"

Whether it is the first, second or third design, Yakumo Murasaki is the kind of old fox-like person, a typical sage's way of speaking.

What is the sage's way of speaking?

It's the kind of mouth that speaks nonsense and vague words that sound reasonable and powerful to the ear.

So, Grandpa Mo Yi opened Clairvoyance EX for the first time in a long time, automatically translated the other party's inner words, and said with a smile:

"It's the summons you imagined—"

Yakumo Purple: "..."

This feeling of being seen through is a bit familiar!

In Gensokyo, there is a monster named "Kaku" who has always had the ability to read minds. His name is Kogo Loli, no, it is Komei Chikaku, so Yakumo Murasaki has been read many times.

"That's right, it's mind-reading——"

After seeing through Zima's inner thoughts, Grandpa Mo Yi kindly answered her questions.

Yakumo Purple: "..."

When it comes to the monster in Gensokyo that is the least popular among other monsters, the mind-reading Little Five Loli is unintentionally ranked first for a long time. After all, no one likes to have their inner thoughts read.


Facing such an upright Grandpa Mo Yi, it was impossible to beat him, so Zi Ma could only calm down and said:

"This contract is concluded. From now on, my sword will be with you, and your destiny will coexist with me."

"Just tell me—"

Yakumo Purple just likes to finish the game early, and then go back to hibernate and dream. A boss like this that randomly drags her to other worlds is something she can't afford to offend.

Why does this make you feel so familiar?

After thinking for two seconds, Grandpa Mo Yi finally realized, isn't this a line from King Da Mao? Zi Ma, why are you wearing Pinru’s clothes?

"Zi Mei——"

According to the years that Grandpa Mo Yi spent, there is really no problem in calling the other party Zimei.

"What's the matter, Master?"

Yakumo Zi felt Grandpa Mo Yi's strange gaze, kept an elegant and decent smile, and asked.

But listen to this word ‘master’. Grandpa Mo Yi can finally prove that the other party is plagiarizing the lines of King Da Mao. In this way, the other party should be Zima from the second or third set. Well, to put it simply, she is a wise monster sage and a nerd. Monster idler.


Grandpa Mo Yi decided not to expose the other party's elegant and decent behavior at the moment, and changed the subject:

"I want to ask on behalf of someone, well, an unscrupulous witch who likes to wear a mask all day long and blackmail others, how has her daughter been doing these past few years?"

"Well (ΩДΩ)——"

Zi Ma was stunned for a moment, keeping a shocked face, but found the memories of the guy Grandpa Mo Yi mentioned in her mind.

"How... do you know her?"

"Ten years ago, I accidentally saved her——"

Hearing what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Yakumo Zi did not deny it. First, the other party's power was unfathomable. On the other hand, she also hoped that this was the truth and that her best friend was still alive in another world.

Before Yakumo Zi could ask clearly about the situation, Grandpa Mo Yi continued:

"She shouldn't be living a poor and pitiful life, right?"

Yakumo Purple: "..."

"How could it be? I often help Reimu."

Well, although every time he sees the other party getting rich, he will use his elusive gap ability to take her money and keep it for safekeeping.

That's right, she didn't like to see the other person in poverty because of bad taste, but to train him. Why would a minor take so much money?

Facing Grandpa Mo Yi who could read minds, Yakumo Zi quickly changed the topic and said:

"How has she been doing these years?"


Grandpa Mo Yi, who had seen through Yakumo Murasaki's heart, smiled and did not expose the other party. At most, he told Hakurei Fuchi about these things. I really want to see Hakurei Fuchi return to his hometown and Hakurei Reimu is raised by Yakumo Murasaki. The look on one hundred thousand mikos must be interesting.

"When I have time, I will take her back to Gensokyo for a while."

If it were in the past, it would be difficult for Grandpa Mo Yi to locate Gensokyo, but this time he summoned Yakumo Purple, and this Yakumo Purple happened to have a world imprint similar to Hakurei Wind Chime, which means that it happened to be the same Gensokyo, not a parallel one. world or something.

Now it is not difficult to remember Yakumo Purple's aura and open the space passage to the other party's world.


After thinking that her bad taste of teasing Reimu might be known to the other party's mother, Yakumo Purple's mouth twitched and she smiled stiffly:

"Actually, don't be so anxious. I think Reimu's child needs the world to accept the fact that her mother is still alive."

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