"Is it?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked meaningfully at the embarrassed Yakumo Murasaki who was covering the lower half of her face with a paper fan.

"Let's continue the game-"

Not only did Grandpa Mo Yi remember the other person's aura, Yakumo Zi also marked the aura on Grandpa Mo Yi's body. After she returns, after some hard work, she should be able to open the gap to the world where Grandpa Mo Yi lives.

Of course, after knowing that Grandpa Mo Yi and Hakuli Fengzhong knew each other, she felt a little more relieved. A friend of a friend was not a stranger, so she felt a little more secure when she was suddenly summoned to a strange world.

Humph, I want you to call me Zi Mama now. After I go back and figure out the situation, it won’t be too late to find a way to take revenge.

Moreover, Yakumo Murasaki came up with this information based on the other party’s previous words——

First, the other party was the savior of the violent miko; then, the other party paid for and kept Hakurei Fuchi; and finally, their relationship was so good that Hakurei Fuchi told the other about Reimu. You must know that the other party was there before the accident. , has always been a guy who closed his mind.

Therefore, Yakumo Murasaki made a bold guess, that is, the boy who summoned him in front of him might become Reimu's rake, or might already be Reimu's rake!

If this is the case, as a friend of Hakurei Fengling, wouldn't there be many ways to regain the situation?

Hum hum, this girl is only seventeen years old this year. She is very young. She will always find a chance to protect her!

Laying a foreshadowing, there should be a copy of Gensokyo later.

Chapter 538: He smiled like a child playing with vectors

"Zi Ma, launch an attack on the Blue-Eyed Yabai Dragon—"

"Getting off the bus at the abandoned station (one of Zima's famous skills)."

The attack power of Zima is 3200 points, while the attack power of Blue Eyes White Dragon is 3000 points. Although the opponent's monster effect is very buggy, it can unconditionally destroy a duel monster every round, but it can face a much higher attack power. The opponent's fighting monster will have no choice but to kneel down.

This is the legendary flat-A attack that specifically suppresses all the bells and whistles!


Oh my God, purple mother!

Damn it guys, do you think I, Yakumo Purple, don’t use the Internet? Don’t you know the story of ‘Purple Mom’?

You are a seventeen-year-old girl forever. I am a great monster who has been practicing for thousands of years. Do you think I really care about age?

Yes, my purple sister really cares about others mentioning her age!

Just as Grandpa Mo Yi thought, this is a Yakumo purple from the second generation fantasy land.

Although he was full of resentment in his heart, but the situation was stronger than others, Yakumo Zi could only obey Grandpa Mo Yi's command. With a flash of the fan in his hand, the surroundings of the blue-eyed Yabailong were suddenly covered with various dark cracks, and then several vehicles appeared on the outside. The dilapidated underground train rushed out of the gap, and its target was naturally the blue-eyed Yabailong who was surrounded by dark cracks and had no way to escape.


"Don't even think about it!"

, Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Blue-Eyes White Dragon series monsters are all the wives of President Kaiba, so naturally they are not willing to be bruised, even by an old Shiki like Yakumo Murasaki!

President Kaiba immediately launched an ambush——

"Open the trap card and destroy the wheel!"

"When the enemy duel monster attacks, you can activate it to destroy the opponent's monster and inflict health damage equal to the monster's attack power!"

To a certain extent, Destruction Wheel is a trap card that is more powerful than Hanno's Sublime Power. After all, killing a monster with high attack power can cause a large amount of health damage, and you can win directly if it doesn't work.

Theoretically, President Kaiba has the upper hand now, but when faced with a high-level monster that requires four sacrifices to be summoned and has no special abilities, President Kaiba immediately broadcasts a mid-air split!

Before you know the opponent's ability, you can only give it a try - you can lose the team battle, but you can't lose your wife!

Following President Kaiba's words, a collar with eight grenades attached appeared around Yakumo Murasaki's neck.

"Is this a bomb?"

Regarding the series of grenades that suddenly appeared on her neck, Yakumo Murasaki did not panic. It was not because this was just a game, and even death was just a dream, but because Yakumo Purple felt about her own power. , with absolute confidence.

She can be said to be an omnipotent being who can manipulate the power and gaps of realms. No matter what she is doing, she can manipulate things or even realms in concepts to achieve the desired results. The only factor that determines whether it can be achieved is her. own strength.

Simply put, Zima's ability is like a master key. No matter what it is, it can be used as a key. The factor that determines whether she can open the door is whether she has the power to turn the key.

After transforming into a duel monster, she also inherited this seemingly omnipotent power. Its effect is that she can decide whether to accept any magic card, trap card, and monster effect that acts on her, especially those that increase and The effect of reducing attack power and defense power can even be reversed, that is, reducing attack power, instead of increasing or decreasing attack power.

Another special effect is the gap. When she becomes the target of the opponent's attack, she can pass through the gap to temporarily exclude herself from the game and cannot become the target of the opponent's monster.

Seeing Yakumo Murasaki's indifferent and even mocking expression, President Kaiba said unmoved:

"Because the monster sage's attack power is 3200 points, Mr. Mo Yi, you are about to receive 3200 points of health damage!"

Following the president's words, the destructive energy on Yakumo Purple's neck finally exploded, producing blazing fire and black smoke in an instant!

"Is it done?"

Seeing that Grandpa Mo Yi did not activate the card that was lurking on the field, President Haima felt a little more at ease. He might have made a lot of money this time. He first destroyed the high-level monsters that Grandpa Mo Yi spent four sacrifices on, and returned them to The opponent caused 3200 points of high health damage.

"Ara, I was scared to death. Fortunately, I hid quickly."

When the black smoke gradually dissipated, Yakumo Murasaki's slightly charming voice came from the center of the explosion. It fell on President Kaiba's ears, but it didn't sound at all.

"As a monster sage who controls the realm of all things, she has the ability to selectively resist magic, traps and monster effects, so your traps are ineffective against her——"

As Grandpa Mo Yi explained, the black smoke generated by the explosion finally dissipated completely, and everyone saw that at the center of the explosion, a gap with a bow tied at the corner opened. Zi Ma, holding an umbrella, leisurely walked through the gap. out.

"Because the destruction wheel is invalidated, Zima's attack power is still effective!"

The space around the Blue-Eyed Yabailong was once again filled with dark space cracks, and then several abandoned underground trains that had been accelerating for a long time drove out of the dark gap, instantly knocking the poor, weak and helpless Blue-Eyed Yabailong into pieces. fragments.

"Blue-eyed Yabailong, defeat it!"

At the same time, President Kaiba's health dropped from 4,000 points to 3,800 points.


Ever since he lost to a hot man, President Kaiba vowed in his heart that he would never lose to anyone else again, and he would never let the Blue Eyes White Dragon lose to another duel monster again!

Over the years, President Kaiba has almost never lost. As long as the Blue Eyes White Dragon appears, victory has come.

But now, after witnessing his wife being so violently smashed into pieces, President Kaiba once again realized the pain of "irregular driving, causing relatives to burst into tears".

Kaiba's eyes were red, looking at Yakumo Purple and Grandpa Mo Yi, who had an elegant but slightly sarcastic face, and a voice like this appeared in his heart——

"Holy Light, this man is worth fighting!"

"My turn isn't over yet—"

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