Grandpa Mo Yi naturally doesn't know what President Haima is thinking. Well, even if he knows, it doesn't matter. As the saying goes, "There are no fathers and sons in the card game." Playing cards is a very serious and sacred matter. No matter how pitiful the opponent is, even if he is beaten, Even if he cried, Grandpa Mo Yi would never hold back.

"Activate the quick attack magic card - Captain, don't stop!"

Later, a magic card appeared on Grandpa Mo Yi's field, depicting a man with mixed black and white hair lying on a pool of blood, still looking like he was moving forward. Even though he was about to die, he still pointed forward with his finger and gave out the final words. Soul Roar——

"I won't stop. As long as you don't stop, I will be waiting for you in front, so don't stop!"

"The effect of the magic card 'Captain, don't stop!' is that as long as you sacrifice 1,000 points of health, you can fight again in that round—"

"Mr. Kaiba, you have no duel monsters on the field, so Yokai Sage can attack the player directly."

"Go, Pika...Zima, use 'Light Bug's Nest' on Kaiba!"

"You really know how to point people out——"

Zi Ma silently complained in her heart, just want to command her to fight like a doll, but she also has to specify what moves to use. Do you really think I have no temper?

What puzzles Yakumo Purple the most is why the other party is so familiar with this move?

After complaining, Zima, who still had to get up at dawn to move bricks, waved her umbrella towards President Kaiba. Countless gaps appeared in front of her, and then huge light particles like fireflies shot towards President Kaiba like a torrential rain. .


Directly attacking the player in the duel game will not cause real damage to the player, but it will bring pain similar to the special effects of the monster attack. The size of the pain depends on the size of the adjustment. If it is adjusted to 100% pain perception, it will If it's not good, it will make people faint from the pain.

Of course, President Kaiba didn't seek death, he just adjusted his pain perception to 10%, but he still felt the pain of being hit by countless light particles.

After the player was directly attacked by Yakumo Murasaki, the president's health dropped from 3800 points to 600 points. Well, he could almost trigger the blood-locking explosion mode.

"My turn—"

President Kaiba took a deep breath and looked at the cards in his hand, feeling extremely stressed because they did not contain Yakumo Murasaki, who had a stronger effect immunity than the God Card.

The immunity ability of the Three Illusion Gods is only immunity to trap cards. The effects of magic cards and monsters can still take effect for one round. However, the purple mother summoned by Grandpa Mo Yi has no effects and can even be immune to monster attacks.

The only way to defeat the opponent, President Kaiba temporarily thought of two things. One can summon a monster with a higher attack power than Zima. In this way, even if the opponent uses his ability and disappears from the field, Grandpa Mo Yi who loses the monster barrier will suffer. To directly attack his duel monster, the second way is to ignore the monster sage, use magic trap cards, and monsters to directly cause a large loss of health to the opponent, but the opponent's health at the moment is still 3000, those who can directly Magic trap cards that cause health damage usually cause about 500 to 1000 points of damage.

Moreover, there are no such despicable cards in his deck.

Now I can only believe in the next card draw!

How could he lose so easily before challenging the hot man again! !


Grandpa Mo Yi, who was leisurely watching President Haima pretending to draw cards, found that the other party suddenly exuded a special smell. Yes, that was the smell of fate——

He is worthy of being the second male lead. In difficult situations, he can use his ‘magic moves’!

Looking at the drawn card, President Kaiba couldn't help but smile. This was indeed a card that had the potential to change the situation.

"Activate the magic card - Baozha descended from the sky!"

The only thing more terrifying than one divine draw is several more divine draws!

The effect of Baozha descending from the sky is to allow both sides to draw six cards from their hands.

"There's something going on——"

President Kaiba took a look at his full hand of cards, breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"Then activate the magic card - the Sealing Sword of Light!"

Following Kaiba's words, countless lightsabers appeared around Grandpa Mo Yi and Kaiba, dividing the two.

"The effect of the Sealing Sword of Light prevents both sides from attacking each other for three rounds. And because the effect of this card is targeted at both players, there is no way for the monster sage to be immune to this effect——"

"Now, I summon the magic lamp to show the defense status -"

A golden lamp similar to Aladdin's lamp from the fairy tale appears on the field.

"Then activate the special effect of the Magic Lamp. When it is on the field, you can special summon the Magic Lamp Genie from your hand to display the defense status. Then Ambush another card to end the turn."

Looking at the president's confident smile, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know that the opponent had already found an opportunity to counterattack. He had Zima, who ignored all effects and had a higher attack power than the Blue Eyes White Dragon, the only one who could turn defeat into victory. There are obviously only two ways, combined with the opponent's behavior of quickly accumulating low-level monsters at the moment and the cards that the president often uses in his own memory——

There is only one truth, the other party wants to summon the God Card!

The opponent's giant divine weapon had lost to Wang Xiang many years ago, but in the process of digging out the thousand-year artifact later, the opponent not only dug up the thousand-year artifact, but also the God Card.

In Kaiba's previous life, he was Wang Yang's heir. After Wang Yang's death, he became the new Pharaoh, so it is not surprising that the God Card responds to Kaiba's desire to win.

Among the three phantom gods, the one Kaiba uses and trusts the most is Obelisk's Titan Soldier. In the animation of "Yu-Gi-Oh!", the Corpse Bird and the Winged Dragon of the Sun God are called the strongest gods. Card, in fact, it is not the case. The Winged Dragon's effects need to be resurrected from the graveyard before they can be activated.

But in a real duel, each person can only carry one "Resurrection of the Dead". If you want to resurrect the corpse bird multiple times, you need various supporting cards to repeatedly use the "Magic Card Resurrection of the Dead", which is too easy to get stuck. Take it.

As for the passive ability of Ostsky Sky, when the enemy summons a monster, it will launch an attack. Monsters with an attack power of less than 2000 points will be directly destroyed, and monsters with an attack power of more than 2000 points will have their attack power reduced by 2000 points. It sounds beautiful. , but as long as it is targeted, it can use the opponent's uncontrollable passive attacks to launch various chains. Therefore, the sky dragon is also called the traitor dragon, cheating itself and teammates in various ways.

On the contrary, the Titan Soldier is the most powerful. First of all, the attack power is constant at 4000 points, and almost no monsters can match it. Then the two effect leaves are also very powerful. One is to sacrifice two monsters to increase its own attack power. One round of infinite, directly transforming into the Dark Archmage; the other is to sacrifice two monsters, directly causing 4000 damage to the opponent player, and because the full health value is only 4000 points, usually, as long as the Titan Soldier is successfully activated This ability is equivalent to victory.

After ruling out various situations, Grandpa Mo Yi guessed that President Kaiba now wants to take advantage of the three rounds when neither of them can fight, continue to accumulate sacrifices, and then summon the Titan Soldier, and then directly launch the third round. With two abilities, he bypassed Zi Ma and attacked Grandpa Mo Yi directly, and won the victory.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who has come to understand, just wants to say one thing to the president, you are still too sweet!

The opponent's plan is certainly very feasible, but if Grandpa Mo Yi directly plays a magic card that destroys the 'Light Sealing Sword', or washes away the opponent's hand, the opponent will definitely be confused.

Things like fighter planes are fleeting. The more steps a plan requires, no matter how sophisticated it is, it is likely to be violently cracked.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi did not have the cards with the above two types of effects in his hand, but Grandpa Mo Yi, who also had 6 cards in his hand, also drew the God Card——

A card of God belonging to the two-dimensional world!

"My turn, draw a card——"

Grandpa Mo Yi took a look and saw that it actually had the magic card 'Happy Feather Sweep' that destroyed all magic cards and trap cards on the opponent's field. If this card was issued now, the 'Light Protecting Sword' on the president's field would be destroyed. and ambush cards will be directly destroyed, and the opponent's plan to summon giant soldiers to make a comeback will naturally not work.

But Grandpa Mo Yi, who had already decided to increase the fun of watching the game, thought about it and chose to summon his own God Card and choose to play.

"I will first ambush two cards, then summon the one-star monster Kyubey to show the defensive status."

"To summon Kyubey, you need to subtract half of your health, so my health drops to 1500 points, end the round!"

Everyone in the audience who had been watching the fight between the gods became confused when they saw Grandpa Mo Yi spending half of his life points to summon a Kyubey with only 0 attack and defense power.

"Isn't this Dabai?"

When Grandpa Mo Yi transformed into a pet, he was based on Kyubey's appearance, so Illya recognized it at a glance.

Of course, she knew that even now, she didn't even know what kind of terrifying and evil creature Kyubey was.

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