When everyone looked over, the huge blue-black meteorite was about to hit the Theresa.

When it stopped above everyone's heads, they discovered what kind of meteorite there was. It was a humanoid stone figure with a pair of huge wings. It was Obelisk's Titan Soldier.

"Giant God Soldier?"

Grandpa Mo Yi's face was still calm and he smiled:

"This is your plan, President Kaiba."

Everything is really under my control.

"It seems that there are three illusory gods in your world, Mo Yi -"

President Haima came to this conclusion from Grandpa Mo Yi's dull expression.

"Then I'm going to take action!"

"Use the metal demon derivatives and the Minotaur as sacrifices to unlock the ability of Obelika's Titan Soldier - Divine Fist Crush Shock Wave!"

"In this round, Obelisk can ignore the monsters on the enemy player's field and directly inflict 4000 points of health damage to the opponent's player——"

As he said this, President Kaiba looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, Yakumo Murasaki with a happy smile, and...


Wasn't that duel monster named Kyubey sacrificed by him as a sacrifice? Why is it still here?

Kyubey is not just a familiar of Mahou Soju, but a huge group of people with the same consciousness, so no matter how he is killed, Kyubey will be resurrected in a certain sense. As a duel monster, it has special abilities that cannot be destroyed.

President Kaiba, who guessed that Kyubey had an ability that could not be destroyed, quickly averted his gaze. Now even a monster as powerful as Yakumo Sage could not stop his attack. The attack and defense of a mere monster were What’s the use of a 0 scum monster?

Anyway, his target is not Chubby, but Grandpa Mo Yi himself!

"I won this duel, Mo Yi!"

Hearing what Haima said, Grandpa Mo Yi's friends suddenly became excited. They were very optimistic about their own Grandpa Mo Yi. Haima, a guy like Kiana who picked it up casually, actually wanted to defeat him in their eyes, and Duo La. Grandpa Mo Yi who can fulfill everyone's wishes just like A Meng?

Does the other party not want to mess around anymore?

Don't you know that the members on the Theresa are an entire evil organization composed of Valkyrie and Mahou Soju?

After the Titan Soldier received Kaiba's command, he grabbed the two sacrifices on his field and unleashed his own power on them. His whole body turned red, and then he stretched out his fist, which was bigger than a big truck, and wrapped it with powerful electric light. , and hit Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Isn't it too early to think that you have won so quickly, Kaiba?"

Facing the incoming heavy punch, Grandpa Mo Yi also clenched his fist and swung it at will.

It's okay for you to deduct my life points, but if I, Big Moyi, stand there and punch you in the soles of your feet, that's definitely not going to work!


The moment the big and small fists intersected, a new storm suddenly appeared. Fortunately, none of the people present were ordinary people, otherwise they would have been blown away.

Kaiba President Chuuji couldn't hold back his wild laughter. He couldn't help laughing when he saw the embarrassing scene of Obelisk's Titan Soldier and Grandpa Mo Yi being knocked away after a fist fight!

What the hell is this? Mo Yi, you are cheating!

Now that he is attacking the opponent, why can the opponent block it with a punch? Moreover, President Kaiba has never seen how powerful the God Card is. The real pain that hits the body can make people with a fragile mind. Fainting from pain, this is the special power of the God Card.

But what did he see now?

The Titan Soldier was pushed back by a punch? .

Although President Kaiba had long known that the people on the ship were not ordinary people, he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Of course, the president didn't know that Grandpa Mo Yi had just killed Anubis, the God of Death, yesterday, and he didn't know how long it would take for him to be resurrected. If it wasn't a game now, the Titan Soldier wouldn't have been killed by Grandpa Mo Yi. He was knocked back by a punch, but was directly beaten into a Saint Crystal.

"Steady, Seto Kaiba, you must hold still!"

President Kaiba roared crazily in his heart and said to himself:

"Yes, we are playing a monster duel game now. It is a fair game that adheres to basic laws. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he can't change the rules of the game."

After calming down, President Haima checked Grandpa Mo Yi's health and found that it had indeed reached zero, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Mo Yi, it seems that this duel -"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Is this really true? Look at the field, the duel monsters are still there, this duel is not over yet -"


After being reminded by Grandpa Mo Yi, President Kaiba realized that if the game was decided, as Grandpa Mo Yi said, the duel monsters on the field should disappear directly.

"When my life reaches zero, Kyubey's special ability can be activated by signing a contract with me and becoming a horse-monkey bartender -"

"Kyubey has the ability to grant a girl's wish. At the same time, the girl whose wish is granted is about to transform into a magical girl and fight against a strange creature called a witch. However, the so-called witch is just a transformation of a magical girl defeated by reality. The monster he became is a sad reincarnation——"

Grandpa Mo Yi put his finger on the first card on the deck and sighed:

"Is there hope for the desperate, or deeper despair?"

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi’s science popularization, the ones who reacted the most were naturally Illya and Theresa, who retorted excitedly:

"This is not Mahou Soju!"

Teresa: "Mahou Soju is the embodiment of love and justice——"

Illya: "That's right. Although the process is difficult and tortuous, the real Mahou Soju will definitely be able to defeat evil in the end. How could such a terrible thing happen?"

In an instant, Theresa and Illya's eyes met, and their eyes confirmed that these were truly like-minded seekers!

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored Theresa and Ilia who were shouting next to him and continued:

"Kyuubi's ability allows me to draw the first card in the deck at the moment my health returns to zero. If this card is a monster from the Magical Girl series, it can be directly summoned to the field. If the monster is not destroyed, then I will The game can still continue. Otherwise, if the card I draw is not a duel monster from the Magical Girl series, or if the magical girl summoned is defeated, I will lose the game directly——"

"Well (⊙o⊙)..."

President Kaiba really didn't expect that the Kyubey summoned by the other party at the cost of half of his health would actually have such an effect. When his health returned to zero, he would bet on a very small probability to come back.

Is this confidence, or is everything part of the other party's plan?

It would be embarrassing if the opponent cannot draw a monster card from the Magical Girl series and loses the duel.

Moreover, there is a Titan Soldier on his field with an attack power of up to 4000 points. According to President Kaiba, magical girls are just boring fantasies used to deceive little girls.

Even if he becomes a duel monster, how strong is he?

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