"I feel it, she's here, draw the card——"

After Grandpa Mo Yi drew the card, he directly played it on the duel plate without looking at it and said:

"Summoning the God of Magical Girls, Shikame Maruka, Madoka!"

"This is--"

Kaiba has only seen this kind of behavior of drawing a card and putting it up without looking at it from the hot guy Muto Yugi!

"If even the idea of ​​'having hope' is wrong, then let me take the responsibility and change everything——"

With the appearance of a soft voice, the surrounding desert environment suddenly turned into the vast and ethereal starry sky. Everyone and Theresa were floating in the universe. If they looked sideways, they could see the blue star. The little breaking ball Blue Star.

"All universes, past and future, and all witches will be destroyed by me myself before they are born!"

Along with Shikame Maruka's vow, Marokami arrives!

A magical girl with long pink hair who looked just as gorgeous and pure as an ordinary magical girl appeared in front of Grandpa Mo Yi.


President Kaiba was facing Madoka head-on. The moment he saw him, the most suitable pronoun automatically appeared in his mind.

Different from the giant divine soldiers that he summoned and exuded a destructive aura and a sense of oppression when they appeared, the girl in front of him, although she was only wearing a pure white dress, did not exude any aura. Just looking at her, You can feel the love and compassion for the world emanating from the depths of the other person's soul.

When President Kaiba saw the other party's eyes, he seemed to see the evolution of everything in the world.

Even though he was standing not far away from him, he could not feel his presence at all. It was as if he was mentioned above the vast starry sky. The more he looked at him, the more he realized his own insignificance.

This strange and contradictory feeling makes people resist and long for him. President Kaiba can only find the existence of "god" to describe the other party.


When Engami accepted the information that suddenly appeared in her mind, she didn't say anything. She who originally transformed into the "Principle of the Circle" and became a cosmic concept has been bound to the Principle of the Circle forever.

But when she was suddenly summoned, she suddenly felt like she was in another world. This feeling of familiarity and freedom was so good.

However, after understanding what was happening now, she did not think about taking advantage of the time when Grandpa Mo Yi was pulling her out of consciousness from the principle of the circle to find the idea of ​​regaining her freedom.

Although the so-called becoming a god felt very bad, her original intention and desire never changed.

After playing this game and relaxing for a while, he planned to return to the principle of the circle and perform his duties.

Chapter 540: Xiao Meiyan: Madoka, I will take you away one day!

"The God of Magical Girls?"

Not only President Kaiba, but also the melon-eating audience present could really feel the "God loves the world" temperament exuded by Yuan Shen. In just a few seconds, people had the urge to believe in him.

Especially Teresa, a lover of Mahou Shochu, and Ilia, a working Mahou Shochu. They looked at Engami without blinking, and in addition to all kinds of admiration and praise, they also thought that they must Wait for the card 'Madoka'!

Theresa's heart: This is the Mahou Soju I've longed for——

Illya's heart: This is the Mahou Soju I want to use——

How disappointed and depressed they were after learning about the PY transaction between Kyubey and Magical Girl before, but now they are so hopeful, just like a cleaner who knows how to do splits in the air, after learning that his new wife, Motorcycle Duck, has landed. How crazy it is, always posting in the barrage, willing to spend half a year's salary to make money.

"The God of Magical Girls, Madoka, can only be specially summoned to the field by returning his health to zero and Kyubey's ability——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said:

"Marokami's attack power and defense power depend on the number of duel monsters in both sides' graveyards. Each duel monster increases by two thousand points. My graveyard has Anne, the daughter of darkness, Tibbers the shadow bear, the five Nakano sisters, and a tutor. Uesugi Fuutarou has a total of eight duel monsters, and your graveyard has five duel monsters including Dark Path Alchemist Zaki, Blue-Eyed White Dragon, Magic Lamp, Magic Lamp Genie, and Minotaur. Therefore, Madoka's attack power is as much as The defense power is 26,000 points——"

"Compared to Obelisk's Titan Soldier, Yuan Shen's attack power at this moment is far superior to yours!"

President Kaiba, who was briefly smitten by Madoka's temperament, woke up, his mind started to spin rapidly, and his face became ugly. Especially when he saw Madoka's attack power, President Kaiba couldn't control himself and said:

"Is this all part of your plan, Mo Yi?!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I didn’t expect that, President, you are also a member of the JOJO party. This is so wonderful that I don’t even know how to get back to it.

To say yes, everything is under one's control seems too arrogant and a typical falsification. To say no, it seems hypocritical.

"However, I haven't lost yet, Mo Yi——"

Although the special effects of Circle God's appearance were far more powerful than the changes in the heaven and earth caused by Obelisk's Titan Soldier, it directly brought everyone to the sea of ​​stars.

To put it simply, a god who is still dominating the earth and a big boss who is already on the cosmic level are simply not on the same level.

But what they are playing now is a duel monster game. No matter how powerful the God Card is, they must abide by the rules of the Duel Monster Game. Even with the right strategy, even ordinary monsters can reverse and defeat the God Card.

For example, right now, President Kaiba is still using the Light Protecting Sword on the field, blocking the space between the two sides and preventing them from making an attack statement. Therefore, no matter how high the opponent's attack power is, it is meaningless if he can't hit anyone, just like No matter how high Dou Di's cultivation level is, no matter how terrifying he is, it is meaningless if the horse sitting down cannot catch up with the horse of the great Dou Master in front. He can only watch the other side mocking him while galloping away.

Therefore, he still has two turns to plan a counterattack.

Although Grandpa Mo Yi's health is bound to Yuan Shen, and he cannot win by reducing his health, President Kaiba's Obelisk's Titan Soldier has more than one ability. As long as two are sacrificed, As a sacrifice, he can activate the second ability - soul energy max, which makes the giant god soldier's attack power and defense power infinite in one round!

As long as President Kaiba collects two sacrifices during the round when the Light Protective Sword is unsealed, and activates his special ability, he can turn defeat into victory!

The thing that President Kaiba is most worried about right now is that each God Card has its own special ability. It is impossible for the opponent to summon Yuokami at such a high cost without special abilities. The key to victory now lies in the opponent's Will the special ability hinder Kaiba's next counterattack plan?

Just as Kaiba thought, as a god card in the Mahou Soju-themed deck made by Grandpa Mo Yi, Yuan Shen naturally has its own monster effect.

First of all, every time it reaches its own preparation stage, Enjin's attack power and defense power will be doubled at the same time due to the power of the ring principle.

Then, Circle God, who transcends time and space, is already equal to a certain concept of the universe, so it is not affected by any magic cards, trap cards and monster effects.

Finally, Madoka became a god because she redeemed others, so when she is present, your duel monster cannot be the target of the opponent's magic, traps, monster effects, and monster attacks.

In other words, if President Kaiba wants to win this duel, he must summon a duel monster with higher attack power than Madoka and defeat her head-on.

President Kaiba, who thought about how to counterattack, placed a card on the field and ended the turn.

"It's time to decide the winner, Kaiba——"

"My turn, draw a card——"

Grandpa Mo Yi confidently drew a card. In fact, it didn't matter what this card was. When Grandpa Mo Yi summoned Yuan Shen, the game was over.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who had already known the second special effect of the Giant God Soldier, could not guess the president's counterattack plan. If enough time was given to the opponent, the president would indeed be able to collect the sacrifices and let the Giant God Soldier attack. He used his unlimited power to fight back, but how could Grandpa Mo Yi make the president get what he wanted.

"Every time I enter the preparation stage, Enjin's attack power and defense power will double. At this moment, the attack power is 52,000 points -"

"Then activate the magic card - Happy Feather Sweep!"

President Kaiba: "Nang Dadu (what)?"

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