Happy Feather Sweep is a board-clearing magic card that appeared very early on, and President Kaiba naturally recognizes it.

"Under the sweep of Happy Feather, Kaiba's life barrier, the Light-Sealing Sword, will be directly destroyed. In addition, all the cards you have ambushed on the field will be cleared away!"

A tornado appeared, rolling the lightsabers on the field into particles of light.

"Abominable(〃> dishes<)"

Seeing this situation, President Kaiba knew that the situation was over.

"Madoka, launch an attack on Obelisk——"

"A prayer for relief!"

Following Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Yuan Shen, who had been standing there quietly since he appeared, feeling the fresh air, turned into a long bow, and then used the magic power that was huge enough to affect the cause and effect time to gather into a pink light arrow, which was set on on the longbow and shoot out at will.

Immediately, the light arrow turned into a dazzling beam of light and penetrated the heart of the giant god soldier.

A second later, the giant soldier whose heart was penetrated turned into pink light particles and dissipated in the boundless starry sky.

————The dividing line at the end of the game——————

When the game ended and the surrounding environment returned from the cosmic starry sky to the previous desert moment, the surrounding space and time seemed to condense. This was naturally caused by Mo Yi.

"Don't you want to stay a little longer?"

Madoka Shikame Maroka, who had been quietly observing the world, turned around and smiled. It could be seen that the other party was in a very good mood at the moment. He shook his head and said softly:

"No, I'm still needed there."

Although Yuan Shen, who incarnated the principle of the circle, gained the power to change cause and effect and time, he was also self-imprisoned in the principle of the circle and could only act according to the rules. When a witch appeared in the world, he would travel through time and The opponent is eliminated in the bud, like a robot, with no freedom and no deadline, carrying out its mission forever.

Although this is the other party's mission, Grandpa Mo Yi is still willing to consult the other party's opinion. If the other party is willing, Grandpa Mo Yi can help the other party separate from the principle of the ring, and can even set up a program to let the principle of the ring To operate on its own, it no longer requires the control of Yuan Shen's will.

Well, just like every author and programmer, they yearn for the kind of life where they play games on their mobile phones, and the keyboard organizes the language according to their own ideas and updates it.

"I'm very satisfied to be able to come out once."

However, before Grandpa Mo Yi could explain clearly, Shikame Maruka refused directly and said with a smile:

"Hope to see you again -"

Having said that, he dissipated on his own initiative, returned to the principle of the circle, and carried out his mission and responsibilities.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Why don't you be in such a hurry? Just listen to my explanation before running away!

The other party has run away. I can't chase him to the door of his house, then kick in the door and explain to him in nice words, right?

In the future, let the other party be summoned by other people more often. After getting familiar with it, you can talk to the other party about this matter.

However, it is also incomprehensible. One day you dreamed that you were summoned to a different world, and then the person who summoned you asked you to come and hang out with me in the future. Food and accommodation will be provided, and golden Rem and Ansai will be given to you at the beginning. An ordinary person wouldn’t believe the waist drum saint. How could such a good thing happen to me in this world, and it’s not the Demon King.

What's more, the Demon King is also a very high-risk person with no guaranteed job. Not to mention being regarded as a boss that must be defeated by millions of brave men, his income is not stable. If he doesn't get along well, he might have to work in the Golden Arches, little one. The day just goes by.

After solving the matter with the little round face, Grandpa Mo Yi moved to another space, surrounded by darkness and filled with all kinds of big, malicious eyes. This was the gap between the monster Xianzhe Zima.

"Yakumo Murasaki, why don't you go and see Hakurei Wind Chime?"

Grandpa Mo Yi is not a devil. Since he summoned the other party to help him work, he is still an acquaintance, so he has to say hello and send some souvenirs before sending him back.

Ahem, of course, the most important reason is for that unscrupulous miko. If the other party sees Yakumo Murasaki, she should be very happy, so that she will have a reason not to give her a year-end bonus.

Over the years, the other party's small treasury has become richer and richer. As the saying goes, money makes people bold, which makes them bolder and bolder. The once obedient little secretary has long since disappeared, and her moral integrity has become less and less. Now she dares to eat herself. This boss is talking nonsense. It’s time to straighten out the other person and let him understand that your Fei Fei brother will always be your Fei Fei brother.


Hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's proposal, Yakumo Purple was indeed moved. The former Hakurei Miko was her best friend, and she had always felt guilty for her death.

However, being suspicious by nature, she had to consider more factors.

For example, Grandpa Mo Yi can pull her consciousness into this strange world, which shows that the other party's strength is far superior to hers. If the other party wants to do something to a seventeen-year-old girl like her, what is her cry? No use breaking your throat.

Furthermore, until you have officially met the former Hakurei miko, you cannot be 100% sure that the other party is telling the truth, and there is no guarantee that the other party does not have any evil intentions against you.

In the end, Yakumo Murasaki chose to refuse:

"No, the great barrier of Gensokyo cannot be separated from my support. My long-term absence may cause a lot of trouble. Who knows, that unlucky boy Reimu is already cursing and causing trouble for me."

"After I finish handling the affairs of Gensokyo, I can go to her to reminisce about the past."

Of course, the most important idea is that Yakumo Purple hopes to use her own efforts and methods to open the door to another world and find the Hakurei Wind Chime, so that she can feel at ease.


Grandpa Mo Yi could probably guess what the other party was thinking. How could the monster sage be such a fool who casually agreed to other people's invitations and entered other people's homes? He was not some teacher who had been engaged in education for a long time.

When you are free, just open the space door of Gensokyo yourself and let Hakurei Wind Chime go back.

Explanations or something, this is the most troublesome thing for Grandpa Mo Yi. People who trust you will believe you without saying anything. People who doubt you will always be wary of you, no matter how good you are.

"As long as you like it."

"Also, this is my thank you gift to you——"

After a few words of greeting, Grandpa Mo Yi gave a large box of wrapped gift boxes to Yakumo Purple, and then disappeared directly.

"See you next time, Zi Mom."

Yakumo Purple: "..."

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi leaving, Yakumo Zi wanted to kick that mean-mouthed guy to death.

The next second, Yakumo Purple's consciousness returned to Gensokyo's body. When she found something covering her eyes, she reached out to grab it and threw it out with all her strength.

"My orange!!"

The heart-wrenching screams of Yakumo Purple's shikigami Yakumo Blue suddenly came from the side.

Well, the person who covered Yakumo's purple eyes just now was Yakumo Blue's shikigami and pet, a two-tailed cat demon named 'Orange'.

After touching the strange liquid that should be sweat at her eyes, Yakumo Purple stretched her body and looked at the surrounding environment. Naturally, she saw the kitten demon 'Orange' hiding behind Yakumo Alain, observing her secretly.

Yakumo Purple: "..."

What do you mean by looking like this?

It's like I'm the bad guy. It's obviously your fault, the guy at the bottom of the Yakumo family's biological chain, for squatting on the sage-sama's head to sleep!

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