That's right, this must be the master's misunderstanding JPG!

Grandpa Mo Yi could probably clearly see the changes in Cecilia's heart, but he didn't expose the other party's deception at the moment.

In fact, it is understandable. I thought that my daughter, who I finally found again, could live a happy life, but found out that my daughter likes girls and may have grandchildren to play with in the future. It is quite cruel no matter how you think about it.

Let Cecilia deceive herself for a while longer, and she will naturally wake up when she finds out that the instant noodles flavor that Kiana likes to eat is Raiden Meiyi.

What are Raiden Mei-flavored instant noodles?

Asking means you don’t understand, asking again is an offering of love——

Seeing Cecilia's troubled expression, Grandpa Mo Yi once again gained a lot of joyful energy.

————Ask again about the dividing line between suicide——————

Everyone was originally dressed in modern clothes. In an ancient city like the City of Light, they looked particularly conspicuous, as if they were foreigners from the far east.

Now, I saw Mo Yi and others holding something similar to ice cubes in their hands. When they ate it, it became even more eye-catching. Especially the children on the roadside looked at Theresa, Illya and others with greed.

Although the children had never seen such a novelty as ice cream, Theresa, Illya and others looked happily licking the ice cream, which was a universal language, and their happiness almost overflowed.

Grandpa Mo Yi can use as much ice cream as he wants.

Grandpa Mo Yi took out the small box from his pocket and distributed the ice cream to the children who were watching.

At first, they didn't dare to take it. It wasn't until Grandpa Mo Yi picked one up and ate it on the spot that some bold children picked up one and imitated Grandpa Mo Yi's actions to eat it. Then, after being startled, Soon there was a happy smile like Theresa's.

With someone taking the lead, other children naturally stepped forward to accept Grandpa Mo Yi's kindness.

As for whether this will arouse the covetousness of other people and trigger a series of unjust things for good-hearted people, Grandpa Mo Yi is not worried. For ordinary gangsters and thieves, there is no need for Grandpa Mo Yi to take action. Theresa's right and left guardians Rita, if you strike with the sickle, their blood will be splashed on the spot.

Having good intentions does not mean tolerating evil.

Grandpa Mo Yi was about to finish distributing the ice cream, but at the end, he saw a girl who was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with several children, waiting for Grandpa Mo Yi's ice cream.

It doesn't matter to Grandpa Mo Yi that there are more children. What worries Grandpa Mo Yi most is that Grandpa Mo Yi has some impressions of the girl. After recalling it for a while, he finally remembered who the other party was.

"Yu-Gi-Oh" protagonist Muto Yugi's ace duel monster begins as the Black Magician. In the Duel City chapter, he becomes the Black Magician's apprentice Black Magician Girl, and the prototype of the Black Magician Girl is her, Wang's childhood sweetheart. , Priest Mahad's apprentice Mana, the dueling spirit that can be controlled is the Black Magic Girl.

The Dark Magician Girl needs a six-star ineffective duel monster summoned as a sacrifice. She may not even be able to defeat some four-star monsters. Why should she become an ace monster like the protagonist?

Of course it’s because of love!

After distributing them to the children, Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Mana who had a wantful look on her face and said with a smile:

"Miss, what do you want?"


After feeling Grandpa Mo Yi's gaze, Mana couldn't help but hesitate. As a trainee priest and Pharaoh's childhood sweetheart, she had never eaten anything, but now she really had never seen ice cream. Looking at Theresa and others, When people look so happy after eating, it would be a lie to say they don’t want it.

But as a trainee priest, she couldn't help but think of more questions, such as whether the other party knew her, and his behavior at this moment was just to get close to her?

Although she was traveling in casual clothes today, anyone with a good heart could easily recognize her. After all, she often went out to take care of the children in the orphanage she was responsible for.

Especially for a stranger like Grandpa Mo Yi, she was even more suspicious and worried.

After a few seconds of hesitation and confidence in her own strength, Mana succumbed to the temptation of delicious food.

Go home, no, the temptation of delicious food, especially a young girl like Mana, can resist it!


Mana took an ice cream from you from the small box. Like those children, she tore open the packaging and took a sip. Then, a sweetness and coldness that she had never felt before exploded on her tongue.

At this moment, she finally understood that the child in her care would show such a happy expression.

This is simply the most delicious thing she has ever eaten!

Seeing the other party eating his own ice cream, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but laugh in his heart. If you eat my ice cream, you won't be able to leave, girl——

You were originally worried about not knowing the way, but now that the most suitable party has appeared to lead the way, how could you let you run away!

At this time, among the other onlookers, a guy with a bald head and tattoos suddenly appeared. He looked like he was not a good person. He pointed at the small box Mo Yi was holding and said maliciously:

"It's not time for us to get it yet?"

These guys are always looking for opportunities to snatch the ice cream from Grandpa Mo Yi's hand. Although they don't know what it is, they have never seen it before and it seems to be very delicious. It must be very valuable. Give it to those A high-ranking official can definitely be exchanged for a good reward!

I didn’t know how to take action before, but now that the other party is giving a girl like Mana, it’s very important that they give it to people like them as well.

Unexpectedly, someone who believed in Aqua really jumped out. Grandpa Mo Yi definitely couldn't bear it. He directly put the small box containing the ice cream into his pocket and kept it there like a magic trick. Then he looked apologetic. said:

"I'm sorry, the one I just gave to this lady is already the last one."

Gangsters: "..."

Who are you lying to? We saw with our own eyes that you did not drop it——

We have never seen such a shameless person!

"You guy-"

The bald tattooed brother who was obviously the leader couldn't bear it anymore. Before leaving, he stared at Grandpa Mo Yi fiercely and said:

"Do you guys look down on me, Arthur!?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Can you afford the name Arthur? !

You know, except for King Dumao, the name of the old sword is Arthur.

There are countless fandoms with fantasy or two-dimensional backgrounds. The name of those male pig feet is Arthur. This name is no different from Long Aotian. How can a scum like you use it?

When Grandpa Mo Yi complained about the other person's name in his mind, the bald tattooed brother couldn't help it. He reached out to grab Grandpa Mo Yi's collar and further intimidated Grandpa Mo Yi.

In their hearts, they are the local snakes of the City of Light. In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi has no foundation that foreigners can resist!

If you are wise, you should quickly hand over the things you just put away, otherwise you will not only want those things, but also other things on the other party. Well, the woman traveling with the other party looks very beautiful and full of exotic style. It must be very valuable, and it would be nice to keep her as a concubine.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi's method of turning things into nothing just now, it is nothing in their eyes, because in the City of Light, citizens all have the ability to summon their natal spirits.

Just like Wang Yang can summon the three phantom gods, the president can summon the blue-eyed white dragon, others can also summon their own natal spirits, the difference is just in different levels of power.

With the power of the natal elves, how could the strangers in their eyes be able to defeat them.

When I wrote more than 3,000 words last night, with the help of Typhoon Weber, the 10086 network exploded again. Is Quanqin still there? I have a headache.

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