Chapter 543: Mo Yi: My pain is greater than yours!

"With all due respect, I advise you to be kind——"

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored the other party's threats and complained:

"Besides, I think your name doesn't suit your round bald head. How about changing it?"

"I think Voldemort is more suitable for you."

Bald man with tattoos: "···"

What's wrong with the bald head? Does it bother you?

Arthur hates being mentioned about his bald head. Unlike other people who deliberately change their bald hair style to cool off, his bald head is affected by the power of his natal elf.

Therefore, he never has to worry about changing his hairstyle next month.

Those who dared to laugh at his bald head had their heads permanently shaved, their legs broken and thrown into the street.

"How dare you, a mere outsider, laugh at me——"

Arthur, who was just pretending to make trouble at first, was now really angry. His accomplices looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with pity and ridicule.

You don’t dare to kill them. The City of Light has strict laws, but as long as you don’t kill them, it’s not a big deal to kill them. After all, foreigners are just foreigners. Those who are like urban management It's hard for the soldiers to say anything. In the end, most of the big things turned into trivial matters, and the trivial matters turned into nothing.

Arthur, who was so embarrassed and angry, stepped forward to grab Grandpa Mo Yi's collar with his height of nearly two meters, raised Grandpa Mo Yi, and gave him a lesson.

As for Teresa and others, they just stood there and watched the show. Even the unfamiliar President Kaiba stood there and watched the show obediently——

Life is so beautiful, why do you seek death and sleep poorly, but you just go to the big devil to show off your IQ?

Although I, Master Mo Yi, am approachable, I am not something you and other scoundrels can touch. To ordinary people, his movements are considered agile, but when it comes to Grandpa Mo Yi, they are not impressive enough.

Mo Yi turned aside casually, and then the opponent missed him. Then he felt his feet were numb for no reason, so he jumped to the ground and threw him hard.


"My teeth——"

The onlookers felt pain when they saw this fall. The most conspicuous thing was that when he got up, several white teeth fell directly from his grinning mouth to the ground.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more anxious.

Some kind-hearted citizens and children with ice cream certainly wanted to help, but local gangsters like Arthur were not something they, the ordinary citizens, could offend, so they could only look on with worry and hesitation.

"Hey, you hurt our boss——"

The accomplices of the bald man with tattoos jumped out one after another and surrounded Grandpa Mo Yi and others, not giving anyone a chance to leave. Then, all kinds of duel monsters appeared in front of them. They seemed to be duel monsters with an attack power of around 1000 points. Staring at them fiercely, he said:

"Still want to leave? Obediently hand over all your finances, and maybe we will let you leave safely."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Although the opponent's fall was his own fault, on the surface, it seems that Bald Arthur failed to catch him and accidentally fell down. You are obviously telling lies with your eyes open, and no one is innocent out of thin air.

Don't say that you don't care about your own affairs on the surface, even if you really take action on your own, so what? If you offend the abbot, so what!

"Finally we can fight——"

Kiana, who had been holding back and had no chance to show off her skills, looked at the gangsters who summoned duel spirits to surround herself and others, and murmured excitedly:

"Mei Yi, let me protect you——"

After hearing Kiana's declaration, Cecilia's level of worry increased by 20%.

"You have a weak soul——"

The bald man with tattoos was unable to speak because he had several teeth missing. He looked at Grandpa Mo Yi fiercely. If he didn't avoid this guy, he would fall down and break his teeth.

Thinking of how strange it was that there were no teeth when he opened his mouth, Arthur felt bad all over.

It's all this guy's fault, you despicable foreigner!

"Stand still for me—"

"If I don't knock out your teeth today, you won't be called Arthur!"

After saying that, a duel monster covered in purple, half human and half snake, holding a scimitar appeared in front of Grandpa Mo Yi, staring at Grandpa Mo Yi ferociously.

Mana, who had been watching the show, felt that it was almost time for her to take action.

As a trainee priest, she has long been dissatisfied with these hooligans who bully the good and fear the evil. She has never been able to find a chance to teach them a lesson. Now she dares to do something in front of her and bully the good. She is simply asking for death.


Mana was about to shout something, but Grandpa Mo Yi shouted it out first, and she was completely confused.

Grandpa Mo Yi said righteously:

"Voldemort, come to me if something happens!"

Arthur: "..."

My name is Arthur, when did I change it to Voldemort? There is not a single word the same. Damn foreigner, do you remember other people's names seriously?

Don't call other people's names by mistake. This is basic courtesy. Please be a human being.

"Snake man, teach him a lesson, just don't beat him to death——"

Hearing what the bald man with tattoos said, the half-human, half-snake duel elf with a simple name took a scimitar and chopped off Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand.


Mana, who was interrupted by Grandpa Mo Yi and stepped forward to stop her speech, only reacted when she saw the president attacking, and immediately summoned her natal elf, the dark magic girl——

"We must catch up—"


"Feel the pain, Shinra Tenzheng——"

He rushed towards Grandpa Mo Yi and wanted to cut off Grandpa Mo Yi's "Wang Zhili", but was blocked by an invisible wall. The scimitar in his hand was broken due to excessive force and bounced off the invisible position. Before it could react, the invisible force broke. The repulsive force exploded instantly, sending the decision spirit named Snake Man flying diagonally into the sky.

Arthur: "..."

The bald man with tattoos had a big mouth and was stunned for a moment, trembling all over.

Because of the close connection between the contractor and the natal elf, he could feel that the moment the snake man was hit by the invisible repulsion, all the internal organs and bones of the body were shattered within one second, and what flew into the sky was nothing more. The body of the snake man.

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