Mana: "..."

The black magician girl who appeared halfway in the magic circle just now was stuck in the middle of the magic circle because Mana was also confused. For a moment, she didn't know whether to continue to appear or to retreat directly to the elf world.

What the hell is this?

Because the City of Light believes in Hel'Akti, the creator god of light in the elf world, the residents of the City of Light have the ability to summon their natal elves. Whether in life or in battle, the natal elves are basically the same as this person. social value above.

If the natal spirit dies, that person is equivalent to being disabled. Very few people can contract with a new natal spirit again. People who lose their natal spirit are almost equivalent to severely disabled people in real society.

Similarly, because the people can summon the natal spirits, the City of Light can survive in the courtyard of the gods in ancient Egypt despite the embarrassing situation of an isolated city.

After all, not all god systems are like the ancient Greek god systems. They don’t do business all day long, and they just know how to do all kinds of things, do tricks, kill themselves, and fight head-on with the City of Light, which represents the power of the elven world. There is no such need. , it is better to unite openly and use them when needed.

It's similar to Liang Shanbo who was recruited in Water Margin. When needed, he was sent to be cannon fodder.

"Voldemort, you said don't kill anyone. It was windy just now, so I didn't hear you clearly——"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the bald man with tattoos very kindly and said:

"Please say it again -"


Arthur knew that his life was over, and the spirit of his life was dead like this. Not to mention being the brother Haonan of this street, it would be good if he didn't hammer to death the younger brother he had offended before when he returned.

As for his younger brothers, when they saw his snake man being beaten to death by Grandpa Mo Yi, they turned around and ran away without saying a word, fearing that they would be stopped by Grandpa Mo Yi and others.

His snake man is considered the strongest natal spirit in the gang that committed the crime. Even the snake man died in an instant. Why don't the others run away and stay here to die?

"I was wrong."

The bald man was also very bachelor. With snot and tears flying down his face, he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Don't cry, I hate the way men cry -"

After Grandpa Mo Yi said this, Arthur immediately held back tears.

Seeing the other party's ability to send and receive tears instantly, Grandpa Mo Yi had to sigh, no matter what industry he is in, there are talents.

"You said you were wrong, then tell me, then you are wrong!"

If the other party is willing to explain, it means that there is still hope of saving his life. Arthur kowtowed and said:

"I shouldn't be greedy, I shouldn't cause trouble to adults..."

This statement is a big deal. I don’t know but I thought the other party was writing a letter of apology.


Grandpa Mo Yi said angrily:

"I've been talking all day, but I still can't get to the point. Your fault is-"

"The pain is beneath me, do you understand?"

"Understand -"

Although Arthur didn't understand Grandpa Mo Yi's joke, he repeated it like a grandson and begged for mercy:

"My mistake is that the pain is due to adults!"


No matter where it is, unless Amakusa imagines that all human souls will be materialized and all human beings will become immortals with no desires or pursuits, good and evil will inevitably exist among human beings.

Grandpa Mo Yi is not a saint. A lesson is enough for him. What's more, the opponent's natal elf is dead. It's just as miserable as having his third leg broken. Even if Grandpa Mo Yi doesn't do it on the spot. If you kill him, the other party will not be able to survive in the City of Light. Packing up your bags and escaping from the City of Light overnight is considered the best outcome. The greater possibility is that if you are caught by your former enemy, you will be beaten to death on the spot.

"get out--"

"Thank you, sir——"

Arthur, whose head was broken, quickly jumped up, squeezed through the crowd and ran away.

————Mana’s dividing line————

After dealing with the gangsters and asking the onlookers to watch——

"Who are you?"

Mana, who had been following Grandpa Mo Yi and others, finally couldn't help it, jumped out, stood in front of Grandpa Mo Yi and others, and asked in a serious tone:

"What is the purpose of coming to the City of Light!"

"Finally couldn't help but jump out, Miss Mana——"

Mana's tracking skills were very poor. Not to mention Grandpa Mo Yi, even Qiana had already noticed the person following her.

"We are travelers from the far east——"

Countless people who have traveled to other worlds have used this golden saying. Even though the place he went to is already the easternmost part of the continent, it can be said that there is an undiscovered area in the east of the ocean called Pandaria. Mainland, to explain why the big guys are all travelers from the far east.

"As for the purpose——"

Grandpa Mo Yi said straight to the point:

"It was Ramses II who invited us to visit the Tower of Light."

"It turns out it's you—"

As a trainee priest, Mana naturally knew who Ramses II was waiting for when he borrowed the Tower of Light.

Of course, Mana is also someone who is dissatisfied with Ramesses II. This act of treating the king as her own is simply not the same thing as being her most beloved king.

"I need to ask the king for instructions on this matter——"

"If it is really you, I can take you to the Tower of Light. You must know that the Tower of Light is a memorial place for the great being Herak Emperor. It is strictly guarded and cannot be approached casually."

"If Miss Mana can help us meet with the ruler of the City of Light, we are willing to—"

Grandpa Mo Yi directly agreed.

Originally, I had to fight several groups of monsters before I could face the final boss, La Er. Now that I could meet Wang Yang, I could avoid the monsters and cause unnecessary damage, which was a good thing.

"Then come with me -"

Mana first summoned the Black Magic Girl to protect herself, and then led Grandpa Mo Yi and others to the palace where Wang Xiang was.

Under the guidance of Mana, a trainee priest, there was naturally no obstruction.

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