After all, she is Wang Xiang's childhood sweetheart, and there is no telling who will become the queen in the future.

————The dividing line of Wangyang Palace——————

Although they met several groups of guards along the way, at the end, there were two more priests holding thousand-year artifacts, following Grandpa Mo Yi and others one after another.

Obviously, this is to warn Grandpa Mo Yi and others. After all, foreigners and so on, the first impression that comes to the eyes of people on the moon is - despicable foreigners!


Everyone walked to a very wide temple. After entering the temple, they soon saw the pharaoh King Atum sitting on the throne!

President Kaiba, who had always had nothing to do with himself and had an indifferent expression, could no longer maintain his cold and calm look after seeing the king on the throne. He couldn't help but raise his head and said:


"I finally found you."

Because Haima had no specific solution, the Millennium Building Blocks lost their guiding effect after arriving in the City of Light. The best choice was to follow Grandpa Mo Yi and others. After all, there were big bosses with them, so at least there was no need to consider personal safety issues.

"You're here, Kaiba—"

Wang Xiang, who had known about Kaiba's arrival for a long time, showed a rare smile. If it hadn't been appropriate for his identity, he might have been waiting for him at the city gate.

As for whether the president can come to the door, Yugi is not worried. The other person's previous life was also his successor. The two people's long-cherished wish spanned more than three thousand years, and he also recognized Kaiba's ability.

Ahem, Wang Xiang was actually thinking that if the other party really ran into various obstacles and couldn't find him, he would find his brother's excuse to go out on inspection, and then he would meet the other party by chance.

In any case, the scene of the two looking at each other was automatically accompanied by BGM in Grandpa Mo Yi——

“You get to know that when you get to a certain age.

It's really hard to live alone,


I finally waited until I almost missed you,

I met you at the best age,

Only then can I live up to myself,

Finally you are here. "

Chapter 544: Wang Xiang, why are you carrying Pinru’s wardrobe?

Meeting old friends again is the greatest joy and happiness in life.

Wang Yang and President Haima were obsessed with their status, there were many people around them, and their respective personalities were kind of free and easy-going people, so they didn't say much when they met again.

"Long time no see, Yugi——"

"Long time no see, Kaiba——"

"I don't know if your strength has improved, but I have been working hard to surpass you -"

"Well, you'll know that soon—"

In just a few sentences, the two passionate duelist hearts and the relationship between friends and enemies are vividly revealed.

After the two exchanged a few simple words, it was time for the conversation between Grandpa Mo Yi and Wang Xiang.

In fact, there is not much to say. First they exchanged business information and exchanged greetings. Then they talked about how to pick up President Kaiba to build some relationships with everyone. Then they talked about the story of how they met Ramses II. Finally, they talked about how to pick up President Kaiba. Indirectly ask Wang Xiang's position and which side he is on.

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's statement, Wang Xiang didn't think much about it. He first told Grandpa Mo Yi about the City of Light. Although his City of Light did not belong to the ancient Egyptian god system, it was different from the one represented by Ramesses II. The factions of the ancient Egyptian pantheon were not from the same group, and were even opposition parties with vastly different political views. This time, Ramses II was allowed to borrow the Tower of Light only because of the other party's power.

All in all, he will not help both sides this time. The only requirement is that it does not affect the innocent citizens of the City of Light.

Of course, the conversation between the two was mixed with all kinds of irrelevant words. Theresa Ilia and other friends probably couldn't understand the politician-like conversation between Grandpa Mo Yi and Wang Xiang.

Knowing that Grandpa Mo Yi was specially invited to fight by Ramses II and treated with such caution, Wang Yang did not dare to treat him lightly.

The opponent he values ​​most and the enemy he values ​​are not necessarily friends, but they are certainly not simple guys. Wang Xiang still knows this truth.

After all, he is still a king who has been in power for many years. If he didn't understand this kind of truth, he would have abdicated his throne long ago.

After the exchange of opinions, the two exchanged business opinions again, and Wang Yang ordered his men to hold a banquet to entertain their new friends and congratulate them on their everlasting friendship.

————The dividing line of the banquet——————

Under Wang Yang's warm reception, everyone still ate happily, but something happened that made Wang Yang a little concerned, and that was one of the signature dishes of the City of Light, the flavored roast chicken. Grandpa Mo Yi and others , no one took a bite.

After Wang Yang took a bite, he thought to himself: It still has a familiar taste. Although he eats it often, he still never gets tired of it.

What is going on?

Could it be that the religion the other party believes in does not allow eating chicken?

This is the biggest possibility that Wang Xiang thinks of. After all, there are so many people, and no one has tasted it. Apart from faith, he can't think of any other reason. After all, as far as he knows, there are religions that don't allow believers to eat beef, and there are also religions that don't allow believers to eat pork. , there are even religions that prohibit believers from eating meat, spices, etc., such as garlic. It is not unusual for there to be a religious belief that prohibits eating chicken.

No matter how imaginative Ren Wangyang is, he can't imagine that the reason why you don't eat this roasted chicken is because the spices used in this roasted chicken are the same as those used to make mummies.

When everyone had finished eating, the president finally couldn't suppress the hot feelings in his heart and walked up to Wang Yang.

Mahad immediately stood in front of Wang Xiang. Although Mahad knew Wang Xiang and knew the reincarnation of Seth, his duty did not tolerate any personal feelings.

"Don't be nervous, Mahad——"

Wang Yang waved his hand and said:

"Kaiba is my friend."

"Yes, Wang——"

The president successfully found the game and sighed uncontrollably. Ten years ago, he was a domineering president. When meeting, he would either bring a box of money or a box of US dollars to buy and buy, while the game was just a small piece of Duel game card. An ordinary high school student in the store.

Ten years later, he was still the rich and handsome man, but Yugi had become the king of a kingdom. Although he had not changed, it gave Kaiba a sense of wonder that his situation had been reversed.

Life is so wonderful.


Kaiba opened the safe that he had been carrying and never let go of even when he was about to die in the desert, and then took out two pairs of duel disks, one of which he brought with him, and the other was naturally given to Wang Xian.

"I have been waiting for a long, long time to stand in front of you again."

"If I can't defeat you, then your shadow will always be there in my future. This kind of future is not the future I want, so I braved many hardships and finally walked in front of you!"

After feeling the fighting spirit bursting out of Kaiba's eyes, Wang Xiang smiled slightly, and his thoughts seemed to go back to ten years ago. He lost his memory and possessed Muto Yugi (Omote Yugi, also known as aibo), and Kaiba was His first officially recognized opponent, after countless hardships and with the help of a group of friends, he recovered his lost memory and name, successfully sealed the evil god of darkness Zork, and completed his three thousand years of reincarnation and responsibility.

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