
Hearing such seahorse words, Wang Xiang smiled, then turned to the duel plate and said:

"For me, the past, memories and bonds are the most beautiful things. Only by embracing and accepting the past can we truly find our future."

"I accept your challenge!"

After saying that, the duel disk in his hand suddenly transformed, and then he took out a set of monster duel cards from the void and inserted them neatly into the card slot.

Because the banquet place is a very vast square, the two of them don't need to find a suitable venue. They can just take two steps to a place without obstacles and start playing cards.

"Humph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

Kaiba will not admit the opponent's ideas just because Yugi is now a pharaoh. In his heart, Yugi is always just an opponent he must defeat and a man he must overcome.

If this description makes some sense, we can give a plum——

Similar to the relationship between Boros and the Bald Demon King.

If even I, the overlord of the universe, escapes, who will protect the universe? !

In order to protect this universe, I, Boros, must stop you here——

Only you must be defeated by me!

As for the result, everyone knows that in order to protect the peace of the universe, Poros, the overlord of the universe, was punched into pieces by the bald devil, and finally turned into ashes amidst the shouts of "Come on, big brother who drives the spaceship".

Haima still looked down upon the so-called friendship and bond concepts that Wang Yang spoke of.

Of course, this is related to Kaiba's past life experience. After all, what saved Kaiba in his previous life was not friendship, but love.

"To me, the past is just a useless shackle that must be overcome. If I am bound by the past, there is no future!"

"Let's have a duel like this to prove whose idea is right!"

After saying that, President Kaiba walked to the opposite side of the game, started the duel disk and said:

"I'll attack first——"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was watching the theater nearby, saw this familiar scene and didn't know how to complain - President, you are acting like a rogue again. Why did you say you will attack first? You will attack first. I, Mo Ritian Not convinced!

"I will first ambush a card, then summon Dark Path Transformer Zhaqi, display the defense status, and end the turn -"

Sure enough, the soul of complaining in Grandpa Mo Yi's heart was almost burning——

President, isn't this the routine you used to play cards with yourself not long ago?

Don’t change it, just use it again?

And, you definitely have no shuffle!

After seeing the president's familiar moves, Yugi was stunned, and then laughed. This was the second time Kaiba played cards with him, and he shouldn't have even modified it slightly. Kaiba's move was huge. There is a deep meaning.

Moreover, in that duel, Kaiba won the final duel.

Well, actually Yugi was about to win, but Kaiba used his own life as a bet to force Yugi to give up treatment.

The whole story is that Kaiba's younger brother Mu Ma (Xiangjiang translation) was captured by the white-haired monster. The white-haired monster threatened Kaiba. If he wanted to save his brother, he needed to defeat the game before he could challenge him. If he was defeated, The other party will release his younger brother Trojan.

Because of his younger brother, it was the first and last time in Kaiba's life that he used such despicable means that violated the dignity of a duelist in his heart to win a victory that he had no intention of using.

This matter has always been like a thorn in Kaiba's heart, so defeating Wang Xiang in an upright manner has become his lifelong obsession.

Now, he is playing exactly the same start as he was ten years ago, with the intention of restarting the game of that year and cutting off the shame of that year.

As Haima's gay friend, Wang Yang also understood Haima's profound meaning in an instant.

"Kaiba, I am no longer the same person I was ten years ago."

"My turn, draw a card——"

Wang Yang said seriously:

"I activate the magic card - Equal Price Drop. 'Equal Price Drop' can lower my monsters by two star levels, so I don't need sacrifices this round to summon five-star and six-star duel monsters!"

"I want to summon the white demon Takamachi Nanoha!"

Then, an orange-haired magical girl with twin ponytails appeared cheerfully!


Grandpa Mo Yi was drinking the happy water he brought with him, but his waist was broken when Wang Yang summoned Ma Hou to make wine.

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally recognizes the duel monster summoned by the other party. The heroine Takamachi Nanoha of "Magical Girl Nanoha" is suspected to be the daughter of Emiya Shirou, a righteous partner in a parallel world. By chance, she became a magical girl.

The fighting style is to fire a magic cannon when you meet, and if it doesn't fall out within seconds, use a mouth escape, and then unlock the seal "Just now it was only one-tenth of my magic power, now it is two-tenths", and then do another one. Fire magic cannons until the opponent is knocked unconscious.

Moreover, in addition to being extremely powerful and capable of killing no one, her magic cannon also has the rule-level ability of "if you eat my magic cannon, you will be my good friend". She is known as the tyrant Nanoha who "makes friends with cannons".

So here comes the question——

Wang Yang, why are you carrying Pinru's wardrobe?

What changes have happened to Wang Yang since he returned to the underworld, so that he has such a character and monster card that is obviously from another two-dimensional world?

Could it be that the Space-Time Management Bureau where Takamachi Nanoha is located has developed into this world?

Wang Xiang played a magic card from his hand——

"I activate a quick-attack magic card to dispel the trap and destroy the ambush card on your field!"

Immediately, the ambush card on Kaiba Field exploded, which proved that it was indeed a trap card. If it were a magic card, Yugi's 'trap removal' just now would have been in vain.

"Then use the white demon to attack the Dark Path Transformer Zaki!"

"Starlight Explosion!"

After being summoned from Takamachi Nanoha, Theresa, Illya and others felt that Takamachi Nanoha's dressing style and the staff in her hand were very familiar. In addition, the high-ranking Nanoha was holding the staff high at the moment, condensing magic. , after shooting a blazing light cannon to destroy the secret master Zhaqi, they finally wanted to pass through!

This familiar attire, this familiar magic cannon attack, is clearly their counterpart, Mahou Shaju!

"Zhaqi, the Dark Path Transformer, defeat -"

Wang Yang looked at Haima calmly and said:

"Kaiba, if you still indulge in and resist the past, there is no way you can defeat me——"

"Activate the special effect of White Demon Takamachi Nanoha. After each friendly battle round ends, one layer of her own magic seal will be unlocked, thus increasing her attack power by a thousand points!"

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