King Dumao, if you don’t stay in Fuyuki City with Snow Cat, study hard, make progress every day, and eat and drink together, why are you here like this? !

Of course, the Silly Hair King has the most versions of heroic spirits. This Silly Hair King is not necessarily the Silly Hair King summoned by Xue Miao when Grandpa Mo Yi broke the cup war last time.

But, why did the silly king who was living so well in ancient Egypt become a summoned monster like a king again?

Even if Britain and Area 11 are tired of playing together, isn’t there still Rome and France to play with?

"The day the dagger is reforged, the day the knight returns—"

When King Da Mao got serious, he was still very much a knight. He was a proper battlefield rose. After walking out of a burst of golden light unique to the golden card, he waved the invisible sword in his hand twice and said calmly:

"Artoria obeyed the call!"

After hearing the classic lines from Rabbit Ears by the Silly Hair King, Grandpa Mo Yi felt a stronger sense of disobedience, and he became more and more certain that this Silly Hair King should be the one adopted by Snow Meow.

Because it is impossible for the other party to just say Raven's dialogue, unless the other party has played Primary School League. Grandpa Mo Yi remembers that Yakumo House seems to have released Primary School League not long ago. If the other party is the silly king raised by Xue Miao, it can be explained. past.

"Then, I activate and equip Artoria with the magic card Sword of Victory Oath!"

Wang Yang said with a confident smile:

"Under the effect of the Sword of Promise of Victory, Artoria's attack power will be doubled, and the attack will affect all the opponent's monsters——"

"So, Artoria's attack on you at this moment is 6,000 points, and the Noble Phantasm of Liberation——"


"Interesting woman—"

When King Da Mao was summoned, not only did Grandpa Mo Yi recognize him, Ramesses II also recognized King Da Mao's identity from the opponent's holy sword that exuded a familiar brilliance.

In a Holy Grail War that Raji once participated in, he was defeated by the Holy Sword that exuded the same golden brilliance. Of course, the Knight King he met that time was a man, and he was originally trying to beat him up, but he didn't expect him. The master stole his home and killed the master in his hometown instantly, thus losing the supply of magic power. The opponent found the right opportunity and launched a big counterattack to kill him.

As for why the King of Knights encountered this time is a woman, it is easy to understand. Heroic spirits are originally processed according to legends and mysterious arts, and the same heroic spirit may have several different versions.

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi's surprised and confused expression, La Er said curiously:

"Do you know her too?"

No one knows the Quilt King!

"The opponent in the last Holy Grail War——"

Grandpa Mo Yi was not in the mood to explain to the other party that King Daimao was still fostered in his hometown, so he simply said.

"That's really interesting-"

La Er couldn't help but laugh.

I have met the male version of the opponent before, and Mo Yi also met the opponent in the Holy Grail War. With this concept, it can only be said that the King of Knights really hopes to participate in a game like the Holy Grail War.

However, Holy Grail War is certainly a fun game to pass the time.

After hearing Wang Xiang's order, King Daimao held up the Holy Sword in his hand without hesitation. The Wind King's barrier hiding the golden blade was instantly dispersed by the golden light, and countless golden lights began to condense. I don't know the specific effect. , the special effects alone are worth 100 million.

"That sword connects the past, present, and future, connects the withering lives of soldiers on all battlefields, and connects them to the tragic and noble ideals they hold in their hearts when they die. She is proud of this will. , hold on to this meaning until the end——"

Since his wife Irisviel was not present, Grandpa and Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to explain the party's duties to passers-by, speaking with a slightly serious expression:

"At this moment, the ever-victorious King is singing the true name of the miracle in her hands——"

"That is, cut the Ruyi Divine Sword in two with one strike!"


'The Divine Sword that can cut Ruyi in two' was called by Grandpa Mo Yi, and 'Curry Stick' was called by King Da Mao. Anyway, they all refer to the same move (light cannon to wash the ground), and the names are just code names (Grandpa Mo Yi washes the ground like this) .JPG).

All in all, under King Dumao's light cannon, the Blue-eyed Yabailong, whose attack power was only 3,000 points, was directly reduced to ashes. President Kaiba's health value also reached 600 points, and he directly entered the blood lock mode.


Ramses II was confused by Grandpa Mo Yi's sudden twist of explanation, and then burst out laughing wildly. He could only keep saying "fuck" in his heart - God damn it, the Ruyi Divine Sword can be cut in two, it's a shame that he is still being killed. The other party's slightly hoarse and magnetic voice attracted attention at first, thinking that he must have a brilliant idea.

However, I was convinced by this explanation, so I quickly took out my notebook and wrote it down. When I meet a hot man with a holy sword in the next Holy Grail War, I will use this paragraph to mock him. I really want to see that guy’s expression. .

La Er smiled meaningfully:

"It seems that Mo Yi and you are very familiar with each other -"

Such a teasing tone is usually reserved for old friends or enemies, so La Er felt that there must be some stories between them that had to be told.

However, La Er really thought too much this time. There was no untold story between him and the all-A knight, but the other party’s owner, Xue Miao, was very familiar to Grandpa Mo Yi. After the battle, Grandpa Mo Yi I planned to go back to my hometown and compose a love story about my youth, but there was something wrong with it.

Going back to my hometown to get married is a flag that even Grandpa Mo Yi would not dare to raise randomly. This is the first and strongest flag. The number of soldiers who die from this flag in every war is no less than Ah Wei who is killed by Meng every year.

Grandpa Mo Yi was very sad. He looked at the stupid boy of King Da Mao who was trembling slightly in the air and sighed:

"Because of her, my family's food expenses have increased several times every month."

La Er: "???"

Hundan, please speak more clearly. I’m even more curious now that you’re like this!

However, Grandpa Mo Yi had no intention of explaining further.

"Game, you know?"

Kaiba pressed his slightly trembling right hand with his left hand and said enthusiastically:

"I haven't felt this kind of uncontrollable trembling because I meet an opponent in chess and don't know where my fate will be in the next second."

"Only in a duel with you can I feel this explosive feeling that I want to pour out all my soul!"

Kaiba put his right hand on the card deck and felt the soul rhythm emanating from the Duel Monster Card. Even for a moment, his consciousness came to an illusory valley, surrounded by all kinds of flowers. It was so beautiful that it was beyond the world.

Of course, a pragmatist like the president is not interested in things like Wonderland that have no real value. What really concerns him is that a silver-haired girl he has seen by chance several times is squatting on the cliff in front of him. At the end, there was a basket on the ground. The other party kept throwing unknown fruits in the basket down the valley, as if they were feeding some pets.


The first time Keesara appeared in front of Kaiba was in the duel between Kaiba and Yanyi King Malik's sister Isis. Of course, if Keisara hadn't suddenly appeared in Kaiba's mind, asking Kaiba to sacrifice the Titan Soldier, Pin summoned the blue-eyed white dragon, and the seahorse knelt in the hands of Isis, who had the ability to predict the future.

The next time they met was in the 'King's Memory Arc', where Kaiba witnessed the story of the encounter and love between Kisara and his previous life Sera, and of course Kisara's sacrifice.

After everything was over, Kaiba thought he would never have the chance to see the girl in his dream. Unexpectedly, ten years later, the girl would appear in front of him again.

Why a tall, rich and handsome guy like President Kaiba has never gotten married? Apart from being addicted to playing cards and being a driver who doesn't need a relationship, it's also because of Keesara.

As the saying goes, there was a time when the sea was full of troubles, but Wushan is not a cloud. After meeting the right person, people will become picky and unable to get used to a "make do" life.

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