President Kaiba shook his head gently, no longer thinking so much, and walked step by step towards the silver-haired girl who was feeding. Although his steps were very light, for fear of waking up this dream, he almost reached the shadow cast on the other person's back. , the silver-haired girl finally noticed Qisara's arrival, and slowly turned her face with some curiosity and expectation.

With those blue eyes like sea water, how could Kaiba recognize that the other party was none other than the lost girl Chisara.

When she saw that the person coming was Kaiba, Qisara was stunned for a moment, then showed a bright smile and said with a smile:

"Sett, long time no see." (Sett, President Kaiba's previous life.)


At the same time, hundreds of blue-eyed white dragons living under the valley seemed to feel the joy of their master Qisha, and suddenly flew out in order, becoming the background staring at the two people.

"Long time no see, Keesara——"

Kaiba woke up from the illusion, with a smile and confidence on his lips, and drew this unknown duel monster card from the deck.

"I will use this card to destroy the past and create my own glorious future!"

When it was first taken out, the pattern on the card was still completely white, but then it was filled with colors. A girl with silver hair and blue eyes like an elf appeared on the card. Keesara on the card still maintained her gentleness and joy. With a smile on his face, he stretched out his little hand in front of him and seemed to be saying something. Behind him, there were countless blue-eyed white dragons flying and roaring, singing for his joy.

"After traveling through three thousand years, we finally meet again, Keesara——"

Looking at Chisara who appeared in an unscientific way in his hand, Kaiba showed a gentle smile that made Wang Yang's skin crawl. Although it was only for a short moment, probably not a second, Wang Yang was so stupid as to be stupid. I swear, he was definitely not wrong! !

"When there is a blue-eyed white dragon in my graveyard, I can directly summon the white dragon spirit Qisara from my hand——"

Kaiba carefully placed the monster duel card in his hand on the duel plate, fearing that it would be damaged at all.

"Come out, Chisara!"

Immediately, the white dragon girl with silver hair and blue eyes appeared in front of everyone. Her appearance was slightly different from when she usually appeared in Kaiba. She transformed from a simple dress into a silver-white armor and held a heavy silver-white weapon in her hand. Knight's sword.

"Kisara's attack power and defense power depend on the number of Blue-Eyes White Dragons in the graveyard, hand, and deck. Its attack power and defense power are added together."

"Because there are three Blue-Eyes White Dragons and a Blue-Eyes Sub-White Dragon that can be calculated similarly to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Keesara's attack power at this moment is 12,000 points!"

"Game, this is my hottest soul——"

Countless illusory blue-eyed white dragon phantoms were lingering and roaring around Qisara, and the aura they exuded was far more powerful than that of the stupid king holding a curry stick at the moment.


Wang Xiang, who had also witnessed Kaiba's love, recognized Qisha's identity the moment he saw her.

What Yugi cares about more is not Chisara's attack power. Speaking of attack power, there are several duel monsters with infinite attack power. What Wang Yang cares about is that Chisara has actually become Kaiba's natal spirit. The kind that can be summoned at any time like other citizens of the City of Light.

"I have felt the heat and roar in your soul, but -"

Wang Xiang suddenly took off his cloak, revealing the short-sleeved shirt underneath, as well as his strong but not bloated body. He stared at Kaiba with warlike eyes and said loudly:

"What I have to do is use my duelist soul to defeat you!"

Chapter 546: Invisible imagination, the most deadly

"Kisara, attack the King of Knights Artoria!"

President Kaiba is a man of few words. Well, after meeting Kisara again, he was very excited. All his emotions were spent on Kisara, and he was not in the mood to have a second line with Wang Yibo.

"Kaiba, don't be so impatient."

Although Wang Xiang's health is still full at the moment, the attack power of the white dragon girl Qisara is 12,000 points, and it hits the stupid king with only 6,000 attack points. It is a perfect instant kill, not only against the stupid king. , still like Wang.

"Activate the ambush card—the faraway ideal land of Avalon—"

"Avalon, the legendary fairy land, King Arthur's final habitat, a true paradise."

"Under the influence of Avalon, Saber can obtain the invincible effect and is not affected by any traps, magic, duel monster attacks and effects. Of course, to maintain this effect, 500 health points need to be consumed at the end of the round."

As a result, the bombing attack of the dragon version of the floating cannon group summoned by Qisara was blocked by the thin rainbow-colored defensive film on King Da Mao's body.

"This brilliance——"

The moment Keesara appeared, La Er sensed the extraordinary nature of the opponent. Unlike the previous duel monsters that were empty and illusory, without any mystery or power, La Er felt the ultimate light and power from Keesara. The same is true for the blue-eyed white dragons summoned by the opponent.

As long as he was in the land of ancient Egypt, La Er had the power of a god-king. He had to admit that the power that the other party exuded at this moment was no worse than the mystery and power of some first-line gods.

The main reason why La Er nailed the duel venue to the Tower of Light was because it was the most suitable location and suited his personality. On the other hand, there were also people who came to see this new force that had been rising for ten years but exuded vigorous vitality. What is going on.

During the few days in a daze on the Tower of Light, La Er had been observing the situation in the City of Light, and was very disapproving of Wang Xiang's behavior of distributing power to the residents.

Moreover, the power of the so-called duel elves is nothing more than this. No matter how many ants there are, they can't stop the giant elephant. When the time of war comes, he can easily defeat the duel elves army of all residents.

Until this moment, King Da Mao was originally King Arthur of Great Britain. Not to mention the foreign aid, it was the appearance of Qisara that really made La Er take it seriously.

If there are still several guys with unmatched potential like this under Wang Xiang's rule, then he really needs to seriously consider how to deal with the City of Light in the future.

"I have to praise her, she is really a dazzling girl."

After La Erchen finished eating and drinking, he planned to leave directly, but now he stayed to watch the president and Wang Yang play card games.

Just like two fans watching a game, La Er took the initiative to talk to Grandpa Mo Yi, who in his opinion was the only man present who deserved his equal treatment. Well, he used his poor card-playing skills to analyze the battle situation.

Grandpa Mo Yi felt quite embarrassed.

"Mo Yi, who do you think has a better chance of winning?"

After a fierce analysis, La Er concluded that the winning rate was still greater with the language of King, which was about 82, so he asked Grandpa Mo Yi for his opinion.

"I think it's 50-50 -"

Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes lit up and he smiled:

"This one will be a draw."


Ramses II retorted in disbelief:

"Whatever Atum said, he is also the Lord of the City of Light. Even Duel Monsters respect him. In this game, it is unlikely to lose to others."

Knowing that La Er is the kind of guy who is extremely confident and only believes in his own judgment, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't say anything. At this time, no matter how Grandpa Mo Yi analyzed it, the other party could find corresponding arguments to refute it. Only facts can is the best proof.

"Then let's wait and see—"

Afterwards, the two of them sat there and watched Wang Yang and the president play cards.

After several battles between the two of them, they finally reached the final moment of the decisive battle——

"Game, this time I win!"

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