Kaiba said excitedly and enthusiastically:

"Kisara, launch an attack on the Knight King Artoria, the ultimate explosive white light of destruction!"

This time, the game's methods have been exhausted, and there is no way to help King Da Mao with this round of floating cannon bombing.

With Qisara's attack, Wang Yang's health quickly dropped to zero. At this moment, Wang Yang said calmly:

"Kaiba, you are strong——"

"But, I won't be defeated that easily!"

"Activate the quick-attack magic card - Same Life. When there is a super monster "Gengar" in my graveyard or on the field, I can activate the magic card."

"The moment my health returns to zero, 'Same Life' can cause the other party to suffer the same amount of health damage. The health damage I received is 6,000 points, and Kaiba's health is only 600, so your health It will also be cleared at this moment!”

So, both of them lost the game at the same time!


Kaiba thought that he could finally win, but he never expected that the card that the opponent had ambushed for several rounds would actually be such a magic card that resembled mutual destruction. It was a disaster.

Is it so difficult for me, the president, to win once? !

No matter how unwilling he was, Kaiba had to accept this fact.

"Next time, I will definitely defeat you in an upright manner——"

Wang Xiang, who had a calm face and had everything under his control, responded:

"Then I'm looking forward to it, Kaiba."

Wang Xiang is quite satisfied with the ending of 50-50. After all, Kaiba has been pursuing himself for ten years, crossing the barriers of the world to find himself playing cards. Winning the opponent seems too cruel, but losing to the opponent goes against his own principles. .

Now a tie ending is the most appropriate.

After Wang Yang and President Haima exchanged some words about the pride of duelists, they walked to Grandpa Mo Yi's place. Naturally, their target was La Er, who showed up uninvited.

In the City of Light, he is the only one suitable to entertain La Er. More importantly, let's see what La Er wants to do.

After a few business exchanges about "Pengpi Shenghui", Wang Yang and La Er started chatting, and La Er also indirectly praised the City of Light. Well, the main aspect is the summoning of the City of Light. The system of dueling elves.

"The duel game is really interesting——"

La Er talked about the card game between Wang Yang and Haima just now. After a little explanation from Wang Yang, La Er also knew that the president had also been a pharaoh queen, and he had less prejudices in his heart. It was okay to lose to other pharaohs. But losing to the common people was a shameful thing in the eyes of La Er, and it was simply a matter of shame for La Er, who was also the pharaoh.

La Er unceremoniously took the wine bottle that Grandpa Mo Yi took out, poured a glass for himself and Wang Xiang, and then put it into his own barrier to treasure it.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Ham King, you no longer hide that you are here just to have a drink!

After buying Good Wine published by Grandpa Mo Yi, La Er said with satisfaction:

"It's a pity that I don't have such a duel monster card on hand right now, otherwise I would have a monster duel game with Atum."

"That's really a pity——"

Wang Xianpi replied with a smile:

"But I have a lot of duel monster cards. If you don't mind, Mr. Ozymandias, you can take them as you like."

Although I don’t know what the purpose of La Er’s words is, it is always a good start for the other party to show their willingness to contact duel monsters. The biggest difference between the duel elf faction like Wang and the traditional faction headed by La Er is the highest belief. question.

Although Wang Yang also believes in traditional ancient Egyptian gods, his highest belief is in the elven world's creator god of light, Herakti. This is the biggest difference between Wang Yang and La Er.

At this moment, when the other party shows a willingness to contact, it is a good signal.

The way to solve this problem is to let others accept the Monster Duel game. If this game is accepted by others, the environment of the City of Light will naturally gradually improve.


There was another series of iconic laughter, and La Er said happily:

"Then I'm welcome, but——"

The moment to draw the key point finally came, and Wang Yang became serious to see what kind of request La Er would make.

"As a beginner, I am far different from you, Atum."

"Mo Yi next to me is an opponent that even I have to care about. He happens to know this very well. How about letting him show it to you on my behalf?"


Wang Xiang really didn't expect that La Er would actually make such a request, but Wang Xiang was also a man who became a king, and his IQ was very good. According to his understanding, Ramesses II's goal in coming to the City of Light was to To meet Mo Yi for a fight, he came to the City of Light just for a suitable fighting place.

Now I want to have a face-to-face fight with the opponent's number one enemy. On the one hand, I want to see my own stance and show that I am willing to stand on the other side's side. On the other hand, I want to take the opportunity to observe the strength of the two of them and collect intelligence. .

Although the Duel Monsters game is a game with limited rules, no matter what power the summoned Duel Monsters have in the real world, as long as they appear in the game, they can only be spoken by data and rules.

But duel monsters have their own mystery and power, and they can't lie!

A strong person like La Er can naturally see the essence through the appearance. As long as he summons his own natal spirit, the other party will get information.

I want to understand, I want to understand, but Wang Xiang doesn't know how to choose at the moment.

If you choose to agree and accept the olive branch extended by La Er, it will be equivalent to standing on La Er's side.

Although he had just met Mo Yi today, Wang Xiang hadn't even observed the other person's character and strength clearly, but there was no way Tiger's opponent could be Rabbit, and the opponent La Er treated so carefully couldn't be a scumbag either.

Is it really appropriate to offend an unknown strong man by expressing his stance so quickly?

If the other party moves to the City of Angry Light because of this, how will you and others resist such an unknown and powerful enemy?

Are you asking for help?

But in this case, wouldn't it mean that you and others are asking for each other, and maybe they will become the vassals of the other party.

But if he rejects La Er's proposal, given his arrogant temper, he might get angry because of it, causing the delicate balance between the strength of the City of Light and other pharaohs to be broken. With the strength of the City of Light, there is no way he can resist. The alliance of multiple forces finally had to recruit Er, a big boss who was like the leader of the martial arts alliance, for help. The result seemed to be the same, becoming the other party's younger brother.


Thinking of this, Wang Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath and thought to himself: So this is your evil plan, La Er? !

Wang Xiang was obviously overthinking. After thinking about this, he didn't know how to choose. It seemed that no matter what choice he made, it was a bad choice.

"I think it's ok-"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who had turned on his clairvoyance, saw through Wang Xiang's thoughts and couldn't help but complain:

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