A Judas banged on the door.

"Then you pay off the 10 billion breakup fee in the contract, no, let's talk about it after the liquidated damages."

(Try to use the writing method of light novels to write a half-original and half-complexion happy story. The real heroine is tentatively named Theresa.)

Chapter 552: Malatang needs two people to eat it together.

After more than an hour of life discussion, most of Bronya's worries were answered, and she left Grandpa Mo Yi's room with satisfaction.

"Finally left-"

Mo Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Comforting and deceiving others was still too difficult for the kind-hearted Mo Yi.

You know, when trying to comfort others, you will inevitably say nice things, but is this really good for others?

It is very necessary for people to recognize the necessary pain in the world. Blind optimism may lead to deeper despair.

But what kind of comfort is it to say cruel things to those who need it?

Therefore, comforting others is a very skillful thing to do, especially for someone as intelligent and calm as Bronya, who is even more difficult to deceive.

In Kiana's words, she would say a few words of chicken soup for the soul that the reader had written down, and she would be sure to fill the other party with chicken blood and make her so excited that she couldn't even sleep.

"It's better to continue drawing comics."

After taking a look at the clock, Mo Yi spread out the drawing and continued working.

There were too many things going on during this period, and Mo Yi's work was delayed a lot. He could barely maintain the series of works, but he hadn't published a new work for a long time.

This is not good. If I haven't published a new work for so long, maybe those colleagues who have been dominated for a long time will think that the big devil is old and can no longer pick up the pen.

—————The dividing line in hard work——————

Once people start working seriously, they will not notice the loss of time. When Grandpa Mo Yi found that the pile of manuscript paper was used up, he put down his pen and looked at the time, and found that it was already past two o'clock in the night.

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly discovered a reflection right in front of him.


It seems that I am really too absorbed in it, and I don't even know that someone is behind me.

However, this is also because the person behind it has no ill intentions towards Mo Yi, so he ignores it.

"Why don't you draw? I'm so excited about it, Mo Yi."

This soft and waxy voice is naturally that of a person who is already in her forties and still thinks that she is the cutest Theresa in the world.

"When did you come, Teresa?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked back at Theresa, who was bulging her face with dissatisfaction, and said with a smile:

"what's the matter?"

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Perhaps influenced by the cartoon she just read, Theresa subconsciously said such a classic line.

Well, that's right, the comic that Grandpa Mo Yi just drew is "Takagi-san who is good at teasing others", also known as "Your wife will always be your wife", "Mrs. Nishikata who is good at flirting", "Nishikata-san who is good at blushing", " "We still don't know the face Takagi-san made that day" mainly tells a youth love comedy between a female classmate Takagi with high IQ and emotional intelligence, and a male Nishikata classmate who is good at brainstorming, has an arrogant personality and refuses to admit defeat.

Everyone in the class knows that Takagi-san likes Nishikata-san. Except for Nishikata-san himself, he doesn’t know. No, it should be said that he can’t believe that the beautiful, cute, smart and cheerful Takagi-san would like him, who is so ordinary and even a scumbag. Own.

Of course, Nishikata-san likes Takagi-san, but his boyish pride (tsundere) prevents him from admitting it or letting him discover his little thoughts.

Takagi-san, who has seen through everything long ago, is not willing to reveal the other person's inner thoughts. Instead, he uses teasing methods to continuously bring the relationship between the two closer, and hints to the other person again and again, telling the other person his feelings.

In order to resist the mischievous tyranny of Takagi-san, Nishikata-san planned counterattacks again and again, and every day he would count how many times he was teased by Takagi-san, and then multiply the number of times he was teased by ten as the number of push-ups he needed to do at night to strengthen himself. Don't forget the shame, one day you can successfully tease the other person again.

Under Nishikata-san’s three major misconceptions (first, I can beat Takagi-san this time; second, I don’t like Takagi-san; third, Takagi-san is just teasing me), Nishikata-san has never been able to defeat Takagi-san. Well, even if he wins, it was because Takagi-san deliberately let the situation slip and used it for a deeper prank later to kill the opponent.

Under such a plot, Takagi-san and Nishikata-san repeat the daily teasing and counter-teasing, and the battle of wits and courage in youth love every day.

Well, the classmates in their class all know that they are fighting here and there. They are obviously feeding dog food and giving out sweets every day. Please, can you get married early?

Of course, the two eventually got married.

Nishikata-san built up his muscles by doing hundreds of push-ups every day, and eventually became a physical education teacher who once attended junior high school.

Takagi-san, who became Nishikata-san's wife, became the full-time wife of Nishikata's family. She also gave Nishikata-san a daughter named Xiaoqian. Her appearance is the same as Takagi-san's childhood, and her IQ and EQ are the same as Nishikata-san's.

Even after getting married, Takagi-san did not give up his daily routine of teasing Nishikata. Well, he even added to his daily routine of teasing his own daughter.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaoqian, who has a personality similar to that of Nishikata's classmate, also met a classmate Onigawa who had high IQ and high EQ and was good at teasing her after going to school.

As the strongest king, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally would not be stopped by Theresa's words and answered directly without even thinking about it:

"As for Teresa, it doesn't matter if you come to me anytime—"


Even Theresa, a thick-skinned guy who always claimed to be the cutest in the world, was embarrassed by Grandpa Mo Yi's straightforward words.

His little face turned red instantly, he turned his face half sideways and muttered:

"It's just a nice thing to say. Obviously when I first came to see you, you were still chatting so happily with Bronya, but then you came again and didn't even know I was here. You were just drawing comics on your own."

After saying this, Theresa felt even more embarrassed and quickly changed the subject:

"Mea Yi made a midnight snack, and I came to ask you if you want something to eat."

"I've probably finished eating it by now. It's all your fault, and it's my fault that I didn't even eat it."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, Teresa is so cute, how could it be your fault? hey-hey

After seeing that Grandpa Mo Yi was distracted by her words, Theresa sat down on the bed next to her, looked at Mo Yi curiously, and asked:

"I didn't expect you to be able to draw comics, and it's so good-looking. It's just a little worse than "The Adventures of Homu". Well, after all, they are different genres, so it's wrong to compare it like this."

Theresa's inner thoughts: Hum, I won't praise you, otherwise I won't know where my tail is.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

You actually dare to compare my Takagi-san with Homu, a strange rabbit who only eats captains’ crystals. If you weren’t the cutie Theresa, I would definitely draw my sword and use physical means to convince you, Takagi-san. Number one in the world, if you also like Takagi-san, we are still half-brothers and sisters.

"Didn't I tell you that my real career is as a high school student and creator?"

When Grandpa Mo Yi saw Theresa, he always glanced at the drawings on the table. He didn't know whether the other person wanted to continue reading, whether he hadn't looked at the previous ones or wanted to look at them again, but it didn't matter. Lisa is.

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