After sorting the drawings on the table, Grandpa Mo Yi handed the drawings to Theresa and said with a smile:

"Theresa, please help me check if there is anything wrong. I'm going to cook a midnight snack now, I'm very hungry."

"What do you want to eat?"

"You guy-"

Theresa, whose cheeks were still red as Grandpa Mo Yi saw through her little thoughts, muttered:

"My lady, please reluctantly do me a favor. As for late-night snacks, anything is fine."


Grandpa Mo Yi took advantage of Deli's finishing work and put his right hand on Deli's forehead and rubbed it. The touch was still so wonderful. Then he quickly retracted to avoid Deli's angry iron teeth and said with a smile:

"Then I'll go and I'll be back soon."

"Come on, huh-huh-"

After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi walk out of the room, Teresa could lie down on the bed and flip through the front drawings contentedly. She was soon attracted by the story of Takagi-san's meeting with Nishikata-san.

As a clone of Kallen, Theresa's life experience is naturally very different from ordinary people, and she has never experienced school life.

Although she has watched a lot of campus cartoons, this understanding is definitely completely different from her own experience.

Because there is none, I am even more looking forward to and yearning for it! !

Looking at the campus life between Takagi-san and Nishikata-san, Teresa seemed to feel the same, and she looked forward to it more and more. It would be great if she could go to school like ordinary people.

Therefore, Theresa's idea of ​​establishing St. Freya Academy became more determined, or rather impatient.

If St. Freya Academy is built, maybe I can do the same.

Of course, Theresa has not yet discovered that even if St. Freya Academy is built, she will only be the principal, not the student.

In front of the students, there are only two types of creatures like the dean, the cruel old woman and the super cruel old woman.

————The dividing line ten minutes later————

"I'm back, Theresa——"

Theresa, who was addicted to the plot, had no idea how fast time passed. Why did she feel that she had only read a few paintings before Mo Yi came back.

It was done so quickly and there is no sincerity at all. People still want to read the comics for a while, so it’s not too late to have them as a late-night snack after reading them!

Well, actually wanting to read comics is Theresa’s real wish.

"Come over here and cook. You can eat and watch at the same time."

Grandpa Mo Yi also saw through the little thoughts of a childish guy like Theresa and made a funny suggestion.

As for saying, ‘You are not allowed to do other things while eating (watching TV, playing with mobile phones, reading books)’, he has not yet become a parent, and Theresa is not a child, so naturally he will not say this.

Only self-righteous people will use the tone of "not allowed" when talking to friends and family. No matter what the starting point is, it will only make people annoying in the end (except for taking care of younger children). Human beings, Even in the depths of darkness, everyone is looking up to the light and longing for freedom. To 'not allow' it is to hinder people themselves from pursuing light and freedom.


After hearing what Mo Yi said, Theresa was very happy and obediently holding the drawing and sitting on the wooden table where Mo Yi drew comics before.

Only then did Theresa realize that Grandpa Mo Yi only brought an oversized wooden bowl filled with noodles and all kinds of food that, Theresa didn't know, had a strange aroma.

"What is this? Also, why did you only take one bowl?"

Theresa looked at this large bowl of unknown food very curiously.

"This is called Malatang——"

Grandpa Mo Yi handed a pair of chopsticks to Theresa and explained seriously:

"A variety of snacks with Chinese characteristics are cooked in one pot, and supplemented with various slightly spicy ingredients and soy sauce. This is a very famous and popular dish in China."

"As for why there is only one big bowl, it's because Malatang requires two people to eat it together to make it taste delicious."

"Theresa, don't you think it's very warm and humane for two people to get together, talk casually, and enjoy delicious food?"


After imagining the situation in her mind, Theresa felt that it made sense and nodded:

"That's right. It just so happens that I have a lot of questions to ask you."


Theresa picked up a small sausage and took a bite. The spicy aroma and the meaty flavor of the sausage were perfectly mixed together, and then exploded on her taste buds. Her little face suddenly turned into a happy smile. smile.

Of course, in order to take care of Teresa who might not be used to it (not many Europeans can tolerate spiciness), Mo Yi didn't make it too spicy, and the level was just right for people who don't often eat spicy food.

Theresa tried various snacks while swallowing, and said in a strange voice:

"Mo Yi, I'm going to have lunch tomorrow, uh-huh, dinner and midnight snack, do you want to eat?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

It’s not that it’s impossible, I’m just afraid that you won’t be able to bear it.

You know, if someone who has never eaten spicy food suddenly eats so many spicy things in a row, chrysanthemums will bloom!

"no problem--"

As an S-class Valkyrie, she's not even afraid of Honkai Impact, so she shouldn't be afraid of the side effects of spicy hot pot?

At most, the gynecological master Mo Yi will take action when the time comes.

"As long as you like to eat."


After eating for a while, Theresa remembered that she had many questions to say.

"Mo Yi, Mo Yi——"

"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke. I'll listen."

"I saw the comics you drew. There are so many descriptions of campus life in them——"

Theresa's eyes flashed with anticipation and she said:

"Is school really interesting?"

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