
This is really hard to say. It can be said that it varies from person to person. For top academics, school is a place where they can gain a sense of presence and honor. For salted fish who have given up treatment, school is a place where they waste their time.

Of course, no matter what kind of person you are, if you have a friend like Takagi-san by your side, going to college is definitely something worth looking forward to, but most of them don’t!

Think so?

Grandpa Mo Yi seems to belong to the type of 'Takagi-san'. He has been on leave for so long, and the venomous teacher Kasumi Shiko must have missed him.

"Well, that's interesting."

Grandpa Mo Yi felt that he needed to protect Theresa's beautiful fantasy, so he answered the other party based on his own situation.

"very nice--"

Theresa said curiously:

"Then whose name is written on your eraser?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

How are you sure that I am writing someone else's name on the eraser?

This is really not the case!

As for the origin of the name written with eraser, it was also a prank played by Takagi-san on Nishikata-san.

One day in class, Takagi-san purposely borrowed the other person's eraser, and then said that he should write the name of the person he likes on the eraser, and then use up the eraser completely, so that the two of them can be together smoothly.

First, he teased Nishikata by pretending to find his name written on his eraser (actually he didn't).

Then he went to the bathroom and teased Nishikata by writing her name on her eraser.

Then Nishikata discovered that there were writings on the eraser.

With all kinds of uneasiness (the feeling of someone you like having someone you like), when I finally saw the name clearly, I found that it said "look outside the door", and I found that Takagi-san had been secretly observing outside the door. Looking at him.

That's right, Nishikata-san, whose IQ was suppressed, was teased by Takagi-san again.

However, Nishikata-san didn’t notice that his name was written on the other side of Takagi-san’s eraser.


Grandpa Mo Yi said truthfully:

"I really don't have a girl's name written on my eraser!" (My grandpa Mo Yi really doesn't have anything like that.)

Teresa: "???"

Is that a boy's name?

"I saw that you drew the comics with a pencil, but where is your eraser?"

Theresa looked around on the table, but couldn't find the eraser, and whispered:

‘If I look at your rubber sassafras, will I know if it’s there? Humph, I hate liars the most. ’

"Yes, I just want to know if you lied."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

My grandpa's writing skills are already extraordinary, how could he need to use a rubber sassafras!

It could be seen that Theresa was very persistent. She first took out a piece of eraser from her pocket, put it under the table, then pointed at it and said:

"Theresa, didn't the rubber sassafras fall at your feet?"

"Well, yes--"

Theresa picked it up with quick eyes and hands, not letting Grandpa Mo Yi take it back first, and then curiously pulled up the cardboard wrapped with rubber sassafras.

Well, there's no handwriting.

"I happen to need a rubber sassafras when I get back. You can lend it to me first and I'll return it to you tomorrow."


Mo Yi smiled, and Theresa stuffed the eraser into her pocket.

As for Theresa's words, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't even believe it. She was not a primary school student who needed to do homework. How could she suddenly need to borrow a rubber eraser?

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi boldly predicted that the other party would definitely take the eraser back, write 'Theresa Apokalis' on it, and then return it to Grandpa Mo Yi as if nothing had happened, leaving him without knowing it. Next, use up the rubber sassafras.

When the time comes, Grandpa Mo Yi will pull out the rubber band from the cardboard and take a closer look to see if his guess is correct.

Hum hum——

How could Teresa hide this from the extremely witty and good at teasing classmate Mo Yi?

This book, according to the outline, should be followed by a game chapter that combines "Sword Art Online", "Game Life", and "Bone King", followed by the "Eastern Chapter", and finally the final chapter "The Return of the Demon King" , and if it is written in detail, if no new content is added and the book is written at the current pace, it will probably take more than four million words to complete. To put it simply, it should be less than three million words. As for the update issue, perfect attendance is a must, after all, it is necessary to have regular meals. As for the issue of old traps, in fact, many of the content outlines of the old books have been written in this book. For example, the content of the Magical Girl Illya chapter is based on the idea of ​​​​Xingyue's money-making book, while the Shajo Aige and Touhou chapters are based on the concept of the type. The idea of ​​the book Yue vs. Dongfang. So, don’t worry, as long as you can barely maintain a living, the author will continue writing until the book is completed.

Chapter 553: You have been strengthened by the command spell. Come on, mother-in-law!

"Are you going to the Tower of Light?"

Wang Xiang looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and others who came to say goodbye, and without saying anything else, he blessed:

"I hope you can return safely. When you return, I will have a big feast in the palace to celebrate."

In the past few days, Wang Xiang got to know Grandpa Mo Yi and others a lot better, and knew that they were actually good guys, especially Mo Yi, who was the only man who could beat him repeatedly in playing cards.

It would be a pity if it just went away and never came back.

Although the purpose of their arrival was to face Ramses, when they suddenly knew that everyone was leaving, they still inevitably felt sad and thought of those former friends.

After bidding farewell to Wang Xiang, Grandpa Mo Yi and others, led by Mana, quickly arrived at the bottom of the Tower of Light.

Just looking up, the Tower of Light is really tall. It has broken through the clouds. In the real world, it is estimated that this is the tallest building in the world.


Mana has become very familiar with girls of the same age like Raiden Mei and others these days. Well, with the knowledge of modern clothes and various skin care products of Raiden Mei and others, she has never seen this, but her love for beauty has been ancient and modern. Mana who has it naturally falls into these sweet traps.

Mana knew that the real leader here was Grandpa Mo Yi, and only by convincing him could she change everyone's minds.

"Mo Yi, do you really want to go up?"

Mana finally persuaded:

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