"Ramses II is a man who represents the gods of ancient Egypt. Opposing him in the Court of the Gods is equivalent to being an enemy of the gods."

"Why don't you think about it and leave the Courtyard of the Gods first before making plans? Master often says that running away is sometimes a kind of courage."

"As far as I know, there are many ways to leave."

"Thank you for your advice, Mana——"

Grandpa Mo Yi knew that this was the other party's good intentions, so he did not get angry or show any dissatisfaction. He smiled gently and said:

"But the blood of any king will end with the sword——"

"This matter needs an explanation after all. If even those of us who are capable of facing and solving the problem run away, who else will face the wrath of Ramses II? More innocent people may be involved."

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Mana seemed to know Grandpa Mo Yi for the first time.

Well, Mana had a very bad impression of Grandpa Mo Yi before this, a hateful man.

Mana, who was responsible for taking care of the king's daily life because he always beat her king at cards, found that his own king actually suffered from insomnia because of this. He hid there alone, studying to himself how to defeat the opponent. What if It was not during the day, but when she saw me, Wang Xiang, back to normal, she thought that Wang Xiang had gone crazy because of this.

But now I discovered that the guy named Mo Yi actually had such a consciousness and was worthy of being a man who could become Wang's opponent.

"In front of you is the Tower of Light, the temple of Hel'Akti, the Creator God of Light. I can only take you here. I can only wish you well for the rest."

"Actually, I hope you can teach that stinky guy a lesson. That's the place of Lord Hel'akdi, and you know how to bully others!"

Looking at Mana who was muttering carefully, fearing that others would know what she said, Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his thumb and said with a smile:

"No problem, I'll beat him until he cries."


Mana really couldn't imagine Ramses II crying and begging for mercy, so she couldn't help but laughed, and then waved to everyone and left.

——————Keep going, don’t stop the dividing line——————

After walking a few steps forward, Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand to stop everyone and said:

"Stop first——"

Illya, who has entered the magical girl state, asked curiously, the entrance to the Tower of Light is ahead, why did she stop? Is it that Baymax is also going to have a "Before the official start, I also want to say a few words" ?

"What's the matter, Baymax?"

Grandpa Mo Yi picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it forward.

The pebbles flying with inertia were blocked by an invisible red barrier after advancing a short distance. After being stagnant in the air for a second, they spontaneously ignited without fire and burned into nothingness in an instant, leaving not even a trace of residue.

"It is a large-scale barrier with built-in enemy repelling and attack capabilities."

Xiao Hei, the only magician born in a major present, analyzed:

"According to the situation just now, this should be a super-large barrier that covers all directions. It has a strong effect and no leakage. It can only be broken through forcefully."

"This is too dangerous."

Kiana patted her heart with a really lucky look. She was the one walking in front just now. If Grandpa Mo Yi hadn't reminded her, she would have been the first person to hit the barrier that would ignite things.

I don't know if the Valkyrie armor made by Mo Yi can withstand this barrier. If it can't, her death will be innocent and meaningless.

So being at the front is not necessarily a good thing. You may be the first to eat crabs, or you may be the first unlucky guy to eat pufferfish and be poisoned to death.

"I'll resolve the barrier——"

Grandpa Mo Yi was about to take action when Cecilia, who was standing still and acting as a fool's mother to take care of Kiana, stood up, summoned her own precious phantom, the Black Abyss White Flower, and said firmly:

"My Noble Phantasm just restrains things like barriers that cannot move, change or counterattack——"

"Besides, the master will be needed for the subsequent battles, so there is no need to waste energy in these places."


Grandpa Mo Yi had to admit that Cecilia's analysis was quite reasonable. Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi's combat effectiveness was far beyond their imagination. Breaking such a barrier was basically the same as going out to buy a bottle of soy sauce.

But my friends are so motivated. As the leader, I certainly can't dampen everyone's enthusiasm. After all, one god can lead four pits, which does not mean one versus five. It is also necessary to let teammates add some assists.

"Strengthen you with the Command Seal and use your Noble Phantasm with all your strength, Lancer!"

"Strengthen you with the command spell and break down all obstacles, Cecilia!"

Cecilia was transformed into a heroic spirit by Grandpa Mo Yi's own hands. It was not much different from the figure he made with his own hands and feet. Grandpa Mo Yi knew all about the opponent's body data and ability limits.

With her Noble Phantasm, the Black Abyss White Flower, it was really difficult to break through the super large barrier in front of her.

But at this time, it is a good time to use the command spell to strengthen the opponent.

As an excellent master, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knows how to use Command Spells. He would not use a Command Spell to order a servant to use a Noble Phantasm, and then use another Command Spell a second later to prevent the other party from using the Noble Phantasm. This is so suffocating. Touching operation.

Moreover, Grandpa Mo Yi's command spell is very different from the command spell in the Holy Grail War. Its effectiveness and binding power in all aspects are far greater than the effect of the command spell in the Holy Grail War. When used for strengthening effect, it can at least make the subordinates Instantly increase the explosive power by more than ten times.

"This is..., is this the power of the command spell?"

Cecilia, who entered the armed state, felt the magic boiling out of her body, and said to herself excitedly:

"Power is constantly pouring out from the depths of the body!"

In fact, Cecilia misunderstood that ordinary command spells could not have such a powerful effect. The biggest effect was to instantly restore the magic power and increase the combat power by three points. Her current comprehensive combat power increased by twenty times in an instant, and she instantly went from first-rate to first-rate. The Servant transforms into a first-rate Servant.

Cecilia raised the knight's spear, Black Abyss White Flower, in her hand, and began to liberate her true name::

"I am the black that swallows everything, and I am the white that breeds everything; born before creation, existing after annihilation——"

As the true name of the Noble Phantasm was liberated, the Black Abyss White Flower emitted a burst of black and white, transforming into strange beams of light.


It was the first time she saw her mother take it seriously. As the strongest Valkyrie, Kiana felt very complicated. Of course, it was complicated with positive emotions such as excitement and happiness. She sighed in a low voice:

"When can I grow up to be as powerful as my mother?"

Kiana's good friend, the elusive Banya, rarely refuted Kiana's words after hearing her words. He turned to look seriously at Cecilia who was bathed in the beam of light and said:

"Cecilia's mother's energy fluctuation at this moment actually exceeded the threshold of one million points, which is the human limit. It is simply unbelievable——"

During these days, in addition to taking care of Kiana, Cecilia also took care of Kiana's friends, such as Bronya and Raiden Mei.

Raiden Mei, who has always been Mei's mother, also felt maternal love from each other for the first time in a long time. As for Bronya, she was also successfully captured by Cecilia.

Well, Bronya's affection for Cecilia is second only to Raiden Mei, who was the first to give her motherly love. She usually calls Cecilia as Cecilia's mother.

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