Soon, La Er's voice was heard in everyone's ears. It probably meant that if you want to leave here, there are only two ways -

One is to eliminate all the Hot Sand Human-Faced Beasts here; the first method is for everyone to defeat one Hot Sand Human-Faced Beast alone.

The reason why La Er set it up like this was naturally to prevent those Zhan Wu scum from walking in front of him. This was simply an insult to him.

But if he could defeat a hot sand human-faced beast alone, he would be considered qualified to be defeated by him personally.

La Er's approach, in a sense, coincides with Mo Yi's real purpose, to train Theresa and the others.

But having to swipe a hot sand human-faced beast all at once, which can be regarded as a mini-boss in any dungeon, is really difficult for trainee Valkyries like Kiana and Raiden Mei, who have little combat experience.

If he was seriously injured or something, this was not the outcome that Grandpa Mo Yi wanted.

Therefore, Grandpa Mo Yi was a little hesitant at this moment. Should he give everyone a chance to test and wait until someone can't hold it anymore before he immediately rescues them? Or should he directly attack and wipe out these hot sand human-faced beasts?

"I'll go first-"

Just when Grandpa Mo Yi was about to ask everyone for their opinions on whether they were confident in dealing with the hot sand human-faced beast on their own, Teresa rarely spoke up.

For some reason, Theresa's painting style changed from cute to a passionate comic style at this moment.

"Let me test the various abilities of these hot sand human-faced beasts, and you can collect intelligence from behind."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Theresa?"

"I know what you're thinking-"

Theresa showed a rare aura that made Kiana and other juniors admire and trust her, and said firmly:

"As Cecilia said before, you need to deal with the toughest guy in the back, and you can't waste too much energy in the front."

"This is just the best strategy now——"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Oh my god, this master was actually educated by Teresa, the mascot of the team?

But the way Theresa looks serious is so cute and smells so good!

"Auntie, are you really okay?"

Although she knew that Theresa was a so-called S-class Valkyrie, Kiana still couldn't believe that Theresa, who looked like a primary school student, was really as strong as her mother.

In fact, Theresa is really not as strong as Cecilia. Although she is rated as an S-class Valkyrie, the big factor is because of the doting granddaughter of Lord Luto and her experience of more than 40 years. Even though she was promoted to an S-class Valkyrie, Theresa didn't have any outstanding achievements.

Cecilia, who is also an S-class Valkyrie, had just given birth to Kiana. She was still able to hold back Siren in her prime and forced a 50-50 fight for a period of time. However, Theresa's later duel strength was not as good as Sirin's in her prime. Lin's Luhuana was crushed and defeated by her opponent.

It can only be said that the strength gap is a bit big.

Of course, No matter how much Theresa's combat power ranks at the bottom among S-class Valkyries, it is still much better than a novice Valkyrie like Kiana who has no professional training.

Hearing Kiana call her aunt again, Theresa felt almost at peace with her heart. She rolled her eyes at the other party speechlessly and complained:

"You are the weakest person here, and you still have the nerve to question me?"

"Who do you think I am for, to be the first to go into battle and collect information for you?"

Kiana: "..."

It hurts my heart, Old Sha.

Kiana glanced at the friends around her with some dissatisfaction, trying to find those who were weaker than me, and soon discovered that they seemed to be really stronger than her.

Even Illya, Xiaohei and Abi, who were still elementary school students, showed extraordinary strength when fighting the Scorpion Emperor.

When Illya transforms into a girl from the stars, her firepower is countless times stronger than her own twin guns. What others see as shelling is a shooting, and there is no need to compare.

Xiao Hei is the one who is most in line with Kiana's temperament, and the two of them quickly became familiar with each other. Kiana naturally knew that the other party's ability to create weapons in the void with various magical effects, as well as his richness, could be regarded as superb. His melee combat ability is not comparable to his own gun fighting skills.

As for Abigail, who was taciturn and seemed easy to bully, even though she didn't see any special abilities, the original Scorpion Sea crisis was solved by the other party in an unknown way.

When Kiana looked at each other, she always felt fuzzy in her heart. There seemed to be something very, very scary hidden behind the other person.

As for Raiden Mei, it definitely cannot be used as a standard for her own combat power.

Yae Sakura, Kiana once again recalled the painful memories of being dominated by her opponent during kendo training.

Well, there is only one answer, and that’s you——

"How can I be the weakest, it's obviously Bronya!"

Bronya: Meow meow meow?

I am a Super Alloy Bulang Ya. Before I joined Anti-Entropy and was sent to an orphanage by Cocolia, I worked as a mercenary and killed more people than you have ever fought, Kiana.

A mere paramecium fighting against the fifth scum actually dares to say that he is the best. Does he have any secrets in his heart?

"For an idiot like Kiana, Bronya's heavily armored bunny can fight ten at the same time!"

Ignoring the noisy Kiana, Theresa, under the protection of the Holy Light, put on the Valkyrie Armor "Ode to Divine Grace" made by Grandpa Mo Yi, and walked in front of a certain hot sand human-faced beast.

Seeing Theresa stepping forward independently, except for the hot sand human-faced beast closest to Theresa, the other hot sand human-faced beasts sank under the sand, leaving the battlefield to Theresa and the hot sand human-faced beast. Number.

"With your height and body shape, according to human calculation standards, you should still be in early childhood-"

Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast No. 1, with a malicious smile on his face, lowered his head and stared at Theresa who was also staring at it, and growled in a hoarse voice:

"What a poor guy. Do your companions want to send you out to die so that we can be careless later? It's really a stupid choice. We Hot Sand Human-Faced Beasts are beasts of wisdom. We actually prefer to use force instead of force. Wisdom solves problems, such as eating humans who can’t answer our questions in one go.”

At this point, a drop of orange-yellow saliva leaked from the open mouth of the hot sand human-faced beast. Upon seeing this, Theresa quickly took a step back to avoid being stained by this disgusting unknown liquid.


The saliva fell on the sand, and even the sand melted, proving that Theresa's retreat was right.

"However, compared to adults with rough flesh, I prefer infant humans. Not only is the flesh fresh and tender, but the sound they make when they scream in my mouth is also particularly pleasant."

"I seem to imagine how sweet the sound of your screams will be."

"I hope you can stick with it longer, this is long-lost fun..."

"It's so noisy, you mutated lion spirit——"

Teresa couldn't bear the chatter of Hotsand Man-Faced Beast No. 1 anymore, and complained:

"Villains die from talking too much. Wouldn't it be better for a talkative guy like you to just leave the show? You keep talking because you're afraid that others won't know that you are just a sidekick. Don't you know that villains die from talking too much?! "

Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast: "..."

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