The hot-sand human-faced beast looked embarrassed. Well, although his expression was the same in everyone's eyes, he was still ugly and ferocious. He said seriously:

"Since this young little guy wants to die early, then I will help you -"

Seeing that the hot sand human-faced beast was about to chatter and brag again, Teresa no longer had the patience to stand with the opponent. She grabbed Judas behind her with her right hand and used a clean and sharp move, the "Pull Judas Slash" against the hot sand beast. Sand Man-Faced Beast No. 1 was played.

"The world's most adorable punch!"

The hot sand human-faced beast that was still talking must have been unable to react, and was sent flying by Theresa's heavy hammer blow. It flew for more than ten meters before landing, and its life or death was unknown for a while.

"Oh no--"

Looking at the hot sand human-faced beast that was knocked away by her, Theresa scratched her head in embarrassment and thought:

"I couldn't help it all of a sudden, so I hit him hard. Wouldn't the other party just die?"

"I haven't gathered any useful information yet."


The smoke caused by the hot sand human-faced beast falling to the ground dissipated, and an unpleasant roar came from the sound:

"Little dwarf, you succeeded in irritating me. I won't let you die easily later!"

Immediately, the hot sand human-faced beast shot Theresa from a distance, as fast as an arrow leaving the string.

"Very fast——"

Although the burst speed of the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast is fast, it is not too slow. With the bonus of the Divine Grace Hymn created by Grandpa Mo Yi, Theresa can still easily avoid the opponent's attack.

But Theresa's purpose is to collect intelligence, and now is a good opportunity to feel the strength of the opponent's attack.

"Holy Light Qindun——"

Under the protection of Judas sandwiched in front, Judas also radiated holy light, forming an eggshell-shaped light shield.


Under the collision of the hot sand human-faced beast, Theresa was still knocked out, but in a tight defensive state, she did not suffer any injuries and was just knocked away.

Instead, it was the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast. After hitting the light shield, its skin was burned by the light-attribute Honkai Energy emitted by the light shield.

"Damn guy——"

After discovering that a close attack might be counter-attacked by the light emitted by the opponent, the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast did not choose to chase after her and launch a combo attack. Instead, it spit out a large ball of orange saliva at the place where Theresa was about to land.

"Melt it for me, you damn little dwarf!"


Where Theresa landed, there was a sizzling sound as the digestive juices dissolved her body.


When she saw Theresa being beaten away, Kiana rushed to help, but Cecilia held her back and told her to believe that Theresa, an opponent of this level, would be fine.

But after seeing such a biochemical attack from the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast, Kiana still couldn't help but shout out.

"Auntie is so small, she must be incompetent."

"It's so noisy, in front of the little dwarf, behind the little dwarf——"

Theresa, whose whole body was bathed in a circular light shield, walked out slowly and said angrily:

"You stupid guy, you think you're so good-looking, you're so amazing!"


When the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast saw Theresa come out intact, especially the bald head whose digestive juices were shielded by defense, it was simply disgusting. It was like a poisonous hedgehog. A dozen The opponent will only be stabbed.

"I'll just call you dwarf, so what? If you have the ability, come and beat me!"

The Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast tried to use words to anger Theresa, causing her to lose her mind and reveal her flaws.

"Judas spread out—"

Teresa, whose face turned pale with anger, stuck Judas on the ground. Judas instantly transformed and turned into a Judas launcher, shooting countless light spears into the sky.

"Go to hell, you idiot!"

The light spears shot into the sky, after a sufficient number, turned into light rain and shot at the hot sand human-faced beast on the ground with an absolutely unavoidable quantity and quantity.

"The attack comes from heaven -"

The Hot Sand Man-Faced Beasts were right. In terms of personal IQ, they were no worse than humans, and even exceeded most human requirements. At this moment, they quickly saw through the attack mode of Theresa's "Judas Launcher".


While countless light spears bombarded the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast, the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast controlled the sand on the ground and quickly formed a sand shield to block the bombardment of the light spears.

After seeing the way the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast resisted, Teresa maintained Judas's output power and continuously fired light spears to bombard the opponent from a distance. This lasted for a full minute before she calmed down.


Because of the haze caused by the explosion of the light spear, it was impossible to see the situation where the big hole was formed by the bombardment. However, in Theresa's guess, sand alone could not stop Guangyu's death bombing. Logically speaking, the opponent should have already Blast to smithereens.


After taking Judah back and preparing to leave, Teresa found that she couldn't move her feet. Looking down, the sand underground turned into quicksand at some point. Her ankles were already submerged in the quicksand. No matter how hard she tried, Despite his strange strength, it was difficult to pry his feet out of the quicksand.

With nowhere to turn, Theresa could only watch and feel herself sinking little by little.

"It's useless, quicksand is the most deadly trap in the desert——"

At this time, three meters in front of Theresa, the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast emerged from the sand. With wary eyes, it stared at Theresa and said:

"You were caught by me, who has the ability to manipulate sand. Even if you have the power to move mountains and seas, there is absolutely no way you can escape. This is a death curse from the desert."

Although the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast spoke very confidently, it did not dare to approach Theresa. The vigilant look on its face showed that it was still very scared. The light spear just washed the ground, but it almost killed it. Fortunately, it sneaked into the ground in time. Only then did he successfully avoid being hit from the front.

Chapter 555: This is really Kiana time

"Go to hell! Burial in quicksand!"

With the roar of the hot sand human-faced beast, the still quicksand under Theresa's feet began to boil, and several big hands of sand were formed. They stretched out to grab Theresa, whose feet were grabbed by the quicksand and could not dodge, and then wrapped them Teresa, sank suddenly.

"Be prepared to be crushed to pieces by the weight of 1,000 meters underground."

After seeing Theresa being successfully pulled down deep underground, the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast felt stable. It was impossible for humans to survive a thousand meters underground.

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