When he was about to sink into the sand and fight the next trial with other hot sand human-faced beasts, the ground began to tremble slightly.

"Is this? He's not dead yet—"

Before it had time to figure out how to respond, a golden light beam shot through the surface from the underground location where Theresa sank.

"it's useless --"

The hot sand human-faced beast roared in a panic:

"Spear of Sand——"

The sand around it, under its control, turned into countless giant spears made of sand, and shot towards Theresa who rushed out of the light pillar.

"Heaven's Judgment——"

Under the protection of the light attribute Honkai energy, Theresa directly ignored the spear attacks caused by the photons, instantly rushed in front of the hot sand man-faced beast, and then used the secret of the hymn of divine grace.

A small black hole shot out of her hand, hitting the hot sand man-faced beast that was too big and had insufficient dodge ability.

The opponent was immediately sucked into the miniature black hole, and his whole body was constantly pulled by the gravitational force emitted by the black hole, and his body even collapsed due to this.

However, this is not the pre-move of ‘Heaven’s Judgment’. As the black hole successfully captures the opponent, the Judas in Theresa’s hand begins to transform, turning into countless swords of light, shuttling and cutting randomly around the black hole!

Four seconds later, the small black hole disappeared, and at the same time, the hot sand human-faced beast disappeared.

"Let you talk dirty-"

Teresa put Judas away and muttered:

"I obviously want to collect more information."

More than twenty seconds later, another hot sand human-faced beast emerged from the sand and looked at Mo Yi and others——

"Now it's up to me to give you a trial."

"I come--"

Youlandel held the Black Abyss White Flower in her hand and walked out directly.

"Damn humans, I won't underestimate the enemy like No. 1!"

This hot sand human-faced beast, tentatively called No. 2, sprayed a large ball of digestive saliva from its mouth towards Hollander while speaking.

It can be seen that this guy is very sinister.

I won't be careless anymore!

Hollandel, who had fought hard against the Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast, had been thinking hard for a long time during this adventure, how to quickly defeat such an opponent, and formulate the best battle strategy.

Especially after seeing Theresa, who was once just a vase, easily defeat the opponent, her fighting spirit became even more intense.

Faced with the saliva attack of the hot sand human-faced beast, Youlandel immediately moved quickly, even forming an afterimage.

Then the snakeskin formed by the afterimages moved, quickly approaching the hot sand human-faced beast.

"This is your weakness-"

Youlandel, who was approaching quickly, turned on the power of the Black Abyss White Flower to the maximum, and then stabbed it in the belly before the hot sand human-faced beast could react.

The belly of most creatures is the weakest defense point.

"Despicable humans——"

The hot sand human-faced beast only had time to say a word before it dissipated like sand in the wind under the decomposition power of the black abyss white flowers.

Of course, Hollandel seemed to win very easily. This was the outcome achieved after collecting enough intelligence, knowing the opponent's physical reaction, specific abilities, and defense methods, plus an unexpected attack.

You must know that the comprehensive combat power of a hot sand human-faced beast can be compared to the combat power of a first-class servant.

Well, it is understandable that a Cú Chulainn who does not fight in the Nordic mainland and has no bonus has the combat power.

"The greatness of human beings lies in constantly learning experience and growing. This is the real reason why humans stand out from thousands of species."

Looking at the dissipated Hot Sand Man-Faced Beast, Hollandel, who had succeeded in taking revenge, turned around proudly.

Next, a hot sand man-faced beast emerged from the sand, and was then eliminated by your friends.

Perhaps because the previous battles provided everyone with enough intelligence, everyone knows the attack modes and abilities of these hot sand human-faced beasts, except for those who are powerful themselves, such as Grandpa Mo Yi, Cecilia, and Abigail. In addition to this kind of strength crushing, those with weaker strength, such as Xiao Hei and Yae Sakura, all relied on strategies to win.

And these hot sand human-faced beasts were ordered by La Er. Even though they were very angry, they did not dare to disobey La Er's order and attacked in groups.

I don’t know how long the fight lasted, but I finally reached the last person.

The weakest one among the friends, Kiana.

"Finally, I'm here, Miss——"

Kiana was very dissatisfied with the words of others who did not let her go out to fight first, but instead asked her to observe carefully and think about countermeasures.

My big cock Yana, how can I be the most delicious!

After putting on the moonlight armor, I am super strong!

Today, I, Kiana, will rectify the name of gun fighting. Gun fighting is not just about shaking the gun through special force techniques when shooting, so that the bullet (space bar) turns under the action of centripetal force. Such a superficial and single skill.

"My uncle is very angry now. Human beings come forward and die!"

Watching his friends die tragically at the hands of Grandpa Mo Yi and others, the hot sand human-faced beast that appeared at the end roared in frustration and stared at Kiana fiercely.

"go to hell--"

Under the control of the hot sand human-faced beast, countless sands flew into the air and turned into big hands to grab Kiana.

"Combined rotating target——"

Facing Shasha's attack, Kiana, who had already been on the sidelines for a long time and watched countless times, did not panic and shot Shasha's big hand in the air with both guns.

"Bang bang——"

Although Kiana's twin guns are just pistols, their power depends on the output of their own Honkai energy. If enough Honkai energy is input, the power of the explosion will be no worse than that of a cannon.

Kiana, who has played with guns since she was a child, has fully demonstrated the basic qualities of a qualified ADC.

Under the firepower of the two guns, he just managed to scatter the sand on his head with his big hands, and successfully hit the hot sand man-faced beast who was very upright and stayed in place to cast spells.


After being shot by Kiana, the hot sand human-faced beast no longer dared to look down on its children. Kiana, who had no idea what kind of weapon she was holding in her hand, used her ancestral escape technique to sneak under the sand.

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