This unexpected and reasonable answer made La Er surprised at first, and then burst into laughter:

"You're right, it's such a simple truth."

"Mo Yi, the one who will fight you next is no longer the heroic spirit named 'Rameses II', but the King of the Gods of Ancient Egypt!"

After that, La Er pulled off the somewhat damaged cloak behind him, revealing his strong body, and then an invisible force emerged from his body.

"This is--"

The moves used by La Er before were always based on the power of heroic spirits sublimated based on the deeds of La Ramses II.

Korra II was not only the most famous pharaoh in ancient Egypt, but at this time he was not bound by the so-called ranks in the Holy Grail War. As the son of the Sun God, he was also the king of the gods in ancient Egypt.

Especially they are still in the courtyard of the gods of ancient Egypt, on the territory of the gods of ancient Egypt.

At this moment, fighting against Ra Er is to fight against the gods of ancient Egypt.

"The power of the gods."

Mo Yi instantly understood the essence of La Er's great increase in strength and drastic change in temperament.

"In this era when faith has dissipated and the gods have retreated, the power of the gods has long been forgotten by the world. Every time the power of the gods is used, it takes a lot of time to restore these hard-earned divine powers."

As La Er said this, his painting style had already changed from Xing Yue's painting style with exquisite lines to the painting style of a Dragon Ball powerhouse with his hair standing upside down and strong energy fluctuations exuding from his whole body.

"But if my opponent is you, I'm willing to go all out!"


La Er, who borrowed the power of the ancient Egyptian gods, has completely changed his fighting style, from the previous bombardment and control of the mage with various skills to the current berserker mode.

After he used his strength to step on the ground, the ground exploded as if hit by a meteorite, and La Er also turned into a golden light, came to Mo Yi, and punched Mo Yi hard.

Mo Yi, who was well prepared, turned his head to the right, just in time to avoid La Er's heavy punch.

Korra Er's attacks were like running water. After being dodged by a punch, his whole body seemed to be glued to Mo Yi. No matter how Mo Yi dodged the opponent's fists and kicks, he retreated and moved with various tactics, They couldn't escape the pursuit of La Er who entered the explosive mode.


La Er's attacks did not weaken as they continued for a long time. Instead, his fists became heavier and faster. At first, Grandpa Mo Yi just dodged. Later, he needed to block La Er's fists to completely neutralize the opponent's attack. attack.

In the end, the figures of the two fighting were directly reflected in the live broadcast projection, or as two golden and blue meteors in the sky that continuously collided on the ground and in mid-air.

The damage caused to the environment by such close combat between the two is no greater than the damage caused by various waves before La Er. Every time the two collide, the shock wave generated is enough to shatter the surrounding things. The battle site is like It is deforming violently as if it is constantly being bombarded by missiles.

"It's really strong. Even if I use this power, I can't defeat him quickly. You're still the first!"

La Er, whose punch was blocked again and pushed out, floated in the air and said excitedly:

"Compress a large amount of divine power in the body, and then shoot it out in one breath——"

La Er stretched out his right hand, making a wave-like gesture, and shot a huge white light cannon towards Mo Yi.

This light cannon seems not as powerful as the previous Dandra Electric Ball, but in terms of energy compression, it is not at the same level at all.

"Even a top-notch heroic spirit will be reduced to ashes in an instant when encountering such a divine cannon."


The destructive force caused by La Er's magical cannon was far more exaggerated than the previous Dandela's big electric ball, and it instantly destroyed everything in La Er's inherent ending.

Fortunately, the battlefield is within La Er's own inherent barrier. If it were in the Tower of Light, this blow would be enough to blow up the entire City of Light into the sun.


La Er suddenly appeared behind Grandpa Mo Yi, who was still protecting his face with his hands. He swept out a horizontal fist and finally hit Mo Yi's right face, knocking him into the air with great force.

Mo Yi: "..."

Actually, actually slapped me in the face? !

Before Mo Yi could complain, La Er appeared next to Mo Yi again and knocked Mo Yi away in the air again.

"Release the divine power in the body and use it as a driving force to turn it into a stronger attack!"

"Meteor blast——"

After entering two explosions, La Er was in a state similar to his second transformation. His speed, explosive power, and various attributes were doubled, and he hit Grandpa Mo Yi in the air like a sandbag.

There are countless moves in La Er's hands, including air strikes, waist kicks, chest hammers, headshots, and earth throws.

After probably more than a thousand combos, Mo Yi finally appeared above him and hit Grandpa Mo Yi with a reverse moon kick (air split) who had been thinking about life.


Grandpa Mo Yi turned into a meteor and fell to the ground, causing a new round of nuclear explosions. In the eyes of Theresa and others, he seemed to be in an unknown dilemma of life and death.


A series of ruthless combos and explosive attacks made La Er a little tired. He returned to the ground and took a deep breath to regain his strength while looking at the crater created by Mo Yi.

"Is it over?"

Often say ‘Is it over? ’ In this case, the battle is definitely not over yet-

From the burning pit, Mo Yi, whose clothes were somewhat damaged, slowly walked out of the smoke.

"What a wonderful attack——"

"I haven't had such an interesting battle in a long time."


The moment La Er fell into shock, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly walked up to him and punched La Er in the stomach with his right fist.

Miraculously, La Er didn't fly backwards. Using his back as the starting point, a huge shock wave crack split the land of his inherent barrier into two halves, like a birthday cake with a cut in the middle. The scene was clear. .

"it's over."

Mo Yi put away the fist that hit La Er on the lower abdomen, no longer caring about La Er standing there like a sculpture, turned around and said to himself:

"This time I won."

This punch is a punch infused with magic power rich in Mo Yi's will. In terms of lethality, it can only be said to be average, and at most it can cause damage at the level of a city treasure phantom. For La Er who has entered the god king mode, At most, it only hurts a little bit, but it will definitely not cause him to lose his fighting power. What is really fatal is that the Mo Yi's will injected into his body, after entering his body, goes on a rampage, directly disrupting the divine power in his body. Although the amount is small, it can No matter how small the amount of will is, it is the will of a transcendent. It is not something that a planet-level powerhouse like La Er can resist.

Just like how strong a human being is, after being injected with a very small amount of fatal poison, he still has to kneel. This is a simple law of nature that ignores personal strength and weakness.

After Mo Yi took several steps, La Ercai could no longer hold on and half-knelt on the ground.

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