"I haven't lost yet—"

Holding back the pain caused by the violent victory in his body, La Er stood up again.


Mo Yi looked back at La Er, who was still forcing himself, and said:

"Keep trying and you'll die."

Mo Yi's punch just now was not intended to end the opponent, but to make him lose the ability to fight. As long as it takes some time, the will injected into his body will naturally dissipate.

However, the other party's forceful activation of the divine power in his body will cause Mo Yi's will to rage inside the other party's body, disrupting the balance of power within the other party's body. The final result will only be that the power will be out of control and he will self-destruct on the spot.

"As a heroic spirit, death is just another beginning——"

For a heroic spirit like Ra Er, as long as his deeds are still praised by humans, he can be resurrected from the Hall of Heroes, but it will only take a lot of time.

The aura inside La Er's body began to boil, and the aura emitted in just two seconds was twice as strong as the whole body.

Compress all the divine power in the body and release it in an instant.

After this blow, no matter whether I win or lose, I will briefly dissipate and return to the Hall of Valor to be resurrected.

This is my highest respect, the original king of the East - Mo Yi!

"You must be defeated by me!"

Grandpa Mo Yi saw through the essence of the opponent's move and knew that no matter whether he won or lost, he would die after this blow. Since the opponent had already worked so hard, he did not choose to punch to interrupt the countdown of the opponent's ultimate move, causing La Er to kneel down in confusion. If it falls, it can't even land the final blow.

"This is my final blow - the dawn of the sun god (I am Leeroy)!"

La Er burned himself and turned all his power into light waves to hit Mo Yi a few steps away.

"Then, I'll be a little more serious -"

Infuse magic power into the fist, and while punching it out with force, use conceptual magic to infinitely expand the concept of this punch. In an infinitely short period of time, you can infinitely copy, paste, and multiply this blow.

Even a punch with a small power will form a singularity explosion under such infinity, creating the Big Bang effect of the infinite world.

This blow is the highest respect I can offer——

"Galaxy Starburst!"

The fist that emitted jet-black light met Raji's Sun God's Dawn Cannon, and everything turned into light.

On the Tower of Light, the last thing everyone saw through the live projection was a white light that made it difficult to see anything. After this white light persisted for a few seconds, the projection in the sky flashed a few times and then disappeared. .

"Lost? Or can you win?"

Kiana looked at the disappearing screen frantically and complained:

"It's really unreliable."

Compared with winning or losing, Theresa was more worried about Mo Yi's personal safety. Even if she just watched the battle from the projection, she could feel the aura of destruction. If placed in the real world, this level of It is not strange for a battle to eventually lead to the destruction of a country or the direct sinking of a certain continent.

After being a Valkyrie for so many years, Theresa has experienced a lot of battles, but even the second Honkai Impact more than ten years ago, the battle with Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, was far from reaching this level. A terrifying level.

The battles of Valkyrie usually destroy one or two buildings. The great thing is that it blows up a mountain. The most exaggerated thing is that it only blows up a small city. How can there be such a disaster movie battle scene that only appears in the blockbusters of Eagle Country? I don’t know. If anything, I would have thought it was a doomsday movie where stupid earthlings are fighting against aliens who are afraid of colds and music.

"Mo Yi——"

"Come back quickly. You said you were going to be a teacher at St. Freya Academy."

The worried Theresa clenched her fists tightly, lowered her head and muttered.

"I'm not, I haven't, don't talk nonsense——, when did I agree to be a teacher at St. Freya Academy?"

That's the sound!

Theresa looked up and saw Grandpa Mo Yi looking at her with a naughty smile.

Theresa wiped away the tears that she didn't know were shed, showed the majesty of the dean, and retorted forcefully:

"There is just—"

"A few nights ago, on the bed in your room, you clearly said this!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Feeling the strange looks from all around him, Mo Yi felt miserable and couldn't tell, please don't say that, okay?

Just say you were in my room, why would you specifically refer to where you were sitting at that time?

This will be misunderstood, Baga!

That's not right. You did say this when you had Malatang that night, but you didn't agree. You just said you would think about it later. As long as ordinary people can hear it, this is a tactful rejection.

"Uncle, did you win?"

When Mo Yi was embarrassed, Kiana interrupted:

"Where's Ramses II?"

"He has returned to the Hall of Valor. This matter has been completely resolved."

Grandpa Mo Yi, who praised Kiana in his heart for doing a good job and helped him change the subject, smiled and said:

"My clothes were ruined, so I went back to take a shower and change into new clothes. It took me some time to make you worry."

Thinking back to the confrontation just now, it was not considered a confrontation.

Because the target of Mo Yi's last blow was not La Er, but La Er's inherent barrier itself. Like the galactic starburst of the singularity explosion, the moment it was struck, La Er's inherent barrier was destroyed. ·The Grand Temple of Glory Complex was destroyed by crowds.

Whether it is Ra Er or Ra Er's last light cannon, an attack to reopen the universe like this, even if it is just a small simulation, will only result in the destruction of the world.

Mo Yi glanced at a certain corner, and Moses was gone. He didn't know whether to go to the Hall of Heroes to check on La Er's condition, or go to La Er's princess Nefertari to tell the situation and comfort him. This was no longer what Mo Yi needed. Things to consider.

"We go home!"

After Mo Yi said this, looking at Theresa who didn't know what she was thinking. She was smiling silly at one moment and angry at the other. She directly stretched out her hand to lift the other person up high, and then picked her up in a princess hug and headed towards the exit. Go.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"I told you I'm not a child!"

Chapter 559: Reimu: I want to find my long-lost biological father

When Grandpa Mo Yi and others returned to Wang Xiang's palace, they found that Wang Xiang had really prepared a celebration banquet.

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