Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 721: Sleeping pills, Zhou Gongjin

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Sitting in a coffee shop not far from the airport, Liu Xu and Shiyuan Lingyin continued the discussion on the plane's "magic's dependence on CAD".

When Ichihara Lingyin hadn't noticed at all, Liu Xu smiled slightly, and flicked a little powder into the girl's coffee cup.

Seeing the girl drank the cup of coffee in one sip, Liu Xu "showed" a heartfelt smile.

"It's great, ringtone."

This is the last word she heard before the girl's original ringtone "fainted".

The latest "medicine for sleeping" developed by Knossko College, yes, it is a "medicine" for helping sleep and sleeping.

Holding Shiyuan Lingyin in his arms, Liu Xu slowly came to a hotel all the way. After opening a room with the identity he had already prepared, Liu Xu smiled satisfied and put Shiyuan Lingyin on the bed.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Liu Xu's pocket suddenly rang. Hearing this sound, Liu Xu took out his mobile phone and took a look.

The caller's name shown above is "Zhou Gongjin".

Seeing this name, Liu Xu raised his eyebrows.

The first time I heard this name was from Du De, referring to Du De's appearance, Liu Xu's impression of Zhou Gongjin was also a soldier in uniform.

And... this person really dared to take his name, and he actually took the name of the Three Kingdoms Zhou Duo. Isn't he afraid that he would be angry three times and vomit blood to death?

Thinking like this, Liu Xu turned off his mobile phone casually.

"Zhou Yu don't make trouble, my monk Xiang is busy!"

After a casual comment, Liu Xu turned his head to look at Lingyin, but, immediately afterwards, Liu Xu looked at the window with "confusion".

Slowly walked to the window and opened the curtains, a **** handsome face appeared in front of Liu Xu.

"It's really troublesome for you to say that. Although Zai Xia's name is Zhou Gongjin, Zai Xia is not the Grand Governor Zhou Yu."

Just standing outside the window on the third floor, the handsome gentleman with long hair smiled and said.

Seeing this handsome guy who makes people feel painful at first glance, Liu Xu raised his hand to him blankly.

Seeing Liu Xu's appearance, Zhou Gongjin tilted her head with some doubts.

In the next second, Liu Xu smiled and said two words in his mind.


At this moment, Zhou Gongjin, who was suspended in the air by the power of magic, only felt that he had completely lost control of Xiangzi (a kind of magical element), and the whole person just whizzed to the ground. Fall.

Fortunately, Zhou Gongjin's strength is not joking about being able to become the leader of Chinatown. Relying on powerful physical skills, Zhou Gongjin borrowed a little force on the wall, and finally got rid of the speed of the fall, and a steady one. Turned over and fell to the ground.

Seeing Zhou Gongjin's unscathed appearance, Liu Xu nodded.

In this way, he can barely be his teammate in Japan, otherwise Liu Xu would not have the intention of playing with a novice.

He pulled up the curtains, and Liu Xu jumped out of the window.

Seeing Liu Xu who had jumped from the height of the third floor without even unloading, Zhou Gongjin blew a whistle.

"Awesome, Colonel Liu Xu."

"But you are like a court."

Liu Xu replied indifferently to Zhou Gongjin's flattery.

Then, as if suddenly remembering something, Liu Xu suddenly looked at Zhou Gongjin.

"I said... Xiao Zhou, you are also Chinese, so you should know that your name makes me very uncomfortable, so I have to change your name."


Subconsciously, it was the first time that Zhou Gongjin saw someone as unceremonious as Liu Xu. You must know that ordinary people, even generals of the military, are also very polite to speak to themselves!

In this way, before Zhou Gongjin could react, Liu Xu snapped his fingers.

"In that case, you can call it purple "Mao". Look at your hair, blue, purple, blue and purple, so it fits this name."

"... Colonel, you just call me Xiao Zhou."

Hearing the name Zi "Mao", Zhou Gongjin twitched her eyes silently, and quickly interrupted Liu Xu's brain.

With that said, Zhou Gongjin slowly took out a silver suitcase from behind and placed it between the two.

Seeing this box, Liu Xu instinctively thought of the weapon "Kuink" held by the Ghoul search officer.

Of course, Zhou Gongjin was definitely not a Ghoul search officer.

Seeing Liu Xu's tangled expression, Zhou Gongjin "showed" an understanding smile.

"Well, the magician does have a feeling of disgust for this kind of thing, but after getting used to it, there is still no big problem."

Liu Xu didn't say anything, because he couldn't understand what the purple "Mao" said.

Although Liu Xu didn't speak, Zhou Gongjin slowly opened the box.

In this large suitcase, there are actually only three rings.

After slightly comparing the information given to him by World Will, Liu Xu recognized this thing.

"Ant-knight? You are really amazing, you can get this kind of thing."

Slowly picking up a ring and putting it on his finger, Liu Xu said with a little admiration.

"Where, it's just a trivial meaning, it's to make it easier for you to move in the first high school... You know, this year's first high school freshmen seem to have a lot of terrible children."

Purple "Mao" smiled like a small chrysanthemum.

Ant-knight is a kind of scarce military material, generally only found in ancient ruins. As long as a small piece, it can emit a strong interference wave and interrupt the magic of the magician.

This kind of thing is really hard to find on the black market. It has a price but no market. I didn’t expect Zhou Gongjin to give himself three casually, and he regarded it as the most high-end kind. It is completely different from the "miscellaneous brand" equipped in the ordinary army.

As soon as he moved his fingers, Liu Xu put the three rings into the dimensional space. He looked at the purple "Mao" and was satisfied a lot. Even the long purple hair of the woman with the head was not that annoying. Up.

Seeing Liu Xu's hand, Zhou Gongjin was shocked again.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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