Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 722: The strongest man in Daya

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


At the beginning, he saw Liu Xu taking a woman back to the hotel, thinking that Liu Xu was just a somewhat capable drinker, but this kind of innocent thought, at the moment when Liu Xu silenced himself, He was thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun by the purple "hair".

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Xu can get the title of a magician killer with such a hand just now, even if he is caught off guard, he may be directly killed by this hand.

Seeing Zi Mao's uncertain expression, Liu Xu smiled slightly.

"Don't panic, Purple'Mao.' Actually that was just a joke just now. I wouldn't kill people because of a little thing. Besides, how could I kill you with such a low-level magic?"

Zi "Mao" almost knelt directly.

Nima, such a strong magic can be called a hole card level, is it a low level in your eyes? !

Seeing the expression of purple "Mao", Liu Xu was very happy.

"I gave it to me, should I be on the line?"

Liu Xu is too lazy to communicate with Zhou Gongjin who is so scheming at the first glance. Anyway, Zhou Gongjin is a small character in the villain, and there is nothing to fear.

Sure enough, the purple "Mao" gave Liu Xu a respectful look and said: "The Daya United side has formulated a military operation against Yokohama, but it is not in the name of Daya United... The specific time and content will be sent to You, please enjoy your school life now."

The tone of Zi "Mao" was very respectful, and Liu Xu wouldn't care whether it was true or false.

"Okay, I'll talk about it then."

Nodding, Liu Xu went directly to the hotel.

Looking at Liu Xu's back, Zhou Gongjin wiped the cold sweat from her head.

"Although I also have the strength to be complacent, but in front of this person, there is always a feeling of being unable to lift my head!"

With a slight smile, Zhou Gongjin turned around and slowly disappeared into the street.

"It's worthy...Is called the strongest man in Daya!"

And Liu Xu also returned to the room.

Originally, Liu Xu wanted to do something interesting with Shiyuan Lingyin to control her indirectly, but was disturbed by Zhou Gongjin's purple hair, and suddenly lost his mood.

Looking at Ichihara Lingyin who was breathing quietly in the bed, Liu Xu squinted and scratched his hair.

"Forget it, it's not my "sex" character to be strong, and it's too cheap. With my Liu Xu's ability, can I still need to be hard?"

As he said, Liu Xu grinned, just lay down on the sofa and fell asleep comfortably.

I don't know how long it took, Shiyuan Lingyin slowly opened his eyes from sleep.

Reaching out his hand and "kneading" his still-aching head, Ichihara Lingyin looked around the room.

Not his own room.

Looking back on it carefully, Shiyuan Lingyin remembered that she seemed to be asleep because she went to drink coffee with Liu Xu and didn't know why...

Thinking of this, Ling Yin looked at her body a little worried.

The clothes are fine, and there are no traces of being toyed on.

Ling Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although as a scholar, I don't really care what the future man looks like, but I don't want to lose the first time casually.

Then, Lingyin saw Liu Xu sleeping on the sofa.

Secretly cursing his own "lunatic" thinking, Ling Yin walked down to the ground a little embarrassed, walked slowly to Liu Xu's side, stretched out his hand to wake him.

Suddenly, Liu Xu, who was still asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, and then stretched out his hand to catch Shiyuan Lingyin's wrist.

With a light turn, the girl was pressed to the ground by such a standard grappling motion.


When Ichihara yelled, Liu Xu seemed to have suddenly reacted, and quickly let go of her, and stepped back.

Seeing the girl who was kneeling on the ground and unable to get up because of shock and pain, Liu Xu hurriedly went over and helped her up.

"Sorry, just not paying attention..."

Frowning helplessly, Liu Xu felt that it was time for him to be something to find the enemy, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be so surprised.

"No, it's nothing...I was wrong too, I shouldn't wake you up hastily."

Reaching out and "kneading" his sore wrist, Ichihara Lingyin looked at Liu Xu with a hint of curiosity.

In the past, Lingyin had heard stories like "Cao Mengde Murder in a Dream" while studying.

I thought it was a fabrication of Chinese art "sex", but I didn't expect that today I would really meet someone who is so alert to "sex".

Looking at Liu Xu quietly, Shiyuan Lingyin couldn't help but start to brainstorm about Liu Xu's various settings, such as the super mercenary returning from overseas, the cold-blooded killer lurking in the city, and the transformation experiment of being chased by the enemy. Goods and the like.

Thinking of the last possibility, Ichihara's eyes flashed with coveting.

For a scholar, fresh test products are the most delicious delicacies.

Seeing Ichihara Lingyin’s scary eyes, Liu Xu cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, um, Lingyin, you have almost rested here, shouldn’t it be time to go to school? If I remember correctly, today is Time to report."


Taking out his mobile terminal and taking a look, Ichihara Lingyin exclaimed in a low voice.

However, this lovely girl did not notice the change of Liu Xu's name to her.

If it is normal, it is very difficult for a person to call Ichihara's name directly. If it is heard by those who admire Ichihara in the school, I am afraid that a battle will be inevitable.

"I said I was going home yesterday... It was so rude, I actually fell asleep while eating."

"No, it's nothing, after all, it's normal to be tired after sitting on the plane for so long."

Smiling and shook his head, Liu Xu very gentleman reached out his hand and took Shiyuan Lingyin's luggage.

To Liu Xu's power, carrying such a thing is like holding a piece of paper.

As for Ichihara Ringtones, this is already an experimental material and a book that requires all efforts to learn.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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