Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 726: cad? I don't need that kind of thing!

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"Isn't Ting feminine? Why do you fight and kill when you come up, how bad it is."

Watanabe Mori broke away fiercely, but couldn't break away from Liu Xu's arms.

The students were scared by this battle a long time ago. The team that was supposed to line up to report now has no one. They all watched Liu Xu and Watanabe Mori.

At the thought of being watched by so many people and seeing Liu Xu's playful smile, Mori Watanabe gritted his teeth.

"Let go of me! I am Chairman Mori Watanabe. If you don't let me go... I, I will never let you go!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "What you said, am I not even afraid to let you go?"

"You bastard!"

Directly irritated by Liu Xu's angry tone, Watanabe Mori even forgot to ask for help from Nanakusa Mayumiwa Ichihara and directly shouted out in anger.

"What's the ability to win me like this? I, Chairman Mori Watanabe, want to challenge you!"

"Eh eh eh eh?!"

Nanakusa Mayumi directly let out a cry of surprise.

Ichihara Ringtone was also surprised.

Cheers came from nearby.

"Okay! Senior Watanabe! Destroy this Chinese!"

"Come on, Watanabe-senpai! Let him know how powerful Watanabe's swordsmanship is!"

"Chairman! Come on!"

Hearing these cheers, Liu Xu curled his lips. Of course, he also knew that the chairman of the committee, Watanabe Mori, was not good at physical skills, but sword skills.

The family is one of the "Hundred Families" and is also the mainstream of the Hundred Families. The protégé of the Chiba family is good at fighting against human magicians.

The fighting style has changed a lot. After incorporating the melee skills of the Chiba clan, he accidentally learned the family's lost secret sword "Tong Zi Zhan", but because the family status is not high in the source clan, it has not been made public.

However, for Liu Xu, it was totally different.

Looking at Watanabe Mori who was struggling in his arms, Liu Xu grinned.

"It's not a problem to challenge me, but the challenge has to be rewarded. If I win, you can give me the position of chairperson of discipline, how about?"


"Or, are you afraid? Are you afraid of a freshman who hasn't enrolled yet?"

Without giving Watanabe Mori a chance to speak, Liu Xu directly "forced" her to a dead end.

Looking at Liu Xu who was smiling, Watanabe Mori gritted his teeth tightly.

"Very well, I agree, but if I win, you will be responsible for the hygiene of the whole college until graduation!"


At the first high school, the use of cad in private fights between students is not allowed, but if it is asked by Mori Watanabe, it is impossible to take advantage of the loopholes.

With a helpless sigh, Mayumi Nanakusa had to do her last effort and said: "Morley, although I shouldn't "involve" in your challenge, I still request this match to be a private match."

Non-disclosure is also a minimum practice in order not to undermine school rules.

Watanabe Mori naturally understood this, and even though he was angry, he also nodded. "Where is Liu Xujun?"

"It's okay. Our agreement does not need to be witnessed by others."

Liu Xu smiled and said, in exchange for Watanabe Mori's stare.

Seeing that there was no objection between the two, Nanakusa Mayumi cleared his throat.

"With the authority of the student council president, I officially recognized the mock battle between the second-year Class A Mori Watanabe and the freshman Liu Xu. Liu Xu's entry into the journal will be postponed until after the mock war."

"The time is thirty minutes after this. The venue is the third exercise room. The competition is closed. Both parties are allowed to use cad."

After speaking, in the disappointed gaze of the other students, Ichihara Lingyin took Watanabe Mori, Nanakusa Mayumi took Liu Xu, and the four left the registration desk together.

Seeing the four people slowly walking away from the back, the new students gritted their teeth, even some of the old students who were onlookers were uncomfortable to the extreme.

"Chairman Watanabe...Tell the Chinese monkey who doesn't know the heights!"

"Huh, don't worry, Watanabe's swordsmanship is at the level of a combat magician, just wait and see! Then the Chinese monkey must clean the academy obediently until graduation... If I were him, I will leave school now and I can keep some Face, ha ha."

"Haha, well said, I'll just say, a little Chinese boy..."

While talking and laughing, everyone lined up to sign up.

Only the three people who just knelt down to apologize are still looking at the direction Liu Xu is leaving.

Shiba Moxian would clenched his teeth tightly, as if to bite his gums.

"Liu...Xu! I will never let you go, I will torture you a little bit!"

When I thought that if I begged for mercy a little bit later, someone could come to save me, Shiba Mo almost fainted with hatred.

Then, Shiba Moxian would think that if it weren't for Watanabe Mori's arrival so late, he wouldn't have suffered such a big humiliation.

Thinking of this, Shiba Mo's hatred is even stronger.

"Watanabe Mori, Liu Xu, I will kill you all! Absolutely!"

At the same time, Liu Xu and others have come to the third exercise room.

Mori Watanabe brought his specialized cad from the cad storage room.

It was a long sword, and it seemed to have a sharp light.

If cut by this sword, even if there is no additional magic, I am afraid it will suffer a lot.

At least, it looks like this in Ichihara Ruzune and Nanakusa Mayumi.

" it really good to use this?"

"Don't persuade me, Mayumi, I have my own plans, don't worry, I won't kill him." Watanabe Mori said coldly at Liu Xu who was standing at the other end of the house.

Mayumi and Ringtone had no choice but to let her do this.

Although she seemed to understand the accident well, Watanabe Mori was actually a gunpowder. If she was serious, no one could stop her.

"Liu Xujun, where is your cad...Excuse me?"

Seeing that Liu Xu was still "putting" his hands in the pocket as he did at the beginning, Mayumi asked with his head tilted.

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "I don't need that kind of thing."


Hearing this, Watanabe Mori's eyes widened.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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