Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 727: Accelerated surgery, partial reproductive equipment

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Liu Xu's original meaning was actually "I don't need that kind of thing to use magic", but in Watanabe Mori's view, his words are like "I don't need that kind of thing to defeat you".

Of course, in fact, she is right to understand this way.

"Okay, let me talk about the rules! Regardless of direct attack or indirect attack, as long as it is a spell that can kill a person, it is forbidden. The spell that imposes a recovery barrier is also not allowed."

It seems that this is not the first time to explain this kind of matter. Mayumi said it smoothly, without recalling it at all.

"Surgery that directly damages the opponent's body is also prohibited. However, direct attacks that do not cause damage more than the fracture are allowed. The use of weapons is prohibited, and empty-handed attacks are allowed."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xu looked at the sword in Watanabe Mori's hand with a subtle expression.

Who will tell yourself this thing is not a weapon?

"If you want to use kicking skills, please take off your shoes now and put on the soft boots specified by the school. If one party is judged to be defeated, the ruling judges that the fight cannot continue. Please push down the starting line, and you cannot start cad without hearing a signal ."

Ignoring Liu Xu's subtle expression, Mayumi continued.

Liu Xu's mood is very subtle about the setting of kicking people and taking off their shoes.

If you do not change your shoes, kicks cannot be used.

If you change your shoes, isn't it the same as saying "I'm going to use kicking skills"?

"If anyone violates the rules, he is immediately judged to be defeated, and then I will try my best to stop it and keep it for me. That's it."

After a summary, Nanakusa Mayumi slowly backed away.

Watanabe Mori stared at Liu Xu firmly.

"I will warn you one last time. If I underestimate me, the suffering is definitely not less than death. If you don't apply cad, you will lose."

Liu Xu smiled, and said: "At this point, I still need to remind my opponent, girl, you must know that it is difficult for a bad guy like you to survive in a dangerous world. Don't worry, I can educate without that cad. you."

Hearing this, Watanabe Mori gritted his teeth tightly.

In her opinion, Liu Xu probably didn't use magic very much, so he just prepared to use physical skills to fight against herself.

And the reason why he keeps saying this is that he wants to irritate himself and look for opportunities to get close.

Thinking of this, Watanabe Mori was more vigilant.

As a Chinese, the fighting quality is indeed high.

In fact, Mayumi and Lingyin also guessed that way, so I was not surprised that Liu Xu didn't use CAD.

If Liu Xu knows their thoughts, I am afraid they don't know how to complain.

At this moment, Nanakusa Mayumi spoke up.

"Game start!"

Game start!

With the sound of these four words, Watanabe Mori's eyes suddenly became sharp.

That is the gaze that belongs only to the swordsman.

However, it was far behind Wuya and Sanli, and it was not as good as Liu Xu's understanding of swords.

Watanabe Mori did not attack directly, and seemed to care about the difference that Liu Xu did not have CAD.

Really a naive girl.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu moved his feet.

He didn't use the strong colony armor, but simply used the explosive power of the body, and the speed had already made Watanabe Mori unable to see clearly.

"Acceleration technique?! How is it possible?"

Seeing this scene, Watanabe Mori did not panic, raising the sword in his hand was a sweep.

For her, sword skills have long been integrated into the subconscious, and every single strike implies moves.

Facing this sword, Liu Xu smiled slightly.

"Too weak, girl, a sword like you can't kill people!"

With that said, Liu Xu didn’t even hide, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Under the action of super strength and fast reflex nerves, his three fingers easily pinched the sword, and with a light pick, the sword was completely Deviate from direction.

Watanabe Mori gritted his silver teeth and wanted to pull the sword back, but how could Liu Xu give her such a chance.

Although it was just a battle like a competition, Liu Xu didn't plan to release the water, which would be of no benefit to anyone.

As the three of them stared in astonishment, Liu Xu's right hand was swirled and entangled by the black mist. It was a magic system that no one had seen before, but it was full of oppression.

For a moment, Mayumi Nanakusa only felt that the magic she had seen before was not magic. Only the black "color" mist used by Liu Xu at this time was the real magic.

The black "color" mist formed in an instant, it was an armour similar to a hand armor, just by looking at it, you could feel the beauty and power contained in it.

Partial reproduction!

Seeing Liu Xu's unmatched punch close to his face in an instant, Watanabe Mori closed his eyes tightly.

Nanakusa Mayumi subconsciously wanted to use magic to protect Mori Watanabe, but compared to Liu Xu's almost invincible speed, this idea was simply ridiculous.

At this moment, Liu Xu stopped.

With a chuckle, Liu Xu hadn't planned to kill this girl. After all, girls weren't for killing, they were for love.

Seeing Watanabe Mori's cute look with his eyes closed, Liu Xu grinned.

"You lost, so I have to charge some interest."

With that said, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to embrace Watanabe Mori's slender waist in the surprised gaze of Mayumi and Ichihara.

Tightly circled the girl in his arms.

Mori Watanabe, who thought he was going to die, opened his eyes wide.

Her eyes are very beautiful and have a special charm. This is Liu Xu's first reaction when he observes her expression from a close distance.

"You know, if you have long hair, it must be beautiful."

"You, what are you talking about!"

Being held in this way by Liu Xu and talking such sweet and boring words, Watanabe Mori was surprised to find that he didn't have much resistance to it? !

When did you become such a casual woman?

Thinking of this, Watanabe Mori hurriedly pushed Liu Xu away and retreated to the corner in a panic.

Staring at Liu Xu closely, Watanabe Mori was like a little girl who had been bullied, blushing and making a low mournful sound.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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