Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 774: Armor Wizard

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Because the power is too strong, Liu Xu directly emits a faint black "color" smoke from his body. With the dark "color" arm armor, it looks like a demon who chooses to eat.

Looking at Liu Xu in this appearance, Beishan Chao seemed to have finally determined something.

This man who has been in the business world for decades now trembles slightly.

Looking at Liu Xu's arrogant posture full of explosive power, Beishan's "Chao" was already completely certain.

The identity of this man was previously announced by the military, the dark armored magician.

At the thought of the information that the military secretly gave to himself, the armor magician hit and flattened the figure of a floor, Beishan "Chao" couldn't help shaking with excitement.

This kind of strength, let alone a hundred schools, even those legendary ancient magicians, few can do it!

Thinking of this, Beishan's "Chao" looked at Liu Xu with eagerness.

Even if Liu Xu is not currently the opponent of Sixty-six Fenglin, what does it matter? You know, Liu Xu is only now in the first year of high school, and it is normal that his strength is not as good as that of the Patriarch.

But what about five years later?

What about ten years later?

Thinking of this, Beishan's "Tide" brain became hot.

At that time, Liu Xu was definitely one of the best in the world.

The most important thing is that his daughter likes him.

Staring at Liu Xu closely, Beishan Chao had made a plan. He must use his energy to help Liu Xu clear the suspicion, and then let him join Beishan's family to be a quiet and hidden master.

At that time, the daughter can like him as much as she wants.

At this moment, Liu Xu opened his mouth.

"Fight, start!"

Stepping on his feet, Liu Xu rushed into the storm as if he was looking for death.

Then Liu Xu raised his fist.

As everyone watched, Liu Xu laughed loudly, and smashed the storm barrier that swept through with a punch.

Then, his body disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already reached out and patted the shoulder of Sixty-Six Fenglin.

Sixty-six Fenglin could feel the mighty power in Liu Xu's hands.

As long as he wants to, he can definitely kill himself at any time.

With a wry smile and shook his head, Sixty-Six Fenglin finally understood what his son said.

"It's really awesome, Liu Xujun...I gave in."

Everyone "showed" surprised eyes.

Even Shizuku thought that Liu Xuneng and Sixty-six Fenglin would really win the battle.

Seeing Liu Xu walk out of the venue with a faint smile that hasn't changed from beginning to end, Shizuku walked over quickly and handed Liu Xu a handkerchief.

"... Wipe sweat."

"Thank you, Shizuku."

Smiling and taking the handkerchief, Liu Xu stretched out his hand and "rubbed" Shizuku's little head.

This little cute is so cute.

Slowly following Liu Xu out, Sixty-Six Fenglin shook his head a little disappointed.

"Oh, shame, I lost to the students."

"What are you talking about, father, this is our chairman, destined to surpass the man of the ten division clan!"

Sixty-six Fenglin smiled bitterly. Just as he was about to say something, Liu Xu interrupted him suddenly.

"Mr. Kitayama, I don't know, can I get permission for Shizuku's affairs?"

Hearing this, Beishan "chao" "lu" gave a subtle smile.

"Of course, no problem."


After defeating Sixty-six Fenglin, Liu Xu received a reward to summon a character to help him collapse the world.

This is the ability acquired by Akafil in other worlds, and it is passed on to Liu Xu for use here.

A dazzling light suddenly appeared in Liu Xu's room.

Sayaka Mibu, who had just finished cooking, passed by Liu Xu's room and saw the light leaking from Liu Xu's room.

The girl "Lu" gave a worried expression.

"Liu Xujun, do you need help?"

Hearing this voice, Liu Xu did not answer.

Because at this time Liu Xu didn't know what to say anymore.

Looking at the thing that appeared in the room, Liu Xu's expression was very subtle.

That is a cat.

Originally, Liu Xu thought that the characters to be summoned should be the people or creatures in the black hole world that he had traversed, but he did not expect to summon such creatures that often appear in magical novels.

Liu Xu felt that the cat he had summoned should be at least a pure black "color" cat. As soon as it appeared, a purplish red "color" flame was stepped under his feet.

However, what left Liu Xu speechless was that what he summoned was a cat with a black "coat".

The cat's belly and paws are all white.

It's like the little tabby cat commonly seen in ordinary people.

"This cat, why do I look so familiar?"

Before he could say anything, the cat suddenly looked at Liu Xu and said.

"Although I don't know why I was summoned by you, the rules are the rules. I am your summoned beast before I determine what is new."

I couldn't tell whether it was a male or a female from the voice, but the elegant tone and gentle eyes made Liu Xu feel that this person... well, this cat, not someone.

"You have too many words. Since you are the summoned beast I summoned, no matter what status you were before, you are only my tool at this time. If you are still a qualified summoned beast, please report it obediently. Your name, and then offer your loyalty."

Hearing this, the black cat hesitated.

"Do you still want to override my master?"

Feeling the coercion erupting from Liu Xu's body, the black cat's pupils suddenly shrank into a thin slit.

Even if it has a high status, it has never seen such a powerful existence.

Staring closely at Liu Xu's Gujing Wubo eyes, the black cat groaned.

"Maybe, this kid is the incarnation of some strong man, or the existence of messengers...If this is the case, it is not unreasonable to be able to summon me."

Thinking about this, the black cat "groaned" for a while and slowly lowered his head.

"My lord, my name... I'm sorry, it's not convenient to reveal my real name, but I will give you a name that can use me. Please call me..."


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