Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 775: Except for physical communication

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"Okay, you don't need to think of a name. When you were a cat with me, you were called Song Zhe. As for your own name, I don't bother to ask. Anyway, you just listen to me. If If it affects me, you know the result."

"Send discount?"

"Song Zhe!"

"Why is this name?"

"Because he is sorry for the baby."

"Sorry, I don't understand you very well..."

"Hey, communicating with creatures that are not one-dimensional is so troublesome."


"of course,."


With that, Liu Xu, who had almost exhausted his energy because he had summoned Song Zhe, slowly sat on the ground and began to regain his strength.

And Song Zhe began to wander around the house slowly.

Song Zhe is a black cat who doesn't know anything about it. Although it looks like a madman, it is actually a more disciplined type.

At least what Liu Xu clearly ordered, Song Zhe never violated.

What I have to say is probably the relationship between the employee and the boss. Although the two parties have no common ideas, they can get along with each other in an apparently peaceful manner.

After recovering his strength overnight, Liu Xu slowly opened his eyes.

Looking around the room casually, Liu Xu saw Song Zhe sleeping in his chair.

"Song Zhe, get up, you go to school with me, I don't worry about you acting alone, after all, I still can't be sure of your behavior."

Hearing this, Song Zhe opened his cat's eyes and glanced at Liu Xu.

"School? You mean a place where young human beings learn collectively? Although I don’t mind going to that place, I’m not sure if I will affect your life. After all, I don’t know how you behave. ."

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "I believe you should have the ability to shrink magic or invisible magic, right?"

"Well, boss."

After that, a light flashed across Song Zhe's body, and in the next second, this **** cat became only a few centimeters in size.

Seeing it like this, Liu Xu nodded in satisfaction.

Pushing the door open, Liu Xu was slightly taken aback.

At her door, Mibu Sayaka was sitting on her knees not far from the door, sleeping quietly.

Breathing gently, like a cute little animal.

Walking over slowly, Liu Xu stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder, calling out, "Saya Xiang."

Suddenly startled, the girl opened her eyes.

After seeing Liu Xu, Sayexiang let out a relieved expression. "Great, Liu Xujun, you are okay. Yesterday I saw a strange light in the room and you didn't speak. I thought something was wrong with you..."

From her eyes, she could see the look that didn't seem to be fake, it was really caring.

Mibu Sayaka is really a kind girl.

Liu Xu smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, Sayaka, I'm fine, compared to this, it seems that I will be late for school, is it okay?"

Sayexiang jumped up and said repeatedly: "Eh eh eh! Sorry, sorry! I'm going to make a lunch now..."

", let's go, I'll take you out to eat."

Seeing that this silly girl really wanted to hurry up to make a lunch, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing.

Then, regardless of Sayexiang's worry about the sound of her wallet, Liu Xu took her to a small restaurant not far from the school.

Since school is not far away, there are not many people in the restaurant. The most important thing is that recent students prefer fast food. There are very few people like Liu Xu who have to come to a serious restaurant for breakfast. .

Eating the ramen Liu Xu ordered, Sayexiang was a little uneasy, and said: "Liu Xujun, there is not much time until the school report, if you are late..."

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled and said: "Late? I am the chairman of the committee. I don't remember being late. Does anyone know that we are late?"

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Sayexiang "exposed" a dumbfounded expression.

This is the first time she has seen someone who can abuse her power so openly.

Suddenly, a voice rang at the table where the two of them were sitting.

"Chairman Fengji? He used his official power so well at a young age, but it's really amazing when he grows up!"

Liu Xu tilted his head to look at the speaker.

This is a man dressed in a blue "color" commoner. In this age when almost everyone wears ordinary clothes, wearing such a suit is pretty ostentatious.

What's more eye-catching than Commoner is his shining bald head. In this age of advanced technology, anyone with a bit of money shouldn't mind giving themselves beautiful hair. Few people like this person are willing to keep their bald head.

But these are external factors.

What really makes Liu Xu care about him is his breath.

The average magician, even if his strength has reached the level of the Hundred Schools, will more or less "expose" his aura, let alone ordinary people, but the bald head in front of him, for some reason, has no aura at all. Leaking "Lu" is like a stone on the side of the road.

His slightly squinted eyes concealed his emotions, making it impossible to see his emotions.

At the same time, Liu Xu admired the man's body.

Although it doesn't look very strong, it was born entirely for speed and explosive power. Every inch of muscle seems to be under his control. This kind of body is simply a professional assassin.

"No one can predict what the future will look like. What we can do is to grasp what is right now." Liu Xu said lightly.

Hearing that, the bald man smiled slightly and said, "Holding what is in front of you, it's a good way to survive, but the little monk is even more curious than this. It's your identity."

Under Liu Xu's dangerous gaze, the bald head remained unchanged, squinting and smiling: "Are you...really just an overseas student so simple?"

"What do you want to say? Monk."

The light in Liu Xu's eyes slowly condensed, which was a precursor to his preparation to use violence.

Although the monk looks very strong, Liu Xu is confident to keep him.

Squinting at Liu Xu for a while, the monk "showed" a smile again.


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