ps: I can't be lazy anymore! Garbage Onmyoji, ruin my youth, ruin my spirit, waste my money, uninstall and uninstall! (angry).

Chapter 303 Mutated gastrula attacked

Bai Chuan Lily recognized Ye Feng quickly, and then called out "big brother" with a sweet voice. In my impression, the latter was the first one who didn't dislike her status as a blocked son, and extended a helping hand to her. Young people, coupled with the identity of the police, so impressed.

At the same time, Ye Feng also noticed the strangeness of the little girl, grabbed the opponent's small hand under Bai Chuan Nana's annoyed eyes, and poured gentle magic into it. After confirming the specific situation, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Lily Baichuan's condition can be said to be terrible. It stands to reason that the physique of the cursed child is strengthened by gastrovirus, and is several times stronger than ordinary people. Not to mention sickness, it is impossible to even have a fever and a cold, but the situation of Baichuan Lili is the opposite Come over, the characteristics of the white wolf factor are only the appearance of the single body, and the body is naturally weak, so the erosion rate of the gastritis virus is much faster than that of its companions.

Not only that, there are other kinds of viruses in his body. Compared with the domineering gastrovirus, there is a rare symbiosis between the two. From the current scientific point of view, it is simply incredible, which means that Lily Baichuan was originally After intestinalization, it is more fierce than the gastrula of the same order, and it is even very likely that 24 is the thirteenth zodiac.

After hearing the diagnosis, Thor looked at the weak little girl with pity, and then his eyes showed resentment. The phenomenon of virus symbiosis cannot be born, the biggest possibility is that someone deliberately does it, and can be so mad that they can stretch their evil hands to the poor little girl. The perpetrators should be humanely destroyed!


She helped to support Lily Baichuan, her tone was full of anger, and she asked, "So is there any possibility of recovery?"

The gastritis itself is a tricky existence, plus other viruses, no matter how the treatment must take a considerable risk, a little carelessness will cause a chain reaction, aggravate the disease, and cause the host to gastritis in advance.

Released the little girl's weak hand, Ye Feng's brows gradually eased. Although the condition is very serious, it is still within the controllable range. Glancing at Bai Chuan Nana, whose face was clouded with clouds, the other party obviously knew some insider information, but he seemed to be afraid of not saying anything, and he smelled the conspiracy through a hunch.

"There are always some people who can't be idle in this world, let alone..."

With a light smile on the corner of his mouth, he stroked Bai Chuan Lily's little head while using hypnotic magic, "Don't worry, everything will be fine after a sleep."

With the gentle voice ringing in her ears, Bai Chuan Lili only felt a sense of drowsiness, and then her eyelids became extremely heavy, and she fell asleep leaning against the young man after yawning.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chuan Nana couldn't help but get nervous and asked sharply, "What did you do to her?"

As soon as the voice fell, Thor raised his index finger and said "shh", "Don't be noisy, she's just asleep, come with me." After that, he picked up the little girl whose face recovered and walked towards the underground laboratory.

The backs of the two slowly disappeared from the field of vision. Ye Feng pondered for a moment and then came to the martial arts field. At this time, Lan Yuan Yanzhu was wearing new boots and playing with the steel dummy.

He annexed Sima Heavy Industry and became the new leader of the company. The craftsmen did not dare to delay. They processed the boots overnight, made suitable boots according to the size, packaged them, and sent them over. Lan Yuan Yanzhu was naturally very happy, and wore the boots to kick and punch. To practice, use the dummy in the field as a gastrula.

"Eating a concubine strikes Tianba Fengshen's feet!"

At this time, Lan Yuan Yanzhu suddenly turned around and shouted loudly, and aimed the kick at Ye Feng, while the latter smiled lightly and did not take it to heart. The index finger lightly tapped, and then the legs that looked like gold and stone were firmly caught, as if the kick was not a flesh and blood body but a soft cotton, no matter how hard the force was, it was invisible. , resolve.

"But... Damn, I failed again!" The girl with two ponytails wearing a bunny headgear said angrily with a pink face, "Can't you let your concubine experience the thrill of improving her strength?"

Chapter 303 Mutated gastrula attacked

"But... Damn, I failed again!" The girl with two ponytails wearing a bunny headgear said angrily with a pink face, "Can't you let your concubine experience the thrill of improving her strength?"

She kept her kicking posture, and her right foot was firmly grasped by the young man's backhand. From this angle, Ye Feng happened to be able to see the pure white and fat times the other party was wearing today, with a cute little rabbit embroidered on it.

Seemingly noticing the young man's gaze, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's cheeks flashed bright red, she quickly retracted her right leg, stuck out her tongue and said in delight, "Sure enough, the master still cannot avoid being impressed by the beauty of his concubine."

Hearing this, Ye Feng touched his chin, pretended to sigh deeply, and said, "It's also distressing to see so many beautiful women. There is no girl's appearance that is worthy of my amazement."

Lan Yuan Yanzhu couldn't help but let out a soft snort, obviously she was still enjoying it at the beginning, but she refused to admit it in a blink of an eye, and she didn't break it when she thought about it, but she was secretly overjoyed. If she was able to attract the attention of her partner, it didn't mean that she had a good appearance. Are you getting more beautiful day by day?

Just as the two were happily communicating, there was a sudden commotion from outside. It seemed that there was an unexpected event, which made the people panic, so that they all gathered together and talked about their own experiences.

"The gastrula, the gastrula, they're back!"

As soon as the voice fell, noises, crying, and scolding were mixed, as if the end of the world was coming, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of despair, followed by the soothing sounds of the police in the company.

"What happened? In a panic."

When Ye Feng left the martial arts field, he found that the main hall was crowded with citizens seeking help, the old and the weak 837, the sick and the sick were huddled together and shivering in the corner. The women also hugged the child in their arms tightly. As for the young and strong The man held the "weapon" in his hand and looked out the door nervously, his palms and backs covered in sweat.

It can be seen from the old clothes that these people are all from the slums. Because their safety is not guaranteed, they can only come to the security company to seek protection.

"Gastrogens, they are the ones who came in!"

Obviously experienced life and death, the blood-stained citizen replied in a low and trembling tone: "This morning, a stray dog ​​wandered near my house, and then bit the neighbor..."

When he said this, the words were suddenly interrupted. He pulled his chin and clucked. His bloodshot eyes were full of fear, and he stretched out his finger to the door. Following the other party's gaze, Ye Feng found that the object was actually an ordinary-looking stray cat, roaring continuously towards the house, as if it was about to pounce in the next moment.

"It's here, it's here!"


The roar stopped hoarsely, the stray cat's body was pierced by the sudden black bullet, and the green juice with a fishy smell splashed from the **** bullet hole on the forehead.

"Great, finally caught up."

The policeman wearing Sima Heavy Industry's security uniform jumped from the sniper point and wiped away his cold sweat. .

Chapter Three Hundred and Four The Clown Jumping A Beam Is Unbelievable!

The sniper policeman belongs to the private army of Sima Heavy Industry, and was dispatched by the retired president Sima to perform protection tasks at the beginning of the mutation.

Just after the mutant stray cat was killed, the flesh used for camouflage shrank as much as possible, revealing the bright red muscles wrapped in the inner layer. The chisel bullet effectively inhibited the regeneration ability of the gastrovirus, and with just one blow, it completely died, and then melted into a pool of stench-smelling thick juice.

Seeing this scene, the police and people hiding in the building turned pale in shock. Is this the true face of stray cats? The gastrula mutated unexpectedly without humans being aware of it, and even overcame the megalithic stele.

"Don't panic, everyone, these are just a few of the original animals that have sneaked into the city. The situation is still under control. During this period, don't go out at will!" One of the policemen with a loudspeaker tried to comfort the frightened people. At the same time, the broadcasting tower A red hazard alarm was also sounded.

The resounding siren sounded throughout the city. IISO organized an urgent task of crusade against mutant gastrula, and major security companies also sent personnel reinforcements one after another, and then a ruthless slaughter unfolded in the city.

"As long as suspicious pets are found, they will be killed on the spot!"

In a park near a residential area, Yi Xiong split the stray dog ​​shivering in front of him with a thick-edged sword and slashed the stray dog ​​in half. Dirt and blood spilled on the ground in an instant, and a strong smell of blood lingered in the air. spread.

He frowned, wiped the blood on the blade with a rag, and said in a disapproving tone, "It's just an ordinary animal, waste your time, follow me to Area B3." After that, he turned around and left, but he didn't Noticed that Qianshou Xia Shi, who was following behind him, had a complicated expression.

Just when many forces took the lead, the Light Source Security Company was not idle. In addition to protecting the citizens who were seeking blessings, they also dispatched several teams to patrol the city together with reinforcements from Sima Heavy Industry to eliminate the invading mutant gastrula. Try to minimize losses.

"The daily task is to release "The Feast of Killing": The police officers represented by the Light Source Security Company are required to eliminate the total number of gastrula animals exceeding 100 and reward 200 virus crystal nuclei ¨".

Inside the Light Source Private Security Company, Ye Feng stood high above the attic, looking into the distance with melodious eyes. The others were either busy escaping for their lives or hunting gastro-intestinal animals, but instead he looked leisurely and drank the steaming coffee slowly.

"Has the owner already known about the mutant gastrula?"

Hearing his voice without seeing him, Ye Feng knew that it was Thor with his back. With a chuckle, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Oh, how can you see that?"

Closing the door gently, Thor walked slowly behind the young man on the red carpet, his eyes fell on the teacup, and there were still a few pieces of unmelted brown sugar left in the rich vortex.

"This attack is an emergency. The gastritis ignored the resistance of the giant stone monument and entered the inner city under the eyes of the patrol team. Most forces simply couldn't react in time. Even if a battle plan was quickly drawn up, a large number of them could not be transferred from the factory in a short period of time. I made bullets, but our police officers are well-equipped and have enough ammunition, so I don’t believe anything if they don’t prepare them in advance.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of pleasant laughter, Ye Feng shook his head, "I have never prepared anything, I really don't need to work hard to deal with these small characters, they are all troops trained by Fafnir. By the way, Bai Chuan How's your sister doing?"

He flicked the teacup with his index finger, and the slightly cold sugar water gradually warmed up. He took the brown sugar thrown in by the maid dragon, and stirred it evenly with a spoon. The vortex that had stopped continued to rotate, forming a grayish-white color.

"Lily Baichuan is currently in a dormant state and is placed in a nutrition chamber. At the same time, her condition is under control, and the erosion rate of the gastroenterovirus has returned to the initial stage, but I found this in her body."

Saying that, Thor handed a bean-sized chip to Ye Feng. The chip is diamond-shaped, and the whole body is red. After being crushed, it is clearly visible that the integrated circuit boards are crisscrossed.

"Eavesdropper." Thor couldn't help burning with anger.

"First, the innocent little girl was injected with the virus, and then she was abandoned in the wilderness. Are you using her as a test object?"

Chapter Three Hundred and Four The Clown Jumping A Beam Is Unbelievable!

"First, the innocent little girl was injected with the virus, and then she was abandoned in the wilderness. Are you using her as a test object?"

There was a faint sound of gunshots outside the window, Ye Feng glanced at the passing figures, one big and one small, and said in an unwavering tone: "No busy, since the other party dares to provoke, it is only a matter of time before we meet. , cat-and-mouse is always a game, and it's boring to solve the opponent too early."

Suppressing his anger, Thor said coldly, "If that's the case, let them live for a while. The curse that Fafner has recently researched has no place to use it."

"Leave that aside, where is Nana Baichuan?"

"¨~ She was still accompanying her sister in the lab when I left." Thor was about to go out to check again but was stopped by Ye Feng.

"Don't look for it, she has already left."

Thor turned around and asked in a daze, "Where are you going?"

"Naturally, I'm going to trouble an organization, don't worry about her, I'll be back in two days at most, and the industry under the name of Sima Heavy Industry will speed up its takeover. I will hold a press conference in a week. It's time for Guangyuanju to step into the world already."

The maid Long slowly exited the room. There was only one young man left in the quiet attic. He got up from the seat and looked down at the vast earth through the glass, with a look of contempt in his eyes no doubt.

"The clown jumping on the beam is beyond stupid."


Right now, the slums.

"Help... help!"

A terrified citizen was chased by two wild dogs. Although he tried his best to run, he couldn't run on all four legs. He was about to be thrown down. Suddenly, there was a coquettish shout from behind him (Qian Hao Zhao), followed by a The fierce predator burst into two blood mists in the next second.

"Ha! The nemesis of evil, the strongest Tianzhu girl in history, Aihara Yeonju joins her!"

Seeing that he was saved, the fleeing citizens rolled on the ground in shock and fright, and shouted urgently, "Quick, go and save Lord Tiantongba!"

"My wife and him are trapped in the room. If he dies, I will die too."

Lan Yuan Yanzhu sighed regretfully, "I'm sorry, my concubine couldn't save you, and you're almost dead now..."

"What? Uh..."

The two eyeballs of the escaped citizen were bloodshot, and then rapidly expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally exploded with a "bang" like a needle stuck in a balloon, and the heart-piercing screams spread throughout the alley.

ps: Why can't I control this hand! (angry).

Chapter 305: Strength Assessment

There is no doubt that the infected citizens cannot resist the erosion of the gastrovirus at all. All normal cells in the body are phagocytosed and assimilated in a very short period of time. The rewriting of DNA makes it impossible to maintain the human shape, and the swollen muscles are ruptured. With the splash of green liquid, every inch of skin seemed to be torn off piece by piece with sharp claws, and the scene was extremely disgusting.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu watched the scene silently, her face did not fluctuate, and she whispered in a calm tone: "I am no longer human, without thought or consciousness, it must be very painful, right? Let my concubine end this nightmare!"

There was a hint of sympathy in her eyes, and before the monster's sharp teeth approached, her feet with orange leather boots stood on top of the other's head. The red twin tails fluttered freely in the air, and the little pity in my heart gradually faded away with the roar of the monster, and turned into a firm belief: to free the suffering people from the hell-like cage!

This is the responsibility of becoming the initiator, and it is also the meaning and value of existence. It is no longer the cursed child who is huddled in a corner waiting to die.

She stomped her feet very lightly, not because she was worried that the opponent would suffer more, but because such a weak opponent was not worthy to deal with it with all her strength.

"Whether you were poor or rich, poor or powerful, in the face of natural disasters, you will eventually become vulnerable and become the minions of the devil, an evil ghost wandering in the 747 world."

Her toes lightly tapped on the flesh-covered carapace, as dexterous as a dragonfly in water. With the crackling sound, more juice mixed with human internal organs that had not yet been assimilated were squeezed out of the crack. The monster shook his body with all his might after eating the pain, but the **** his back remained motionless.

Finally Lan Yuan Yanzhu stopped moving, jumped from the cracked back shell, and landed lightly like a breeze. She turned her back to the monster, but the monster did not take the opportunity to attack, and her huge body seemed to be solidified into a The statue stood in place, and even the hideous face did not change in the slightest.


The first carapace fell off his shoulders, like overturning a domino, and the remaining fragmented carapaces fell off one after another, and fell to the ground with a thick floor, revealing the fragile body wrapped inside.

"Your pain is over!" She stomped her feet again with a stern look, mobilizing the strength left inside the monster, and then the gastrula, which lost its protection, turned into a pool of rotten flesh in the screams, and died completely.

At this moment, Ye Feng's applause sounded from behind. (ceci)

"When did my little friend learn to be sentimental?"

The young man's careless words drifted slowly, and then Ye Feng appeared from the corner with a smile, shaking the folding fan in his hand, a gentle breeze swayed the fishy smell in the air, and then swayed and ignited a raging fire to burn the corpse. Remnant bones, this is the step.

"Master Ye, why did you come out?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu asked in surprise, she quickly greeted her, but suddenly remembered that what she had done just now fell into the eyes of the other party, and she couldn't help but blushed.

Ye Feng folded the fan, clapped his palm, and replied, "Of course I'm here to fulfill my obligation, to monitor whether my initiator abuses his power and affects the city's security, but at present, your performance still makes me feel uncomfortable. Very relieved."

"Take it."

Chapter 305: Strength Assessment

"Take it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bottle of blue potion was handed to the girl. Lan Yuan Yanzhu stretched out his hand to hold it, only to feel that there was still a faint residual temperature on the surface of the bottle, looking at the smiling eyes of the young man, he didn't think much about directly opening the outer packaging and injecting it into his arm, until the medicine tube was filled with water. Throw away the bottle only after all the fluid has gone into the blood vessels.

"How do you feel?" Ye Feng asked.

The reason he went out this time was not the reason he said before. The real reason was this bottle of medicine, an accessory to the vaccine developed by the scientists of the Light Source Residence. Although it could not achieve the original expected effect, it was unexpectedly found that it could quickly replenish the physical strength consumed by the cursed son. Greatly slows down the rate of gastrovirus erosion.

Sensing the subtle changes in her body, Lan Yuanyanzhu's face turned even redder, because she felt a little hot in her body, and the blood in her blood vessels heated up very quickly, and it didn't gradually cool down until after the third breath, and then she exhaled and said, "It's like eating excited. It's like a medicine, it's full of power!"

Clenching her fingers tightly, she forcibly held back the gushing power in her body. At this moment, she felt that she didn't need kicking skills, she could just use her fist to smash the head of a fourth-order gastrula.

"I didn't expect those bald guys to have some strength." Ye Feng touched his chin and suddenly reminded: "By the way, didn't that bald citizen explain his funeral?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lanyuan Yanzhu shook her head, expressing that she did not want to help. Although it is the responsibility of the initiator to help the citizens, it does not include the children of high-ranking officials, especially the Tiantong family, who have no good feelings at all.

On weekdays, apart from the hottest light source house, the scandal of a certain celebrity is the most famous. These gossip news is all she hears while sitting quietly in her spare time. Among them, the Tongjia gossip is the most common in a few days.

Tiantong's family is notoriously extravagant and corrupt. From the head of the family to the housekeeper, it is all a virtue. There are many industries under its family. Although it cannot be compared with the Sima family, it is also independent of the top. The head of the family, Tiantong Juzhi, condoned the embezzlement and bribery of his three sons, Zhongda and the second son. He was domineering on weekdays, bullying men and women. Word. Tiantongba is the second son, with sullen eyebrows and a tiger's back.

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