Lan Yuan Yanzhu has no affection for the Tiantong family, and it can even be said to be disgusted. It is a dream to ask her to save the "human-shaped demon" that the people call her.

"Master Ye also doesn't like Tiantong's house, right? What kind of virtue did the young man I met in the woodcarving shop that day, and his self-righteous appearance is really annoying! It's better for people like them to die, and save others from doing it."

After that, she snorted softly, then glanced at Ye Feng quietly, and found that the other party's expression had not changed before pulling his hand and shaking it, "Since Lord Ye has also gone out, I will accompany my concubine to hunt the gastroenteritis. Well, after practicing for too long, my hands and feet are itchy."

Ye Feng is aware of the atrocities of Tiantong's family, but he still has a conscience, such as the third son, who is also the father of Tiantong Mugeng. died too early...

"Well, it's boring to be idle. I'll accompany you to assess how your strength has progressed recently." He pointed to the giant dog breed that climbed out from behind the blood-stained threshold in the distance. After disguising itself, this mutant gastrula, which hides itself, unleashes its bloodthirsty nature and feasts on the human city as a back garden.

"Be careful, although the opponent only has third-order strength, it is no less than fourth-order. He is a ruthless character who plays a pig and eats a tiger."

Lan Yuan Yanzhu clenched her fist tightly and hummed softly, "Leave it to your concubine!".

Chapter 306 Lanyuan Yanzhu's New Goal

Ye Feng still has confidence in Lanyuan Yanzhu's strength. Her opponent is a wolf-shaped original animal disguised as a stray dog. Of course, the appearance is incomparable to the Baichuan sisters of the same species. If the former is a lonely and handsome white wolf, then the latter is an ugly and ferocious hyena.

In the case of encountering the enemy on a narrow road, it seems to feel the threat of life. The giant dog directly tore off the surface camouflage, revealing the bright red muscle tissue with slippery secretions, and then a pool of mucus spurted out of its mouth, carrying a thick The smoke shoots away at the opponent.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yuan Yanzhu smiled contemptuously, then stomped on the ground with one foot, and her body was as light as a swallow. With the help of the help, she easily broke through the encirclement woven by the mucus. After a sound, the heels fell on the wolf beast's waist without any bias.

There is a saying: wolves are copper-headed and iron-boned tofu waists, and the waist is the weakest part of these animals, even gastroenterologists. Lan Yuanyanzhu’s foot directly cuts off the opponent’s central nervous system, before the gastrula virus can regenerate. At that time, the force that penetrated into the muscles shattered the entire back with the momentum of wildfire, making the wolf beast lose its ability to move.

Only this one hit hits the nail on the head!

When she landed to stabilize her body, the strength that had not dissipated suddenly exploded in the opponent's body. I saw the wolf beast's body rapidly inflated like an inflated balloon, followed by a muffled sound like a flat tire, blasting countless blood and rotten flesh all around.

All actions are only completed between two breaths, and the gastrulations whose strength is approaching stage four have no resistance-resistance!

"Bah, it's dirty!" Lan Yuan Yanzhu patted the flesh and blood that was accidentally stuck on the corner of her clothes, and then ran to Ye Feng with a smile and said in a proud tone: "How, the strength of the concubine is enough to enter_De Ru Eyes?"

Seeing the other person's expression of "hurry up and praise me", Ye Feng touched her little head and smiled and said: "Yes, to be able to grow up at this stage without deliberately squeezing potential, it is worthy of praise, what do you want? The reward is open to mouth."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's round eyes rolled, and she said with a smile, "A reward... I don't have anything to desire. Why don't you just give me a kiss."

She stretched out her hands to make a gesture of hugging, and closed her eyes at the same time. Because of her height, she stood on tiptoes a little, and brought her small head close to the young man. Then, the unique breath of the other party came in, and her puffed face was puffed with powder. Red Dandan, his heart was like a deer, and he began to think wildly. After a while, the young man did not see any action. He quietly opened his eyes and found that the other party was looking at him with a smile, and he couldn't help but feel angry. meaning.

"What about the promised reward? Big liar!"

She turned her head sullenly, with a hint of anger in her tone, the look of discouragement on her face flashed away, thinking of the other party's temper, she began to look forward to it again, what if she was playing tricks on herself? After waiting for a while with anticipation, I found that what I imagined did not happen, and I was completely disappointed.

Seeing the dejected look of the other party, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head, put his hands on his chest and said, "I didn't promise you."

"Concubine doesn't listen! You are bullying people, and concubine wants to go back and tell Sister Thor!" The little girl's pursed lips seemed to be able to hang the oil bottle, and she looked like she was greatly wronged, which made Ye Feng more and more Pleasure, can't help but laugh.

Just as Ye Feng was amused, Lan Yuan Yanzhu suddenly stepped up on his feet and nibbled hard at his mouth, but when he was stunned, he saw the latter's eyes narrowed into two crescent moons, pursing his lips and snickering.

"Remember, this is an engagement kiss!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of "Aah", but the sneak attacker had a brain break.


Ye Feng's face seems severe, but there is a smile in his tone, no matter how you listen to it, you can tell that he is not serious, "Seeing that your strength has reached the bottleneck, blind cultivation is not a good way to break through, so let's leave it to you. You are on a mission, travel the world, bring your firm beliefs and unforgettable dreams, fight against more powerful gastritis, go beyond the limit, and reach the power that is enough to dominate the body that belongs to you."

Chapter 306 Lanyuan Yanzhu's New Goal

Ye Feng's face seems severe, but there is a smile in his tone, no matter how you listen to it, you can tell that he is not serious, "Seeing that your strength has reached the bottleneck, blind cultivation is not a good way to break through, so let's leave it to you. You are on a mission, travel the world, bring your firm beliefs and unforgettable dreams, fight against more powerful gastritis, go beyond the limit, and reach the power that is enough to dominate the body that belongs to you."

Before the other party refused, he took out another bag of medicine and handed it over.

"Bring them with you, and don't forget to inject on time every month."

After taking the potion, Lan Yuan Yanzhu was silent, which means she accepted this arduous task, took a deep breath, sorted out her complicated psychology, and revealed a slightly reluctant smile on her face, "Concubine understands, concubine It will become stronger!" After speaking, he turned and left, but just after walking far away, he suddenly turned his head and shook his arm and shouted at the young man: "Remember, when your concubine is not around, you must hold yourself. Don't be seduced by other women!"

oooooo asking for flowers oooooooooo

When the voice was settled, Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded. Although he is young at this age, there are quite a lot of messy things in his mind.

Shaking his head, his face gradually returned to calm, he took out the Master Ball and summoned Fafnir. When the black dragon appeared, he was still in a dozing position. When he reacted, he woke up as if nothing had happened, and then said calmly, "What's the Lord's order?"

"Take care of Yanzhu secretly. If something happens to her, you don't have to come back."


The icy tone rang in his ears, and Fafnir couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, as if he had poured a bucket of cold water from head to toe, and the chill was deep into his bones. He knew that the Lord was serious this time.

"Subordinates obey!"

After speaking, he transformed into a black dragon and spread his wings, chasing in the direction Lanyuan Yanzhu left.

With Fafnir's secret protection, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's safety is guaranteed. In this world, no one can hurt the other party by virtue of the former's strength. As for the vacant position after leaving, there will naturally be a substitute.

Sending Lan Yuan Yanzhu out on a mission was not a temporary idea, but something he had long considered. Although Lan Yuan Yanzhu used the power given by gastrula virus, but everything she learned was inherited from Ye Feng, so she took the path of martial arts.

Martial arts. Constantly tempering oneself in the practice, in order to break through the limits of the physical body, and finally reach the realm of immortality and immortality, which is completely opposite to the Taoist concept of "harmony between man and nature", which focuses on cultivating the soul and regards the physical body as a stinky skin. strengthening effect.

Since there is an advantage, why resist it?

It is better to refine it into a part of oneself and transform it into a fully controllable power, which can take it to a higher level on the road of martial arts. Lan Yuan Yanzhu was equivalent to his disciple. Naturally, he could not be sloppy, but the research on vaccines could not be left behind. After all, there were still many cursed children waiting for the day when the light of hope came.

ps: I'm afraid I'm useless when I'm being controlled by the game (covering my face).

Chapter 307 Ye Feng's First Abduction

Just as Ye Feng was about to leave, suddenly there was a pig-killing cry from the nearby alley, followed by a middle-aged man with a pot belly crawling out of the dwelling, screaming and calling for help. Ye Fengshi's eyes full of despair burst out with a strong light of hope.

"The police over there, come and save me! What are you doing there? I'm Tiantongba!"

He didn't mean to ask for help at all in his tone, instead he had a condescending attitude, which made people feel disgusted. In addition to his ugly appearance, let alone help, he didn't even have the desire to approach.

Ye Feng glanced at random, and unexpectedly found that this person was the fat man he saw in the bar when he was looking for Lan Yuan Yanzhu not long ago. At first, he looked high-spirited, eating, drinking and having fun, but now he is unkempt and embarrassed. , and again "Seven Four Seven" to see the scorpion-shaped gastrula that is chasing behind him, revealing his true body.

The scorpion beast has similar characteristics to most gastrula animals. They are ugly and ugly in appearance. The most conspicuous tail is thick and long, and the top is dark green with sharp barbs. There is a **** woman's head hanging on it, which can be seen. It was extremely painful before he died, the expression on his face was twisted into a ball, staring at the copper bell-sized eyes, staring fiercely at the panic-stricken fat man.

According to the previous information, it is speculated that the dead woman is most likely Tiantongba's mistress. When the two encountered danger, the former did not hesitate to throw her into the **** mouth, so this scene was created.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng ignored it. In the face of the problem of survival, even the most intimate relationship is as weak as paper, and it will be broken with a single poke. Especially in front of the superior, I am afraid that even the biological children will sacrifice themselves mercilessly to protect themselves, right?

He originally wanted to leave immediately, but He Nai was followed by all kinds of unpleasant insults. Tiantongba's chubby belly was sticking out, perhaps because he was too nervous, he shook his head three times, panic was written all over his face, and he spit out all kinds of threatening and enticing words from his mouth, which made Ye Feng frown.

Today, Tongba is afraid that he has been in a high position for a long time and is used to treating others as a ruler, and now he still does not forget his own identity at the juncture of life and death.


A barb the size of a grinding disc descended from the sky, and the human head on the poisonous hook approached the prey, and then stopped in front of Tiantongba's terrified eyes. The next moment, the eyes met, the bloodshot pupils and the extremely twisted face. It almost became a nightmare in his heart.


The screams reminded me again that Tiantongba could no longer control his emotions and burst into tears on the spot, and then a smell of urine spread out, actually scaring his pants.

"Save me... save me!"

Facing the call for help that couldn't be tough, Ye Feng laughed twice, then stood with his hands on his chest and watched the tragedy with interest. At this moment, a black broad sword flew vertically from the side, accompanied by With the whistling wind, it sank into the body of the scorpion beast.

The green juice that spilled out instantly splashed Tiantongba's face. He opened his mouth and stared at the scene in front of him stupidly. Then two figures fell from the sky. One of the strong men landed and fired two shots in a row. The black bullets that flew out directly shot him. The scorpion's tail snapped, and the second bullet left a **** hole in the forehead.

Immediately afterwards, the petite starter carried the assault gun on his shoulder, and then quickly moved Tentongba to a safe position. These two are the general prisoner of Yixiong and Qianshou Xiashi who carried out the task of clearing and suppressing.

Ye Feng was surprised by the sudden change. Maybe this fat man should not have died, but he was rescued at a close call. He turned his attention to Qianshou Xia Shi and found that the other party was much thinner than before, and it seemed that he was suffering for something. Sad.

"Master Tiantongba, are you all right?"

Chapter 307 Ye Feng's First Abduction

"Master Tiantongba, are you all right?"

She seemed to notice Ye Feng's gaze. The girl's originally unwavering gaze turned a strange color. She moved her head slightly, and then she stopped paying attention and focused her attention on the rescued Tiantongba.

Tiantongba, who was rescued on the other side, not only was not grateful, but instead pointed at the two of them and yelled at them. The content revolved around "why didn't you come to support earlier" and so on.

Yi Xiong made the prisoner's face unhappy, but still buried his anger in his heart, and urged, "This is not the place to talk, please accompany me to a safe place to avoid changes."

However, Tiantongba was still chattering. At this time, the injured part of the scorpion beast had completely regenerated. The sword and bullet that had pierced into the body were ejected by the wriggling flesh, and it was about to launch an attack...


At the same time, the scorpion beast violently slammed into the building on the top before the two could react, and then the wall cracked inch by inch, and collapsed in all directions with a rumbling sound, and then the diffuse dust completely drowned the scene.

After that, a few coughs came from the smoke that could not see five fingers, Qianshou Xia Shi walked out of it with the help of the fragments, his body full of scars covered with dust.

It happened so suddenly, no one expected that Ye Feng did not do so even though he had the ability to save a few people, and only jumped from a height when the dizzy Qianshou Xia Shi made a sound.

"Save... save them." With the sound of coughing, she asked Ye Feng for help in a flat tone.

Ye Feng shook her head when she saw this. Just when she thought that the other party refused, a turbulent airflow suddenly rose out of thin air and gathered together from all directions to form a strong cyclone, rolling dust and rubble towards the center. He could only cover his eyes. When the whirlwind calmed down, he found that all the dust was gone. Only the unconscious Tiantongba and General Yixiong were left at the scene. , completely dead.

Although the girl knew that Ye Feng was very powerful, she was still stunned by the scene in front of her. The criss-crossing sword energy and the raging storm were deeply embedded in her heart. I am afraid that if you are willing to be the first IP, this kind of power will be yours.

"He is very important to you? 2.8" Ye Feng glanced at the unconscious General Yi Xiong.

Qianshou Xia Shi nodded and shook his head quickly, he was my facilitator. "

Although the words are simple, the answer is clear.

"is that so?"

Ye Feng gently wiped the dust on the other cheek with his index finger, revealing a slightly pale face, and then his eyes fell on the wounded arm, which were all the marks left by the battle with the gastritis. As time fades, it only gets deeper.

She seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything until she left. At the same time, two figures were missing on the ground. Ye Feng stared at each other's back, and suddenly laughed like no one else was around.

Although the kidnapping was not successful, it depends on the situation. .

Chapter 308 The Cursed Son Protection Law is established!

"Ding, the daily mission "The Feast of Killing" has been completed! Reward has been sent. "

Looking at the box full of virus nuclei in his hand, Ye Feng really couldn't think of a use, so he simply collected the storage ring. Anyway, the collected toys are not bad. .


The weather was sunny, there were no clouds in the sky, and there were a lot of people outside the State Council. All the surviving citizens gathered here to enjoy the joy of victory. The confrontation with gastrula animals successfully dispelled the haze that had accumulated in people's hearts for a long time and brought a new dawn.

This attack on gastrula was aggressive, but it suffered a secret loss. In the only stage, the four leaders were all beheaded by Ye Feng in a single game. Except for a small number of the miscellaneous soldiers who escaped, most of them were annihilated. There is no doubt that Ye Feng The well-equipped police under his command played a key role in this counterattack, and the human side gave the invaders a hard blow at a very small price!

As the most prominent light source private security company, the Son of Heaven personally came forward and gave the highest award at the commendation meeting. At the same time, he awarded Ye Feng the title of "Light of the 24 Kinds of People" and has the right to mobilize the Son of Heaven's personal guard. Of course, Ye Feng doesn't care. This title, but the so-called free is not too much, after all, it is a good thing to be honored.

"Light source! Light source! Light source!"

At this time, Ye Feng was standing on the high platform, and the breeze was blowing slowly so that his clothes were fluttering. In addition, the sword qi of his profound skill and involuntary generation stirred the wind and clouds, just like the posture of a fairy. The boys and girls are fascinated and fascinated, and at the same time, the eyes of the Son of Heaven are also full of brilliance.

This is her man, with a sturdy figure like a giant standing in the sky, propping up a bright starry sky in this chaotic world! Taking advantage of this grand occasion, the boulder repressed in my heart was unloaded, and the long-shelved plan once again ignited a spark of passion in my chest!

"Everyone, our emotions have been suppressed for so long that we have lost too much morality and ethics, which has led to the birth of countless tragedies."

When the Son of Heaven opened his mouth, everyone at the scene was silent, quietly listening to the girl's sorrowful words.

"Now, we can't sit still, gastritis is not invincible, we humans also have the ability to expel invaders from our homes, so we should put aside our prejudice, face the cursed children, and let them experience the warmth of the world, Only with one heart can we break through the obstacles and take back what we have lost!"

"Everyone, can you do it?"

After the impassioned speech, she held the microphone tightly and looked at the people in front of her with hopeful eyes. Although the scene was silent, everyone knew that a storm of terror that could destroy any regime was brewing.

After a while, a milky child's voice came from an inconspicuous corner, "I...I agree!"

The speaker was a little girl who was less than five years old. With her black eyes that were not pure and flawless, she spliced ​​together a complete sentence with words she had just learned. The thin arms raised were like saplings swaying in a rainstorm. Possibly overwhelmed in the wind.

The little girl's speech caught everyone's attention, and the mother beside her looked terrified and quickly covered the child's mouth, but even so, the childish speech was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

The cursed son has always been a taboo for people from the beginning to the present. Except for a very small number of conscience survivors, no one has ever dared to put forward the opinion of "giving the cursed son civil rights", which is undoubtedly isolating himself from the public, and Now their leader, the wise Son of Heaven, actually spoke out loudly, and in front of everyone.

Just when the Son of Heaven thought he was going to be accused by the people, another speech sounded quietly.

Chapter 308 The Cursed Son Protection Law is established!

Just when the Son of Heaven thought he was going to be accused by the people, another speech sounded quietly.

"I agree too!"

It was Ye Feng who spoke, and his purpose was to restore peace to the world, and the "Cursed Son Protection Law" that the Son of Heaven had been thinking about day and night coincided with the direction of his actions. People naturally need to maintain.

The young man walked to the high platform, pointed to the huge stone monument standing in the wilderness all year round, and then said: "Did you see it? That is the cage that imprisoned you, day and night feeling the fear of being dominated by gastritis, except for these hearts, there is nowhere to vent. hatred."

"The hindered son did nothing wrong, but he has to experience more pain than after you lost your loved ones. Why? Because you are weak, you can only vent your hatred on the weaker!"

"They have been sad and worked hard, and all they have achieved is indifference, touching your chest, is there any conscience there?"

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