Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 1 Demonic Cultivation

In late autumn, twisted and bare old trees with dead vines stand quietly in the autumn wind, and the rugged cliffs and valleys are filled with the chirping of autumn insects.


A strong wind blew, and countless moths fluttered and trembled in the mountains and valleys, and the sky and the earth suddenly turned gray-white.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be ugly insects about the size of a thumb, with human-like facial features and plump flesh.


Under the cover of a net bag, several monsters with human heads were covered, and their wings flapped and swooped left and right.

The sharp mouthparts spit acidic water, and the rocks creaked as they were corroded, forming honeycomb-like scars.

Bang bang bang!

The glass bottle quickly caught the human-headed monster and tightened the cap.

"Three human-faced moths, so lucky."

A young man in his twenties wiped his sweat.

He was wearing a thick rubber coat and a bee-proof hood on his head. He had regular features and bright eyes.

He knocked on the glass bottle and looked at the furious and spitting human-faced moth inside.

Su Jie put the backpack on his back down to his feet. There were already a dozen human-faced moths of the same kind inside.

"Twelve, plus these three, sell them in the ghost market. Even if the price is lowered, you can still get a piece of blood marrow crystal."

Su Jie's face showed the joy of the old farmer's harvest.

Ten human-faced moths can usually be exchanged for one blood marrow crystal at the exchange price on the black market.

Human-faced moths are swarms of dangerous creatures with keen hearing and a thirst for blood.

Once too much noise is made, or a wound is accidentally exposed, they will swarm in and eat the person clean, leaving no bones left.

In the six months he has been here, Su Jie has seen many of his sloppy classmates end up with no bones left.

If you want to catch them, you need to lie dormant patiently, waiting for the strong wind to blow and disturb them, and take the opportunity to catch one or two.

Sometimes you are unlucky and you only catch a few in a day, and you have to be prepared for the risk of losing your life.

Because it is too troublesome, the official naturalized demon cultivator will not take the time to catch it, but human-faced moths are the food that many demon cultivators cultivate like to eat.

So this kind of errand falls to new disciples, such as Su Jie.

He is the outer disciple of Ghost Ridge Palace and a specialized insect catcher.

The sound of the wind gradually died down, and the human-faced moths flying in the sky fell back to the treetops and rocks.

Su Jie put the backpack in place gently and slowly retreated away from the insect valley.

There are winding trails outside the mountain with deep winding paths. Su Jie took off his dull rubber coat and beehive and felt the clear air.

"Brother Su, it seems that you have gained a lot today."

There was a voice coming from behind, and several similarly dressed insect catchers greeted Su Jie.

"I'm just barely making ends meet. After all, the master also has to do errands."

Su Jie nodded slightly, these people were also outer disciples of Guiling Palace.

The Guiling Palace is famous for its Gu insects because it controls this insect valley. This place is forbidden to the Guiling Palace and other demon cultivating sects do not dare to appear here.

As he spoke, Su Jie quickened his pace and his eyes were alert.

Although we are from the same sect, we are all demon cultivators, so there is not much friendship to talk about. It is common for the weak to prey on the strong, to rob and even to kill.

"Wait for us, Brother Su. It's getting dark today. Be careful of strange ghosts. We also have a companion together."

"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. Brother Su, you are working with Mr. Qiu. You have to turn in ten blood marrow crystals every month. After half a year of entry, at least dozens of blood marrow crystals are gone. I really don't treat you as human beings." "

"Who says otherwise? For example, our master only pays five pieces of blood marrow crystals every month."

Several people mentioned Qiu Laodao in their remarks. Their voices were joking and they accelerated towards Su Jie, somewhat ready to make a move.

In Guiling Palace, Su Jie has always been an unknown and transparent person, so he has no psychological burden when committing robbery like this.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense. My master likes to cast poison. Maybe I have his poison on me. If he hears it, he won't let it go."

Su Jie looked calm, but the words he spoke made the faces of the people opposite him change slightly.

For insulting an elder lightly, even if outer disciples like them were beaten to death, no one would even say a word to them.

The original intention of snatching it faded away, and I was not sure whether Su Jie's words were true or false.

"Senior brothers, let's leave first."

Su Jie ignored the people behind him and walked up the winding path with long strides.

The sun sets, and the setting sun dyes the sky red like blood.

Su Jie walked briskly, and the distant mountains and ridges were confused. Willow trees hung their branches quietly on the roadside, and their shadows covered the path with wild grass.

After staying away from a few people, Su Jie recalled the words of those outer disciples and thought to himself: "Yes! It's been half a year since I came to this world, and I didn't expect that I would still be a cheap insect catcher all day long."

Looking back on past memories, Su Jie felt melancholy.

Su Jie is not a stranger in this world. He comes from the modern civilized society of Blue Star.

Six months ago, Su Jie had just graduated from an ordinary secondary school and was still struggling to find a job.

These days, let alone ordinary second-level students, it is difficult to find a job even after graduate school, otherwise there would not be so many people choosing to take the public examination.

As a result, he didn't find a job. Instead, one night, an ancient mirror passed down from his family lit up and sucked him in in the blink of an eye.

By the time Su Jie reacted, he had already appeared in this practice world called Tianyuan.

And the place where he appeared happened to be the deep mountains and old forests in the Guiling Palace area.

Unable to get out of this deep mountain, he joined the Ghost Ridge Palace in a daze.

After coming in, Su Jie found that he did not see the grandeur of the immortals, the palaces and pavilions located in the mountains and clouds that he had expected, but saw the scene of the demon cave with a forest of bones, ghost fires, and poisons everywhere.

When Su Jie realized that Guiling Palace was a demon sect, it was too late to regret.

After half a year of living, Su Jie had learned some common sense of this world of immortal cultivation by constantly asking for news.

For example, everyone wanted to kill the demon cultivators.

To become an immortal and live forever, what a beautiful word.

But these belong to the orthodox Taoist sect. The demon cultivators in this world are evil beings that are despised and killed by everyone.

It's because the skills practiced by the demon cultivators are mostly weird and bloody, and they often use living people for blood sacrifice, blood drawing, and soul stripping.

Such behavior is naturally rejected by everyone.

After the last war between Taoism and Demonism five hundred years ago, the demon sect was defeated and gradually declined.

Nowadays, most of the magic sects can only survive in deep mountains and forests, isolated islands outside the domain, etc., and there is no longer the arrogance of slaughtering thousands of miles before the prosperity of the magic.

The Guiling Palace where Su Jie is located is such a magic sect.

And Su Jie has gradually accepted his fate in the past six months and extinguished the idea of ​​escaping.

This deep mountain forest is full of evil things, fierce beasts, and dangerous places, and there are disciples stationed in various passages.

Want to escape without a pass token? If you are caught, wait for the punishment elder to extract your soul and light the corpse lamp.

Fortunately, although you are practicing the magic, you have the same goal.

If you practice the magic to a high level, you can still achieve immortality, which is Su Jie's hope.


Su Jie's cultivation roots are very poor, otherwise he would have entered the inner sect and would not have to rush around to catch insects every day.

As an outer sect disciple, the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu Sutra, which he specially learned to catch insects, is the most popular magic technique.

After half a year of hard training, he only reached the second level of the Soul Condensation Realm, with a stronger physical fitness, immunity to some mild toxins, and a certain affinity for poisonous insects.

The Soul Condensation Realm is divided into ten levels. People with Su Jie's strength level are not even cannon fodder in Guiling Palace.

Outer disciples have poor roots, and usually they are stuck at the fourth or fifth level of Soul Condensation when they are old. In the eyes of the upper level, they are just consumables.

Inner disciples are expected to break through the Secret Treasure Realm, and usually have the sixth or seventh level of Soul Condensation. Only when they reach this level of strength can they be regarded as impressive among disciples.

As for breaking through the Secret Treasure Realm, they are no longer disciples, but can serve as managers, masters, elders and other important positions. Both their status and strength will soar, and they belong to the core power class of Guiling Palace.

Su Jie also understands that he has poor qualifications, but this is the only hope in his life to change his fate.

In the modern civilized world, he is just an ordinary worker, and it is extremely difficult to find a job.

But here, he is expected to master the power to move mountains and seas and live as long as the world.

They are all working hard for their bosses in the real world, working hard to get a Ferrari for their bosses.

Working for Guiling Palace, at least there is a glimmer of hope for immortality.

The sun has completely set over the mountain.

Before the last ray of light disappeared, Su Jie returned to the residence of Guiling Palace.

Corpse oil bone lamps hung high, and the bright ghost fire lit the blood candles.

Owls were calling on the branches of the trees, making sobs like weeping.

Under the illumination of the bone lamps, dark and extremely simple caves appeared in the field of vision.

"Brother Su, you are back so late!"

A thin young man greeted Su Jie.

"There is no way. If I don't catch more poisonous insects and sell them for money, I can't pay the master's monthly salary."

Su Jie smiled and responded. The man in front of him was Peng Shiwen, Su Jie's neighbor. He entered Guiling Palace in the same batch as Su Jie. He was also a disciple of Qiu Laodao, and had the second level of Yunling Realm cultivation.

Because they are neighbors and they entered Guiling Palace in the same batch, the relationship between them is better than that of ordinary disciples.

"Hey, I don't know when I can get through this hard life. I catch insects all day long and feel like I'm going to become a bird."

"Then you've made a fortune. Birds and spirit beasts are the natural enemies of many poisonous insects. You can try to install a pair of wings later."

Su Jie joked with Peng Shiwen for a few words, and then said goodbye to each other.

He came to a cave and took out the key to open the door lock. This is Su Jie's residence in Guiling Palace.

It is about 30 square meters, with beds, futons, desks and other things.

The most precious of them are the bottles and jars on the shelves classified by categories.

They are all poisonous creatures he found on Guiling Mountain, including blue-tailed demon scorpions, rainbow blood-striped snakes, evil scissor spiders, red poisonous fire ants, etc., all of which are of low quality.

When they saw the appearance of living people, these extremely irritable and cruel poisonous creatures flapped their wings and screamed.

Only one of the poisonous creatures remained quiet when Su Jie appeared.

This was a centipede that was the length of an arm and was red and black.

The strange thing was that the densely packed limbs under its abdomen were actually pale white hands, which looked extremely creepy.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede mostly lived in damp and dark environments, hiding during the day and coming out at night, and its hands and feet were extremely poisonous.

This was the natal Gu insect that Su Jie cultivated.

Although it was not of good quality, it has grown a lot after more than half a year of cultivation.

When I first got it, it was only the length of a finger.

"Little guy, eat, today is a big meal."

Su Jie opened the lid of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, took out five human-faced moths that he had harvested today, and fed them in with a painful look on his face.


The originally quiet Thousand-Handed Centipede moved instantly.

The jaws bit a human-faced moth into two pieces and chewed and swallowed it.

The other human-faced moths hissed, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede half stood up, with the human hands under its belly spread out, and easily crushed several human-faced moths.

After more than half a year of cultivation, the Thousand-Handed Centipede has been cultivated to be very powerful. Well, it is only counted among the poisonous creatures that are not of good quality.

"Sizzle, sizzle."

The Thousand-Handed Centipede ate the human-faced moth in a few bites, and then turned to Su Jie to swing its antennae on its head, which meant to continue to ask for food.

"No more, this is all the food for today."

The Thousand-Handed Centipede was relentless and crawled around in the culture tank.

"Forget it, let me give you some blood."

Su Jie had no choice but to take out the blood collection equipment specially given by the sect and draw out half a tube of blood.

The dripping blood flowed into a small bowl and was placed in front of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, and it was soon drunk up by it.

"It's really gone."

Knocking the Thousand-Handed Centipede who still wanted to beg for food, Su Jie looked depressed.

The Hundred Poisons Refining Gu Sutra he practiced was about poisons fighting and eating each other, and finally improving the quality of the Gu worms.

The natal Gu worm was bound to Su Jie. The stronger the Gu worm was, the more feedback it gave to Su Jie, which could greatly speed up his practice.

Unfortunately, the number of poisonous insects he obtained every day was limited. In addition to feeding the Thousand-Handed Centipede, he had to hand over ten blood marrow crystals to his master every month, and he also had to use blood marrow crystals for his own practice.

This also led to the Thousand-Handed Centipede's body size growth of only 40 to 50 centimeters in half a year, and it was severely malnourished.

Su Jie had seen those inner disciples, who had money and resources and fed their natal Gu worms with a lot of poisons.

Some Gu worms that mainly grew in size were generally several meters long, and Su Jie was far behind.

Because of the lack of resources, as the Thousand-Handed Centipede grew, the daily demand for poisons increased, and Su Jie had to bleed it to feed it.

But this could not satisfy its appetite, how miserable it was.

Putting the begging Thousand-handed Centipede on his arm, Su Jie closed his eyes and started to practice the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu Sutra.

The next moment, the Thousand-handed Centipede hugged Su Jie's arm tightly, and its breath was consistent with Su Jie's.

There was a breath surging in the meridians, and the external spiritual power was intermittently absorbed into the body.

According to Su Jie's own estimation, if he continued to practice normally, it would take him another year to reach the third level of Soul Condensation.

After practicing for a while, Su Jie was not in a good mood, and the road to immortality was far away.

Two hours later, Su Jie, who had finished practicing, slowly opened his eyes and was suddenly dazzled by a ray of light.

Turning his head, he saw that the ancient mirror he had placed in the house was shining, illuminating the cave.

"Fuck, you can still use it, I thought you were a disposable consumable."

Su Jie was shocked, and he stood up quickly, picking up the ancient mirror with surprise and joy.

I saw red light flowing on the ancient mirror, and a void door quietly opened on the mirror surface.

Through this door, a modern home opposite can be vaguely seen.

Su Jie opened his mouth wide, and he was very familiar with this environment.

Because it was the rental house he lived in before he traveled through time.

He was sleeping in the house at the beginning, and was brought to this Tianyuan world by the ancient mirror.

Looking at this scene, Su Jie understood something, and his excited heart could not be restrained, so he raised his foot and stepped into the door.

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