Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 2: Traveling Between Two Worlds

came back.

Really back.

Looking at the familiar furniture and home appliances, air conditioners, water heaters and other products that are unique to modern civilization, Su Jie almost shed tears.

In the past six months, he had suffered a lot in Guiling Palace.

I have to run around every day to make a living and practice cultivation, and I have to be wary of the brutal competition within the family. My life is like walking on thin ice.

"It's been half a year. Do you know how I've spent the past six months?"

Su Jie looked at the ancient mirror in his hand with complicated eyes, and all kinds of sourness filled his heart.

Fortunately, after half a year of experience, his mentality has become extremely tough, and he calmed down in just a few seconds.

Facing the portal again, Su Jie took one step forward and returned to the Tianyuan world.

After many attempts, Su Jie verified his conjecture.

This ancient mirror can take him freely between the Blue Star and Tianyuan worlds, and he can use it to travel between the two worlds.

"Hey, I admit that I spoke a little too loudly just now, Mirror Mirror, you are such a good baby."

Su Jie couldn't stop smiling.

Having seen the turbulent world and mysterious cultivation, he did not want to completely escape back to the real world.

Although the real world is very safe, there is no danger to life, and the enjoyment is far beyond that world.

But compared with the temptation of immortality, money and power are just floating clouds. Su Jie can clearly distinguish which is more important.

Su Jie just wanted to take advantage of Blue Star's resources to assist him in practicing in Tianyuan World.

Otherwise, relying solely on his poor cultivation talent, it would be difficult for him to survive until his death.

I found my mobile phone on the bed and charged it. There were several missed calls and text messages on my mobile phone, all of which were calls from the landlord to remind me to pay the rent.

Su Jie paid half a year's rent at once, but now it is almost due.

Then I checked my savings, and I could see the five-digit number clearly at a glance.

"Got to make money."

At this moment, Su Jie immediately understood what he was going to do.

If you want to take advantage of modern resources, you can't do it without money.

"The total is thirty-two thousand six hundred and three yuan. Whether in Tianyuan World or Blue Star, I am a completely poor person!"

Su Jie laughed to himself.

Su Jie's biological mother divorced and lost contact with his father when he was a child. His father became seriously ill when Su Jie was in college. He sold his house and car and used up all his savings, but he still couldn't save it.

By the time Su Jie graduates from college, this is the amount he will have.

If he had just graduated from college, Su Jie would probably be worried about his family's fortune which was about to be depleted.

But now Su Jie has supernatural powers. If he wants to make money, he doesn't have to commit crimes.

Relying on his insect training skills, he can easily make money by putting on a show or putting on a show.

However, Su Jie has no idea of ​​continuing to work.

It would be too troublesome to get money that way and there wouldn’t be much money.

The difference between the two worlds is that you can make a fortune even if you become a bad guy!

Speaking of which, what products in Tianyuan World are valuable in modern society?

"Buying and selling gold and silver, tsk, no, no, no, you can get a little money in the early stage, but it will be troublesome if the amount is large."

Su Jie thought quickly in his mind and first excluded gold, silver and jade.

No matter which world you are in, this kind of hard currency is very valuable and not easy to get.

Even if there is a price difference, it is easy to attract attention when it moves up. Especially large-scale precious metal transactions will attract the attention of state agencies.

Before his strength improved, Su Jie didn't plan to be so arrogant.

"I don't think antiques are good either. I don't even know the antiques from Tianyuan World, Lan Xing!"

Su Jie frowned and thought hard. The overall social environment of the feudal era in Tianyuan World did not lack some antiques.

It's just that the cultures of the two worlds are not in common, and without historical accumulation, they cannot be sold at a high price.

With options eliminated one by one, Su Jie walked back and forth in the rental house and accidentally bumped into the corner of the table.

A red mark appeared on his waist, but Su Jie didn't care. Instead, he stared at the wooden table and suddenly had an answer in his heart.

"By the way, wood, I can sell wood! I am in the wood import business."

Su Jie slapped his thigh and thought of a very appropriate idea.

On the mountains surrounding Guiling Palace, lush ancient trees that are hundreds of thousands of years old can be seen everywhere.

Some of the trees are precious species that are extremely rare in Blue Star.

For example, golden nanmu, small-leaf rosewood, huanghuali and other trees.

These trees have been cut down for thousands of years in Blue Star and have become extremely endangered and rare.

But in Tianyuan World, these are just ordinary trees, and no one cuts them down randomly.

Su Jie only needs to treat the wood as imported from overseas, apply for a company with import and export qualifications, or be affiliated with a company with import and export qualifications, and then he can legally sell it domestically.

"Hey, this method is very exciting!"

Su Jie's eyes lit up. China imports more than 100 million cubic meters of timber every year, and timber trading is very popular.

After checking some information on the Internet, Su Jie became more clear about his goal. He planned to cut down a tree called small-leaf red sandalwood first.

This kind of tree has become extinct in ancient China, and only the old materials passed down from generation to generation are left. Now only the third brother's side has similar trees.

You can completely cut down the trees yourself, and then use spiritual power to quickly dry them, or directly make them old, and then sell them reasonably and legally.

Because this kind of tree has become extinct in China, there is no risk of illegal logging. Nowadays, many small-leaf red sandalwood in the timber trading market is either ancestral or imported from Asan, and is sold openly for takeout.

Thinking of this, Su Jie could no longer hold back his excitement. He turned around and stepped back to Tianyuan World to look for the precious trees that had been cut down.

According to his own idea, Su Jie first exchanged a small amount of precious metals for millions of funds, and then started to establish leather bag companies at home and abroad, spending money to clear relationships with clients and improve import and export qualifications.

When everything was ready, Su Jie also started his plan.

Blue Star, Linping City, Leng Lily Home Furnishing Company.

Su Jie got out of the taxi and looked at the company building in front of him, which was more than ten stories high and belonged to Leng Lily. While thinking about the company's information in his mind, he raised his legs and walked in.

Leng Baihe Home Furnishing is a well-known home furnishing company in Hannan Province. It focuses on the high-end home furnishing field and its products are radiated all over China.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?"

The two ladies at the front desk showed professional smiles and asked Su Jie's purpose.

"I am a representative of Hengyuan Company, and I am here to discuss cooperation with your company. I have contacted you by phone before, and I am looking for the manager of your purchasing department."

Su Jie got straight to the point, he came here just to make money. As for the so-called Hengyuan Company, it was a leather bag company that Su Jie found someone to register on his behalf to facilitate transactions.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment, I'll call you and ask."

A young lady at the front desk called and quickly said to Su Jie: "Sir, Manager Liang invites you to go to his office. I will take you up now."

A few minutes later, Su Jie successfully met Liang Lianjun, the purchasing department manager of Leng Baihe Home Furnishing Company.

"What's your surname, sir?"

Liang Lianjun looked away from the computer screen and sat still on the chair, his attitude neither salty nor indifferent.

"Your surname is Su, I want to know, you Leng Lily buys tree raw materials, right?"

"Mr. Su, we at Leng Lily have always had stable suppliers and overseas procurement channels. I wonder which lumber factory you are negotiating on behalf of?"

Liang Lianjun's attitude became a little calmer, thinking that Su Jie was a salesman from a certain lumber factory who wanted to open up the supply chain of Leng Lily Company.

Leng Lily Home Furnishing does not lack cooperative channel partners. China is now Blue Star's largest timber importing country. There are so many timber factories, and there are countless people who want to catch a ride on Leng Lily.

"Manager Liang, take a look at this first."

Su Jie didn't answer immediately, so he took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album.

It contains the results of two days of hard work in Tianyuan World, which he showed to Liang Lianjun.

"Mr. Su, our cold lily raw material channels are stable, and there is no shortage of beech, pine logs, mahogany, oak, black walnut, cherry wood, etc. I'm afraid the cooperation will be"

Before Liang Lianjun finished speaking, he seemed to have seen something incredible.

Rubbing his eyes, Liang Lianjun suddenly moved his head closer and stared at the photo on the screen of Su Jie's phone.

"This is the finest small-leaf red sandalwood, at least eight hundred years old. Mr. Su, don't be kidding me. Do you have the goods? Do you really have it?"

Liang Lianjun's voice trembled, as if he had seen the lover of his dreams, he stood up excitedly and excitedly.

This is the best small leaf red sandalwood!

This kind of tree is known as the king of trees. It has high density, hard texture, strong resistance to rot, and can resist insects and moisture.

Moreover, small-leaf red sandalwood grows slowly. It only takes five years for the annual growth and a hundred years to become a useful product. Since ancient times, small-leaf red sandalwood furniture has been the exclusive property of emperors.

Nowadays, small-leaf red sandalwood in China has been extinct for hundreds of years, and the stock of old materials is scarce, let alone this top quality.

Leng Lily specializes in high-end home furnishings, but it is also rare to get this level of raw materials.

"I don't like to joke, Manager Liang. I have the goods in stock. You are welcome to come and take a look at the goods. But let me explain first that this batch of wood is inherited from my ancestors. Your company must handle the formalities by itself."

Su Jie took his phone back and when he saw Liang Lianjun's expression, he knew that his plan was mostly successful.

"Of course, of course. Is it convenient to go see the goods now? If there is no problem with the raw materials, everything else will be easy to solve. We, Leng Lily, will buy them all."

Liang Lianjun disagreed. Capital had enough interests to dare to trample on all laws, let alone a large company, let alone ancestral. Even if it was not, they could whitewash it.

"I can trade here at any time."

"It won't be too late. I'll ask the company to send a car now."

Liang Lianjun was extremely happy and diligently served Su Jie tea and water. His original pretentiousness had long since disappeared, and now he was begging Su Jie to sell him the goods.

This top-quality small-leaf red sandalwood raw material can be produced by quick hands or slow hands. It is completely a seller's market.

If a transaction fails because of indolence, it is simply a crime.

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