The outskirts of Linping City.

At the Nanqiao Logistics Warehouse Center, a Mercedes-Benz seven-seater commercial vehicle drove in, followed by a fleet of trucks and cranes, and stopped in front of a small warehouse.

When the car stopped, Su Jie and Liang Lianjun stepped out of the commercial vehicle.

The few finance and lawyers and other elite business people following him looked like they were working on big deals.

"The goods are inside."

Su Jie took out the key, opened the warehouse that he had just rented after spending all his assets, and walked in with a few people.

The warehouse is not large and looks very empty, with only a few bare trees placed in the corners.

"It's really small-leaf rosewood."

Liang Lianjun's originally worried heart was now completely settled. Su Jie was not playing tricks on him.

"Mr. Su, let me check the quality of these raw materials first. If you don't mind if we make some incisions to take a look."

Liang Lianjun picked up the tools from the car and said impatiently.

“Everyone is a professional, so that’s natural.”

Su Jie waved his hand, and Liang Lianjun trotted to a few small-leaf red sandalwood trees.

"This guy is so wild, there are so many of them."

At the first sight of these small-leaf red sandalwood trees, Liang Lianjun judged that these trees were old and old materials, mostly passed down from their ancestors, and could be traded freely.

Liang Lianjun didn't know that there was something called spiritual power in this world that could easily make old trees.

"The diameter is about 59 centimeters, the length is about 16 meters, and the weight is estimated to be five to six tons. The diameter of this one is 63 centimeters."

First, the data of five small-leaf red sandalwood trees were measured, and then Liang Lianjun called a master to come forward.

The other party used a chain saw to cut the opening on the bottom of the small-leaf red sandalwood.


When a thin ring of wood is cut away and the wood chips are rinsed away, the inner core is exposed.

Except for Su Jie, everyone's eyes widened.

Accompanied by a faint fragrance, the texture of small-leaf rosewood goes from shallow to deep, showing an ultimate water ripple shape.

Just like the West Lake scroll in nature, it is extremely dazzling and beautiful.

"Perfect, perfect Venus cow hair pattern, this texture, this texture, this oil tightness. It's amazing."

As if caressing the lover in his dream, Liang Lianjun touched the beautiful textured incision with his palm, and his eyes wanted to drill into the wood.

That kind of obsession with seeing something you like is difficult for people who are not in this field to understand.

For example, Su Jie didn't understand. Although he also thought it looked good, he didn't have that level of obsession.

However, Su Jie knew one thing, he could get more money.

"Manager Liang, let's take a look at the other items. There are still four trees left."

After a few minutes, Su Jie reminded Liang Lianjun, who was still intoxicated.

"These trees are definitely not bad. Master, forget about using the chain saw. I'll do it myself. I've never seen such a top-quality small-leaf red sandalwood."

Liang Lianjun was so excited that he grabbed the chain saw and started using it himself.

With the buzzing of the chain saw, small-leaf red sandalwood trees were cut open one after another.

Every time a tree is cut, various gasping sounds can be heard.

"It is actually the best among fish scale patterns. The evolved dragon scale pattern has a clear and domineering texture, full and smooth."

"Really or not, this level of Venus scar texture is simply perfect, so perfect."

"So is this one."

Shouts of surprise echoed in the warehouse.

This group of industry elites from Leng Lily Company, like newcomers who have never seen the world, were completely conquered by the various beautiful textures of small-leaf red sandalwood.

When all the red sandalwood tests were completed, Liang Lianjun felt a little dizzy. His heart was beating fast due to this sudden and huge surprise. He was not as excited as he was today when he opened a room with his girlfriend for the first time.

"Well, the goods I have here have not disappointed Manager Liang, right?"

Su Jie asked with a smile. Liang Lianjun was so excited. If he didn't kill him severely, he would have wasted his hard work of traveling deep into the mountains and forests for several days.

"Mr. Su, don't be joking. How could I be disappointed? It's too late for me to be satisfied with such ingredients."

Liang Lianjun managed to calm down his excitement, and said solemnly: "Mr. Su, this batch of goods you have is truly the best. We have just weighed the five small-leaf red sandalwood trees, totaling 31 tons and 200 kilograms. Now the small-leaf red sandalwood trees weigh 31 tons and 200 kilograms. The market price of red sandalwood is between 800,000 and 1.5 million yuan per ton, and we at Leng Lily are willing to pay the highest price, which is 1.5 million yuan per ton for this batch of small-leaf red sandalwood.”


Su Jie quickly calculated the amount he received. Hearing the price, Su Jie was overwhelmed with joy, but his face remained calm.

"Manager Liang is joking, this price is not sincere! The cheaper genuine small leaf red sandalwood bracelets on Taobao cost thousands of pieces, let alone my batch of super high-quality goods."

"Mr. Su, that's not how the price is calculated. There will also be losses during the processing of raw materials, and the design fees and processing costs have to be paid by our manufacturer. You can't use the retail price to sell it to our processing factory."

Upon hearing this, Manager Liang immediately complained and talked about his difficulties.

"It seems that Manager Liang doesn't want to do my business anymore. That's fine. I'll find another seller. With such good goods, I'm not afraid that no buyer will take over."

Su Jie deliberately put on a look of concern, but Liang Lianjun's expression suddenly changed.

As Su Jie said, there is no need to worry about selling such top-quality goods.

Once the news is released, companies from the outside world will definitely swarm in. By then, they, Leng Baihe, may not be able to get this batch of goods.

"No, no, Mr. Su, we at Lily Leng are very sincere. So, you can tell us the price first."

Liang Lianjun put on a different face and said extremely earnestly.

"I will set a price, one thousand yuan per catty. If we agree, we will trade on the spot. If we don't agree, I will find other buyers."

Su Jie raised his index finger and gave his quotation.

This price is equivalent to 2 million yuan per ton of small-leaf red sandalwood, which is one-third higher than Liang Lianjun’s previous quotation.

"This price is too much. Mr. Su, we have to discuss this price. Please wait a moment."

Liang Lianjun originally planned to make a counteroffer, but seeing Su Jie's face, he was afraid that the young man would really turn away and leave, so the words turned into discussion.


Su Jie nodded and sat on a small-leaf red sandalwood tree, seemingly unconcerned. This only made Liang Lianjun more determined to trade.

This person's attitude is confident. If they, Leng Lily, miss this village, they won't have this store.

A group of business elites ran out of the warehouse to discuss in secret and returned after more than ten minutes.

Su Jie took the opportunity to turn off the video of the young lady dancing in the short video and looked across.

"How about it? Has the result of the discussion been reached?"

"Mr. Su, as you said, we, Leng Lily, are willing to purchase this batch of raw materials at a price of 1,000 yuan per catty. Hey, we don't make any money with this order. The main reason is to make friends with you, Mr. Su."

Liang Lianjun had an expression on his face that said we had suffered a big loss. It was unclear what he was thinking in his heart. Anyway, he couldn't believe a word the businessman said.

Although I had been mentally prepared for it, when I heard that it could be sold at such a high price, my mood was as exciting as a pot of water that had just been boiled, and I was so excited that it was about to overflow.

This price means that this batch of small-leaf red sandalwood can be sold for a huge sum of 62.4 million yuan, and Su Jie is about to become a multi-millionaire.

"Mr. Su, without further ado, let's sign the contract now, and the money will be transferred to you immediately. Issue an invoice first, and then contact the finance department. By the way, Mr. Su, remember to pay the taxes."

Liang Lianjun called the finance and legal affairs department and took out the template contract that he had prepared in advance. In fact, he didn't even need to issue an invoice, so he didn't even have to file taxes.

After all, if wood is made into furniture, there is basically no proof. This is why Liang Lianjun didn't ask Su Jie about the specific source of this batch of wood. Everyone tacitly understood some gray areas.

After looking through these contracts, Su Jie was not afraid of the other party playing tricks.

Just because he is unwilling to commit a crime does not mean that he is incapable of doing it.

If they really dare to play word games on the contract, Su Jie doesn't mind accompanying them to play a real high-end business war, um, the kind of destroying corpses and wiping out traces.

Sign your name and stamp it.

After both parties confirmed that it was correct, the leather bag company registered by Su Jie also received the payment, and the money went into the company account.

【Ding! Your company, Hengyuan Company, account 1248 remitted 62400000.00 yuan from ICBC at 12:21 on October 23. The remitter was Leng Baihe Home Furnishing Company. The current account balance is 62400419.00 yuan.]

A series of numbers covered the originally meager savings, which made Su Jie feel elated. Even if he had to pay some taxes later, this wealth was staggering enough.

"Manager Liang, it's a pleasure to work with you."

Su Jie took a deep breath and stretched out his hand, not letting go at the last moment.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Su. If you still have good products in the future, be sure to contact me. We at Leng Lily have endless demand for this kind of raw material."

Liang Lianjun also reached out and was satisfied with the transaction. In fact, he has already seen the problem. This batch of wood is definitely not just ancestral, and will probably be traded again in the future. Liang Lianjun just wants to stabilize this big customer.

"Easy to say, easy to say, I will do it next time."

Su Jie responded with a smile. No need for Liang Lianjun to remind him, Su Jie would not let go of such a simple and safe way to make money.

I can easily earn more than 60 million today. I can cut down more precious trees later and make a small profit, which is within my grasp.

After declining Liang Lianjun's invitation to drink and drink, Su Jie watched the other party hoist five small-leaf red sandalwood trees onto the truck and drive out of the warehouse. The smile on his face suddenly couldn't hold back any longer.

"Sixty million, sixty million, so much money, how can we spend it all?"

Su Jie looked through the bank text messages on his phone over and over again. He couldn't contain his excitement after becoming rich overnight.

After all, since childhood, the most money he has handled is tens of thousands of dollars.

A huge sum of 60 million was a figure that Su Jie could not even imagine before traveling through time.

And with this huge sum of money, Su Jie's previous plan to use Blue Star resources to assist his practice can also be put on the agenda.

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