Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 100 Invitation (First Update)

"It is a great regret in life that we did not catch up with such a joyful thing."

Dong Hongtian shook his head and was about to continue saying something when he suddenly looked out the window.

But it was the policemen who had been chasing them before, and now they were carrying a group of dirty beggars back along the street, and they were punching and kicking the beggars from time to time.

"Brother Xu, wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as I go."

As soon as he slapped the table, Dong Hongtian suddenly stood up and jumped down from the second floor window, landing right in front of the police officers.

"As servants of the imperial court, you do not want to catch bandits and enforce strict laws and regulations, but instead beat and kick beggars and homeless people. What is the reason for this?"

Dong Hongtian's voice was extremely loud, his beard trembled with anger, and his big copper eyes glared at the policeman.

"Where did the wild dog come from? Get away quickly, or we will arrest you and put you in jail."

The leading police officer threatened that if he hadn't seen Dong Hongtian's strong figure and the clothes with bulging muscles could not hide his strength, he would have called for others to hold him down together and take him back to prison to torture him and squeeze out the oil and mercury.

"You won't change your name when you're working, you won't change your surname when you're sitting down, Dong Hongtian is the mad swordsman."

Dong Hongtian drew out his sword, and several sword shadows roared. His steps were as light as a flying swallow, and his moves were as coherent as flowing water. He had a wild and domineering aura. Several of the detectives had no time to draw their swords, and were knocked to the ground by the sword spine.


The whole process took less than two seconds. When the sword was sheathed again, no one of the several detectives could stand up. They all lay on the ground groaning.

"Be careful in the future and don't let anyone catch you again."

Dong Hongtian took out some copper coins from his pocket, but did not give too much, otherwise these little beggars would not be able to hold on.

"Hero, this is the food sent from upstairs. I have already paid for it."

At this moment, the waiter in the store ran out, holding some durable noodles in his hand, and handed them to Dong Hongtian.

Dong Hongtian raised his head and saw Su Jie nodding to him.

After understanding what was going on, Dong Hongtian handed the noodles to the beggars and said, "Let's go quickly."

"Thank you uncle."

Several little beggars happily hugged the noodles and ran away warily.

Dong Hongtian glanced at the policeman on the ground, ignored him, and jumped up to the second floor.

"Brother Dong is benevolent and righteous."

Su Jie immediately praised Dong Hongtian and poured a glass of wine for Dong Hongtian.

"Brother Xu is laughing at me. I don't like this kind of thing because of my personality. I still have a little bit of skill in my body, and I can still lend a helping hand to some injustices."

Dong Hongtian picked up the wine and clinked it with Su Jie, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Brother Dong, this is not a bit of kung fu. It must be at the third level of Yunling Realm. In the world of martial arts, the strength is at the upper level."

Su Jie put down his wine glass and said with praise.

Tianyuan world is a world of practitioners, with magical things like spiritual energy.

In addition to the demonic and righteous sects that occupy the blessed land of Lingshan, as well as the major sects of long-standing aristocratic families, if ordinary people want to get in touch with spiritual energy, they can also learn martial arts to strengthen their bodies. This is also a way out.

However, compared with the various magical cultivation methods of the sect, practicing martial arts is a helpless choice when the talent is insufficient and the resources are insufficient. It can be regarded as the next best choice.

People in the martial arts world who practice martial arts, after they have achieved success, fly over eaves and walls, destroy monuments and rocks, which sounds very powerful.

But compared with practitioners, because the use of spiritual energy in martial arts is too rough, there are basically no spiritual stones, magic weapons, elixirs, talismans, etc. They all rely on brute force with a weapon, and their combat effectiveness is not at the same level as practitioners.

In the world of martial arts, those who can reach the third level of Yunling Realm are considered to be first-rate masters and famous figures.

Those who can reach the fifth level of the Yunling Realm are all the most powerful masters in the world, and are respected as sword gods and great masters.

As for those in the martial arts world who have broken through to the sixth level of the Yunling Realm, it can be said that there are almost none.

Because of this talent, people have already gone to join the sect. Who can cultivate immortality is willing to learn martial arts!

The martial arts practice was exhausting and taxing, but in the end, it was defeated by a flying sword from the practitioner.

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously. My strength is just to show off my power in front of ordinary people. If I really meet a practitioner, my cultivation will be nothing."

Dong Hongtian shook his head, knowing himself very clearly.

The two of them drank a glass of wine and drank three kilograms of spirits. They were in high spirits and talked about the recent Battle of Jinsha River. Su Jie was very knowledgeable about this. Who knows that he had experienced it personally.

Dong Hongtian got a little drunk, slapped the sword on his waist on the table, and said, "Brother Xu said it well. Now there is still a chance to combat the arrogance of Guiling Palace. I wonder if you are interested."

"Oh, there is such a good thing. Brother Dong, you have to explain it to me."

When Su Jie talked about the topic of Demon Cultivator and Ghost Ridge Palace, he had a completely hostile expression.

After taking a sip of strong wine, Dong Hongtian patted his chest and said excitedly: "Most of the Guiling Palace slave ships were wiped out in the Battle of Jinsha River, but a few ships still escaped the blockade. Those Guiling Palace disciples who escaped must now be Anxious to return to the Ghost Ridge Palace.

When the righteous warriors from all over the world heard about this, and under the call of many famous martial arts figures, they decided to go to the Green Valley Plain, block the return route of the Ghost Ridge Palace disciples, and eliminate them in the vast wilderness. "

"Go to Green Valley Plains to block the gate?"

Su Jie's brows jumped. The Green Valley Plain is the green grassland at the entrance of Guiling Palace.

This is also the key route in and out of Guiling Palace. When Su Jie left Guiling Palace, he passed through this plain.

It's not that other places cannot enter the Guiling Palace, but the dangerous restricted areas among the mountains will teach people a lesson. The risk factor is too high. In some dangerous places, even the elders of the Secret Treasure Realm have to retreat.

"Yes, it is the Green Valley Plain. Now many heroes and righteous men have gathered in the Green Valley Plain to prevent those fleeing disciples of the Guiling Palace from having an easy time."

Dong Hongtian looked excited and said to Su Jie, "Brother Xu is also a martial artist. Why don't you go to the Green Valley Plain with us?"

Because Su Jie's cultivation has broken through to the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm, his skin is clear, his eyes are bright and energetic, and the changes in the biomagnetic field, his gestures reveal an indescribable aura that people dare not underestimate.

This also made Dong Hongtian misunderstand Su Jie's identity, thinking that Su Jie is also a martial artist.

Su Jie thought for a moment and asked, "Aren't you afraid that the people in Guiling Palace will come out to kill them? There are elders of the Secret Treasure Realm inside."

"Of course, we haven't gone too deep into the Green Valley Plain. We are in the outer area, and there is still a long way to go from Guiling Palace. Besides, given the current situation, if Guiling Palace doesn't behave itself and dares to act arrogantly, the major famous and righteous sects will definitely not let them go."

Dong Hongtian disagreed and was very confident in his actions.

But what he said does make sense. Guiling Palace is like a country that has lost a war.

Although the battle of Jinsha River did not damage the foundation, it is unlikely to start another war easily, so as not to bring disaster upon itself.

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