Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 99 Dong Hongtian (5 updates, 10,000 words, please subscribe)

When the whole body's spiritual energy is compressed from gaseous state to liquid state, it will finally cause a qualitative change.

The sixth level of Yunling Realm is completed.

Su Jie slowly opened his eyes, and in an instant, spiritual energy flashed from his eyes and shot straight into the void several meters away.

Feeling the vigorous vitality in the body, which is far more than seven or eight times the spiritual strength of the past, going from the fifth level to the sixth level of Yunling Realm is the first qualitative change for a practitioner.

The next qualitative change will have to wait until the tenth level of Yunling Realm and promotion to the Secret Treasure Realm.

And reaching the sixth level of Yunling Realm also means that Su Jie's cultivation has reached the entrance standard for inner disciples of Guiling Palace.

"Took off."

There was a smile on Su Jie's lips. This was not just what he said. Su Jie's body really flew up and floated quietly in the air.

Flying without the help of external objects is generally only possible by the elders of the Vault Realm, and through the ability sharing of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie also mastered flying.

It's just that Su Jie's flying should be called hanging or gliding. He can hover freely off the ground in the air, and he can also glide quickly from high places and control his attitude in the air.

It's not that it can't fly, it's just that the flying speed is only a pitiful ten meters per second, which is simply a turtle speed compared to the soaring of the Thousand-Armed Centipede.

"It also has the ability to fly after all."

Su Jie comforted himself in this way. Even if he encountered an enemy who could not fly, although his speed was a bit slow, he could still make the enemy stare.

Su Jie is still satisfied with the gains from this breakthrough.

Thousand-Handed Centipede advanced to the fourth level of the middle level, and he also successfully broke through to the sixth level of Yunling Realm.

Although the cultivation level is only the standard for inner disciples to get started, in a real fight, it is estimated that there are not many disciples among the inner disciples of Guiling Palace who can defeat Su Jie.

After getting up and putting away the Bone Tree, Su Jie walked back towards Zhenning City.

"Boss, please bring me some good wine and good food."

In Zhenning City, in a restaurant.

Just after breaking through, Su Jie was a little hungry and happened to come here to eat something.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The waiter quickly wiped the tables and chairs, and went to the kitchen to inform him with a smile on his face.

Because Su Jie had gone through some makeup and the wanted portrait was not very accurate, Su Jie was not afraid of being recognized.

Soon after, plates of wine and food were served.

Su Jie was sitting by the window on the second floor, pouring himself a drink, when he suddenly heard a few noises coming from the street.

"Catch him, don't let him get away."

Several beggars ran out of the streets and alleys in embarrassment, followed by a group of policemen chasing and arresting them.

"Even beggars are driven away. Well, that's not right."

Su Jie's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't pay attention because he was in a hurry to come out. Only then did he realize that almost all the refugees who had stayed in the city were gone.

A few days ago, there were a large number of refugees in the city.

"Boy, come here."

Su Jie waved to the waiter, threw out a few coins, and asked: "I've been out for a few days, but why are there so few homeless people in the city? Could it be that some wealthy family opened a warehouse to provide food and porridge, and the homeless people rushed there? "

The waiter's eyes lit up, he quickly put away the coins and said, "Sir, things are not what you think. No one knows how to give porridge these days! Rich families are eager to hoard all the food and wait until the price of food is higher before selling it.

This was not a great victory on the Jinsha River. Several righteous sects joined forces to break up the slave fleet in Guiling Palace. Later, they found clues that the slaves were refugees.

In order to prevent the refugees from being trafficked again, these righteous sects jointly asked the local government to gather the refugees to avoid being kidnapped by Guiling Palace again. "

"Will the government take care of this matter?"

Su Jie had a look of disbelief, which was far away from the current governance level of the dynasty. Those officials didn't look like they knew how to manage the refugees. If they wanted to take care of the refugees, they would have taken care of them long ago, so why wait until now.

"Many righteous sects have come forward, especially Guanchao Pavilion. This sect is famous even in Qingzhou, and the government has to sell their face."

Su Jie frowned and said, "How does the government manage the refugees?"

The waiter looked around and lowered his voice: "The disaster was serious in Jingzhou. The government mobilized the army and drove all the captured refugees back to Jingzhou. When the refugees reach the Jingzhou area, they will not be under the control of Qingzhou. In order To prevent these refugees from running back, the Qingzhou Army specially set up a separation wall at the state border. Anyone who dares to break through will be shot with random arrows. "

"To be so mean."

Su Jie frowned. This kind of behavior was no different from taking human life lightly. It was hard to imagine that this was what a dynasty would do to its own people.

"Who says it isn't?"

The waiter in the store was also a little aggrieved and said: "I heard that because of this incident, Jingzhou has also begun to mobilize troops to confront Qingzhou, not wanting to accept these refugees."

"You are really shameless and want to serve as your parents' official."

A cold snort came not from Su Jie, but from a nearby dining table.

A bearded man wearing a green gown and a sword on his waist slapped the table and stood up. His voice was as loud as thunder.

The waiter was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground.

"Brother, I accidentally overheard your conversation just now, which is really infuriating. Today's imperial court is simply corrupt to the extreme, and it is really not worthy of the loyalty of righteous men like us."

The bearded man looked at Su Jie and took the initiative to clasp his fists, the anger still lingering on his face.

Su Jie also stood up and bowed, saying: "It seems that you are also a generous person. Now the Dali Dynasty has accumulated a lot of problems. The country has fallen to this day after 500 years, just like the slowly setting sunset, heading towards the end of the road. It's a pity for the people of this world."

"It seems that there are still many people with discerning eyes! Haha, what's your name, brother? I am Dong Hongtian, born in Lanzhou, and I have been through this place for training."

Dong Hongtian may think that Su Jie is a fellow traveler. He stood up and sat on Su Jie's table and said to the waiter: "Go and get some more good wine and food. It's rare to meet a confidant. Today I will treat you and you must have a good drink."

"Xu Changqing, you are also here for training. It's fate."

Su Jie did not report his real name. After all, he was still wanted. If the identity and name of Guiling Palace were leaked one day, at least he would not be suspected.

"It's Brother Xu, nice to meet you."

Dong Hongtian was obviously a carefree person. After sitting down, he clinked glasses with Su Jie and said proudly: "I guess Brother Xu also came here because he heard about the recent battle in Jinsha River. It's a pity that I didn't catch up with that big scene. Otherwise, even if I was not strong enough, I would have drawn my sword to eliminate the demons and kill those slave-trading demon cultivators."

Su Jie smiled with a yearning expression: "Yes! This is the biggest thing in Qingzhou recently. The battle in Jinsha River killed the demon cultivators and made them flee in panic. It was really exciting."

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