Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 98: Flying (Fourth Update)

While the evil eye thunder worm struggled hard, the Thousand-handed Centipede swallowed it whole.

After chewing it for a while, it tasted different from the blue star poisonous insect, like steamed buns and porridge compared to a full banquet. The Thousand-handed Centipede was extremely excited and quickly ran to the next low-grade poisonous insect.

The hissing of insects continued to sound underground.

No matter how the low-grade poisonous insects resisted, it was useless. In front of the Thousand-handed Centipede of the third-grade middle-grade refining, they could only become its food.

Visible to the naked eye, the size of the Thousand-handed Centipede began to grow.

After evolving into a middle-grade poisonous insect, ordinary blue star poisonous insects could no longer make the Thousand-handed Centipede grow, and the batch of low-grade poisonous insects specially cultivated by Su Jie became the resources for the Thousand-handed Centipede to continue evolving. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

When all the low-grade poisonous insects were swept away, the Thousand-handed Centipede fell into dormancy and transformation again, rushing towards the fourth spiritual refining.

After a day and a night, accompanied by a series of strange noises, the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which had digested the nutrients of the low-grade Gu worm, broke out of the cocoon, and its body length soared to 30 meters, like a train carriage, and it was already a powerful Gu worm of the middle grade four refinement.

Compared with the past, the biggest change of the Thousand-Handed Centipede was that a row of sharp hard spines grew on the midline of its back.

These hard spines were completely hollow and derived from the spine.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede called twice, and at the same time, the twisted textures on the hard spines on its back, like centipede, lit up.

The huge body moved in a winding manner, with a pair of pale corpse hands stepping on the air, and the dorsal fin controlled the balance. The body weighing hundreds of tons was completely floating in the air, soaring freely in the air like a bird.

This is the new ability given to the Thousand-Handed Centipede by the fourth spiritual refinement, flying.


The underground environment is too narrow for the Thousand-Handed Centipede. It flies happily, but it is very troublesome here. It hits the wall if it is not careful, and the Qiankun Xuanbing Formation Map is hit with cracks.

"Stop, stop, stop, don't tear down my house."

Su Jie is very distressed. If it hits a few more times, the Qiankun Xuanbing Formation Map that he bought at a high price will be broken by it.

"It's hard to move here. Take you to the Tianyuan World."

Seeing the Thousand-Handed Centipede with big eyes and grievance, Su Jie sighed, called it back to his side, then shrunk its body, opened the ancient mirror, and returned to the Tianyuan World.

There are too many satellites on the Blue Star. If you take the Thousand-Handed Centipede out to fly around, you will be discovered in minutes. It will be on the front page of news in various countries in a short time. Only the Tianyuan World is suitable for it to take a walk.

After leaving Zhenning City, Su Jie took the Thousand-Handed Centipede to a remote place outside the city.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede called twice and lowered its head in front of Su Jie.

Su Jie understood what it meant, walked to the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, sat down, and patted its forehead.

"Fly, you can have fun here as you please."

Hearing this order, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's huge body ignored gravity and couldn't wait to step into the air and fly high into the sky.

The sharp wind blew in Su Jie's face, blowing the hem of his clothes.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede's body of 30 meters long was not stiff and bloated in the air, and it was particularly stable when flying.

"Xiao Qian, fly to the highest speed, let me see your limit."

Su Jie's mood also gradually became wild as he took off, and he let the Thousand-Handed Centipede fly.

With a roar, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's tail swayed slightly, and a strong sense of pushing back swept over.

The city in the distance gradually became smaller, as if it had turned into small pieces like a Rubik's Cube, until it entered the clouds.


A bright light shone over, Su Jie raised his head, and a blue sky appeared in front of him. The clouds looked like an endless white ocean, with a faint misty glow.

Su Jie opened his arms, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede lined up white clouds, like a boat leaping rapidly on the white ocean, or like a train flying towards the sky, whistling between heaven and earth.


Su Jie took a deep breath, lowered his head and looked down, the mountains and peaks, the flowing water, like a huge picture slowly unfolding.

The speed of the Thousand-Handed Centipede increased to the limit. Although it did not break the speed of sound, it was comparable to a civilian helicopter. As the Thousand-Handed Centipede continued to evolve, this speed will continue to increase.

In the sky, the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which was excited to play, exploded with a bang, turning into hundreds of thousands of small centipedes, like sardines in the sea, sometimes huddled together, sometimes scattered around.

A group of small centipedes held Su Jie's clothes and sent him to a thick insect carpet formed by small centipedes. Su Jie could sit or lie freely on it, but only Su Jie could enjoy this kind of flight comfortably. Most people would not dare to lie on this insect carpet composed of small centipedes.

After letting the Thousand-Handed Centipede take him to soar in the clouds for more than an hour, Su Jie let the Thousand-Handed Centipede land after having enough fun, and found a primeval forest to stop.

After tidying up his messy hair, Su Jie took out the white bone tree and infused it with spiritual power.

The palm-sized white bone tree rose inch by inch, and the vigorous and powerful roots penetrated into the earth like a dragon, absorbing the spiritual energy from the depths of the earth veins.

The lush tree crown opened, and the aerial roots like a woman's black hair fell down, turbulent, densely intertwined, absorbing the free spiritual energy in the air.

Su Jie sat cross-legged with his back against the white bone tree, feeling the rapidly enriched spiritual energy environment, and waved to the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"Have you had enough fun? Now it's time to practice."

The Thousand-Handed Centipede shrank in size and lay on Su Jie's chest, and a steady stream of spiritual energy and blood flowed into Su Jie's limbs.

Su Jie closed his eyes and sat quietly, feeling the subtle changes in his body.

The blood and qi of the Thousand-Handed Centipede of the Fourth Refining of the Middle Grade is as strong as a towering mountain. With the feeding of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie's cultivation level has also risen steadily, and the gaseous spiritual power in his body has been continuously compressed and compressed.

The breeze blew, and the leaves of the white bone tree rustled. The floating aerial roots fell on Su Jie's back, as if countless pipes were connected to Su Jie's flesh and blood. The spiritual energy from the underground and the air was transformed by the white bone tree and merged into the body.

Time passed quietly, and the dense forest was silent. In addition to the sounds made by various small animals, there was also the boiling sound of the breath flowing in Su Jie's body, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes the sound of galloping can be heard within a radius of 100 meters, and sometimes only Su Jie's cochlea can hear the trickle.

Gradually, stains were gradually discharged from the pores all over Su Jie's body, which were impurities in the bone marrow.

A faint fragrance emerged from Su Jie's body, like the fragrance of a century-old medicine, and his skin gradually shone with a bright color like mutton-fat jade.

Su Jie's human body gradually escaped from the category of ordinary creatures. In the eyes of some demons, practitioners like Su Jie were no less than panaceas.

After several hours, after repeated attempts, the first drop of spiritual power in Su Jie's dantian was compressed to the limit, condensing from gaseous state into liquid spiritual power.

The spiritual power in the dantian surged violently, and then spread to every meridian, compressing more and more spiritual power into liquid.

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