Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 112: Promoted to Inner Disciple

"Brother, have you reached the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm?"

Wu Bin finally reacted and looked at Su Jie with surprise and joy.

Although when he first met Su Jie, he felt that Su Jie had the potential to be promoted to an inner disciple.

But when Su Jie really broke through to the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm, he was shocked a lot, because everything happened too fast.

But he didn't doubt too much, because the breakthrough of the magic cultivators was not in accordance with the rules, and the rapid progress of the early cultivation has become the synonym of the magic cultivators.

"It's genuine."

Su Jie nodded, Wu Bin smiled brightly, and turned around and ran to call people.

"I will go find the hall master right away to help you confirm the promotion, please wait a moment."

Wu Bin left, but more people gathered around Su Jie.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Su, you have been promoted to the inner sect. From now on, the sky is high and the birds fly freely, and the sea is wide and the fish leap freely."

"Inner sect disciple, I didn't expect to witness this grand event again today. I wish Fellow Daoist Su great achievements in the future and early promotion to the secret treasure realm."

A group of stewards surrounded Su Jie and kept congratulating him, trying to flatter him and make him familiar, so that it would be convenient to deal with him in the future.

In addition to this group of stewards, the disciples in the Zhiling Hall looked at him sideways.

"That person has been promoted to an inner sect disciple. What is his background? He looks so young."

"Hiss, that's Senior Brother Su from our branch. He talked to me before."

"I recognize him. He was very popular in the black market. He had the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword awarded by the elders. I didn't expect him to be promoted to an inner sect disciple so quickly."

These disciples didn't dare to come over, but just watched from a distance, and their words were full of envy for Su Jie.

After all, inner disciples and outer disciples are two different concepts. Outer disciples are just cannon fodder, while inner disciples are all reserve troops in the Secret Treasure Realm, and their status is not comparable to that of outer disciples.

The news continued to spread, and soon it left the Zhiling Hall and floated to the ears of more disciples in the sect.

There are not many inner disciples in Guiling Palace. The promotion of each inner disciple will cause a discussion among the disciples, and the heat will last for a long time.

Without letting Su Jie wait any longer, Wu Bin soon followed an old man back.

Su Jie recognized the other party, the head of the Zhiling Hall, Zuo Xinping, who was a genuine Secret Treasure Realm cultivator.

"Your name is Su Jie, right? Not bad, not bad, you can reach the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm at a young age. Old Taoist Qiu has taught you a good disciple!"

Zuo Xinping stroked his goatee and was particularly kind.

It's not that Zuo Xinping needs to sell good things to the inner disciples, but he has a good relationship with Old Taoist Qiu, so his attitude is like this.

"Disciple meets Master Zuo."

Su Jie bowed.

"Exert your aura."

Zuo Xinping waved his hand, and Su Jie took the initiative to call on his spiritual power, transmitting his undisguised spiritual power fluctuations.

The powerful spiritual power that only the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm can possess clearly told everyone present that he, Su Jie, had the right to be an inner disciple.

"Good, the spiritual power is quite pure."

Zuo Xinping nodded slightly and took out a bunch of things from the storage bag.

"This is the outer robe of the inner disciples, this is the identity token, and this is one hundred blood marrow crystals. You will receive this amount of monthly allowance from the sect every month in the future.

These are the three techniques that inner disciples can practice, and this is the warrant for the medicine pavilion and the Sutra Library. You can get three Xuanling Pills from the medicine pavilion for free every month and read the precious books on the second floor and above.

This is the new mansion, which has a small blessed land inside. The spiritual energy is more abundant and can help you practice better.

There is also the right to purchase magic tools. You can contact the sect's weapon refiner to create the magic tool you want according to your idea."

A lot of things were handed over to Su Jie. The techniques were the three chapters of controlling insects, body insects, and human insects. In addition, there were various benefits that only inner disciples could enjoy.

This is the benefit of inner disciples. Only inner disciples will be truly recognized and accepted by Guiling Palace, not just consumable cattle and horses.

Seeing Su Jie making a lot of money, the disciples in the Zhiling Hall were envious and their eyes were red.

They still have to pay the elders a monthly allowance, but Su Jie is not only exempt from the monthly allowance, but also receives hundreds of blood marrow crystals from the sect. The difference is too big.

"Disciple thanks Hall Master Zuo. In the future, I will definitely work hard to practice and live up to the sect's cultivation."

Su Jie took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably excited.

Inner sect disciple, finally, he is also an inner sect disciple.

"Brother Su, congratulations."

Wu Bin stood next to Su Jie, with a smile brighter than Su Jie's, and his back teeth were exposed.

"Brother Wu, have a drink with me tonight."

Su Jie did not act arrogantly because he was promoted to an inner sect disciple, and took the opportunity to invite him.

"That's great, I happen to have two jars of 20-year-old wine, and I won't go home until I'm drunk tonight."

Wu Bin was even happier when he saw that Su Jie's attitude had not changed.

As the manager of the Zhiling Hall, although he had a little power, his status was still far behind that of the inner sect disciples. After all, this is a world where strength is respected.

And getting to know an inner disciple and having Su Jie as a connection will be of great benefit to Wu Bin, and his status in the Zhiling Hall will be much higher.

Putting on the blue outer robe of the inner disciple, Su Jie strode out of the Zhiling Hall.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the bright light shone on his face, and Su Jie's mouth curled up slightly.

A year ago, he was still an ordinary person on Blue Star. After traveling to the Tianyuan World, he was just a free laborer who caught insects all day in Guiling Palace.

Now a year has passed, and his life and status have changed dramatically.

Sometimes Su Jie thinks about it and feels like he is dreaming.

"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

The news spread quickly. Su Jie had just been promoted to an inner disciple. After he walked out of the Zhiling Hall, the disciples gathered outside all greeted him with respect.

These were all disciples of Qiu Laodao, who came here to congratulate Su Jie on his promotion.

Su Jie ignored them and looked at a figure in the crowd.

"Sister Yu, why are you here too?"

Su Jie rubbed his eyebrows, because the person standing in front of him was his sister Yu Wenxian.

"I heard that you were promoted to an inner disciple. As a sister, I have to come to see my brother's heroic appearance!"

Yu Wenxian covered her mouth and laughed, staring at Su Jie with her beautiful eyes.

"Sister, my vision is right. Junior Brother Su will become an inner disciple sooner or later. It's a pity that I didn't seize the opportunity, otherwise you and I would have become a good story now."

"Senior Sister Yu, I'm in a hurry to go home, so I won't talk to you anymore."

Hearing this, Su Jie's mouth twitched. If he really wanted to seize the opportunity, he would have become a slave and worked like a cow and a horse.

He said goodbye to Yu Wenxian in a hurry to prevent this dangerous woman from always targeting him.

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