Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 113 New Way to Make Money

Instead of going back to the cave dwelling where he used to live, Su Jie came to a large house with four entrances.

This mansion is very grand, with open space, carved beams and painted pillars everywhere, and various exotic flowers and plants planted there.

This was the residence assigned to Su Jie by the sect after he was promoted to an inner disciple. It was completely different from the cramped cave dwellings in the past.

In front of the gate, a dozen servants, maids, and chefs who had been notified were waiting at the door early. After Su Jie appeared, they all knelt down.

"I've met Mr. Su."

These people were kneeling on the ground, not daring to move at all without Su Jie speaking.

They now belong to Su Jie's personal belongings. They were given to Su Jie along with the mansion. Su Jie can kill them at will without any problem.

"Get up and prepare dinner. I have a party with friends tonight."

Su Jie waved and walked into the mansion.

A group of servants breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the new master was relatively easy to talk to.

Pushing open the practice room of the mansion, the layout is quite simple, but it is the most important place of the mansion.

"Sure enough, the spiritual energy is much richer than the outside world."

Su Jie took a few breaths, feeling the growing spiritual energy, and looked at his feet.

The ground here is considered a small blessed land. It is not large in scope, only a few dozen square meters, but it is enough to speed up cultivation.

In the past, if Su Jie had such a blessed place to practice, he would be happy for three days and three nights.

It's a pity that now that Su Jie has the White Bone Tree, he doesn't like this little blessed place anymore. The White Bone Tree is much more efficient in providing spiritual energy.

Without being in a hurry to practice, Su Jie took out a strand of black hair from his storage bag. To be precise, it was ghost hair.

This mass of ghost hair was wrapped around Su Jie's arm. There had been no experiments on the road before, but now that it was settled, Su Jie planned to see what effect the female ghost's shed hair would have.

After trying to put in some spiritual energy, Su Jie saw that Guifa was just twisting more actively, nothing strange.

"Could it be"

Su Jie thought of something and tried to touch the ghost hair to his scalp.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Just like a shark smelling blood, this strand of ghost hair immediately penetrated into Su Jie's scalp and started a crazy surge.

Su Jie's thoughts moved, and these ghost hairs expanded rapidly like a waterfall, overflowing with murderous intent, following Su Jie's thoughts and destroying everything in front of them.

This is exactly one of the attack abilities of that female ghost Tan Qing, but it's just weakened a bit.

However, Su Jie didn't look happy. The ghost hair was quite powerful, but out of control, it grew uncontrollably, hanging down to his feet and dragging the ground for three meters.

Click click click.

Su Jie took out the Bone Sword and cut off the ghost's hair. The hair continued to grow wildly until it was three meters long, almost the same length as the original female ghost.

Su Jie looked in the mirror and saw his own image. His face was speechless, which was a bit unacceptable.

"Forget it, I don't lack this attack power now."

Su Jie thought about it carefully, and for the sake of his own wisdom, he decided to take off the ghost hair.

I don't know if it absorbed Su Jie's blood. This strand of ghost hair was even more domineering. It actually took the initiative to wrap around it. It seemed that it wanted a host and was also highly aggressive. The twisted hair was all over the practice room, wanting to tear it apart. Mince everything.

In addition, Su Jie's own hair grew wildly again, but this time the hair had no offensive power, it just grew, affected by the radiation of the ghost hair.


Su Jie blinked his eyes, and the purple light rays were stimulated and instantly melted the large strands of ghost hair. The ghost hair slowly shrank, but it still had strong radiation ability. As long as he got close, Su Jie's hair would start to grow wildly.

"Could it be that only ghosts can truly control this thing?"

Su Jie was quite helpless. This thing was originally the product of a female ghost. As a human being, it was not surprising that it was difficult to control accurately.

If Su Jie could sacrifice his personal image, his power would still be good, but unless he had no choice, Su Jie would not consider it.

"Go and eat ashes in my storage bag. I'm not bald, so I don't care about you."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Su Jie cursed and picked up the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword as a razor, cutting off the hair that had grown to his legs again. He was about to put the hair back into his storage bag to prevent his hair from growing due to radiation.

But with this complaint, a flash of light flashed through Su Jie's mind, and Su Jie suddenly turned his head to look at the strand of ghost hair in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm not bald, some people are bald!"

Su Jie patted his thigh and thought of a new way to use it.

This thing can not only be used for fighting, but also for hair growth!

In order to verify the bold idea in his mind, Su Jie immediately began to conduct new experiments.

This time Su Jie was not testing the attack power of the ghost hair, but testing the radiation ability of the ghost hair to cause human hair to grow after being radiated.

An hour later.

Su Jie sat cross-legged on the ground, with a basin of water in front of him, and the ghost hair floating in the water.

Su Jie first shaved his hair to reveal his bare skull, and then spread a little water from the basin onto his head.


Strands of shiny black hair emerged from the scalp and fell down to the waist in an instant, continuing to grow to several meters in length before stopping.

"The effect of the medicine is still too strong."

Su Jie stood up and shouted outside: "Afu, bring in more water."

Hearing the sound, waiting outside the door, the old housekeeper named Ah Fu quickly came in with several maids and servants, carrying a large bucket of water.

Su Jie put the ghost hair into the bucket and called Ah Fu.

"Master, is there anything else you can do?"

Ah Fu asked tremblingly.

"Cooperate with me to conduct an experiment."

Su Jie looked at the sparse Mediterranean Sea in Afu and nodded with satisfaction.


Upon hearing this, Ah Fu was so frightened that his face turned pale and his legs became weak when he thought of all the horrific rumors of cannibalism and human experiments carried out by demon cultivators.

Su Jie didn't know what other messy things Ah Fu was thinking about. He felt that it was almost time to soak. Don't pick up a ladle of water and pour it on Ah Fu's head.

At the same time, Su Jie put a hand on Ah Fu's shoulder, exploring the changes in his body.

Ah Fu was trembling all over, gritting his teeth tightly, waiting for the cruel fate to come.

However, soon, the expected pain did not come, and Ah Fu felt his scalp was a little itchy.

Later, Ah Fu looked through the mirror in front of him and saw with great surprise.

His head, which had been bald for many years, actually grew a thick head of hair, making him look several years younger.

"Hey, this is me, I have hair."

Ah Fu touched his head in disbelief. His scalp was no longer bare. This time he felt a hand of thick hair.

"There are no side effects, it's done."

Su Jie finally smiled and retracted his palm. He used his spiritual power to detect it and found that the water flow only stimulated the growth of hair and did not damage other parts of the human body.

This also means that Su Jie will be able to master a new wealth code immediately after starting the timber business.

The scale of Blue Star's hair loss market, including wigs, hair transplantation, hair care, hair loss treatment, etc., is calculated in hundreds of billions of dollars.

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