Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 114: Enlightenment of the Dao Guixu Technique (First Update)

After celebrating a night with Wu Bin and Chen Yun, Su Jie came to Qiu Laodao's yard the next day.

Boom boom.

After gently knocking the door knocker, footsteps were heard from inside, and a middle-aged man dressed as a butler came out.

"Disciple Su Jie, please see the master."

Su Jie spoke loudly and at the same time took out the gift he had prepared and handed it to the butler.

When a new official takes office, Su Jie will of course come to visit his direct leader.

"It turns out to be Mr. Su. I'll go and ask for instructions right away."

The housekeeper apparently also heard about Su Jie's promotion and hurried in to report it.

It came out again after a while.

"The master allows you to come in. Mr. Su, please come with me."

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, Su Jie came to a flower garden.

On the land rich in spiritual beauty, a garden full of dragon's blood flowers is planted, with flowers as delicate as blood blooming.

This is a special kind of spiritual plant. The magnificent flowers need to be moistened with blood to promote growth, and they must be watered with human blood so that they can grow best and brightest.

Qiu Laodao was standing in the flower garden at this time, with his back to Su Jie, and said calmly: "Without the slaves, my flower garden has withered and lost a lot of color. You came at the wrong time."

"Disciple is guilty of not bringing the slave back to the sect. Please punish me, Master."

Su Jie stood up straight and took the blame.

"That's everyone's fault, and you're not qualified to take responsibility."

Qiu Laodao slowly turned around, with a thin face and a pair of eyes that were as calm as ever.

"Your senior brother is dead. Now you are the only inner disciple on my side. Don't lose my reputation."

Qiu Laodao said slowly. When he said this, Su Jie always felt that Qiu Laodao was staring at him. He didn't know if he suspected that Pei Haibing's death was related to him.

Su Jie's heart skipped a beat and he said earnestly: "Master, I will definitely carry forward our branch and not do worse than others."

"It's best this way. Don't be like your senior brother. His skills are inferior to others. In the end, he is just a handful of loess."

As if he was beating Su Jie, Qiu Laodao might have guessed something, but he didn't go into it at all.

The competition in the magic world is cruel, and it is normal for the superiors to step on the corpses of the losers.

For Qiu Laodao, even if Su Jie really killed Pei Haibing, he would not lose anything, but gain a better disciple.

Especially when resources are limited, the best will definitely be selected and the stronger one will be cultivated.

Just like the competition in the animal world, the several chicks nurtured by the eagle are not based on the principle of equality, but whichever chick is the most ferocious will be eaten. The weaker chicks will become more and more vulnerable if they cannot eat food. The thinner he became, he was eventually abandoned and starved to death.

"You have good potential. Which technique you want to learn? Choose one of the three."

After beating, Qiu Laodao gave another sweet date and took out three jade slips.

The names of the exercises are written on the jade slips, which are called White Bone Transformation Technique, Enlightenment and Return to Ruins Technique, and Yaksha Body Refining Technique.

"The White Bone Transformation Technique is practiced by your senior brother. After enlightening the Tao and cultivating the soul path, the soul will return to the ruins and come out. The soul can travel between heaven and earth in one day. The body of the Yaksha Refining Technique is about being like a demon, sending out fire candles, and then it is completed. At that time, you can go into the sea to catch dragons and fly to the sky to catch birds and eat them."

Listening to Qiu Laodao's words, Su Jie looked at the three techniques. Su Jie had seen Pei Haibing perform the White Bone Transformation Technique.

Enlightening the Tao and returning to the ruins is a way to strengthen the soul, and more importantly, to improve the basic qualifications.

Yasha's physical training technique is quite domineering, but Su Jie knows that with the demon cultivator's urinary nature, the more brutal and domineering the technique is, the more it requires the blood sacrifice of human slaves.

"Master, this disciple chooses to enlighten the Tao and return his merits to the ruins."

Su Jie responded. He knew that his qualifications were poor. Now that he was promoted to an inner disciple, there should be no danger in a short time. On the contrary, he was very excited about the improvement of his qualifications.

"Have you decided? This technique is more orthodox and requires patience to practice."

"Sure, I'll choose this."

"Take it, don't teach it privately."

"Disciple understands."

After receiving the Enlightenment and Returning to Ruin Gong, Su Jie was not only happy but also secretly sighing.

The master's shouting was not unfair, he actually gave such a precious technique.

This can also show the kindness and family background of Qiu Laodao. Other elders do not say whether they have so many good techniques, and even if they do, they may not be willing to teach them to their disciples.

"Retreat and go back to practice hard."

Qiu Laodao looked away and picked a dragon blood flower.

A huge flower bloomed and fell into Su Jie's hand. On the surface of the flower, babies opened their little mouths, trying to suck Su Jie's blood.

"Thank you Master for the reward."

Su Jie saluted, turned around and left the courtyard.

The butler who was waiting outside saw it and said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Su is very popular with the master. The master usually likes to raise flowers and fish. If he is not a valued disciple, he will not give dragon blood flowers easily."

"It's just the master's love. I still have a lot to work on."

Su Jie cupped his hands and left Qiu Laodao's residence, eager to go back to practice.

In the practice room of the mansion.

"This technique is indeed quite orthodox."

Su Jie sat cross-legged on the ground, with the jade slip pressed against his forehead, and a vast amount of knowledge about the enlightenment and Guixu Gong poured into his mind.

A few hours later, Su Jie held the Dharma Art in his hand, looked into the void in front of him, and recited the Dharma chant and the voice of the God in the air.

Behind Su Jie, the air gradually rippled, and a darkness that seemed both real and illusory emerged.


Immediately afterwards, an illusory sphere rose extremely slowly above Su Jie's head. This was Su Jie's soul.

When the soul left the body, Su Jie's perspective also changed. He was in the soul and saw his body sitting cross-legged in the practice room.

At this time, Su Jie could only control this soul, and his body was like a vegetable, unable to move at all.

This novel perspective made Su Jie extremely excited, and he shuttled back and forth in the practice room.

When Su Jie wanted to penetrate the door and walk out of the outside world, he felt uncomfortable.

Su Jie's soul was exposed to the sun, and there was a wisp of green smoke on the surface. He had just practiced the enlightenment and return to the ruins, and his soul was not strong enough. He instinctively felt uncomfortable with the sun, which was the most yang and holy light.

"The soul is still too weak."

Su Jie thought in his heart, controlling the soul that ordinary people could not see to fly into the sky.

However, the farther the distance, the weaker the connection between Su Jie's soul and the body. In the end, Su Jie only moved within 100 meters around the mansion. If he was too far away, Su Jie's body would really be brain dead, and his soul would be exposed to the wind and sun, struck by lightning, and would not live long.

After a thorough test, Su Jie controlled his soul to return to the practice room, looked at the darkness behind the body, and flew into it.

In the darkness, a ball of light suddenly lit up.

Su Jie's soul was like the sun hanging high in the darkness, illuminating the darkness.

In an instant, Su Jie felt refreshed and his brain worked much faster.

With a thought, the meridians in the body were clearly visible, the roar of blood circulation, and the complexity of the human body's acupoints were all visible.

The road to the seventh level of the Soul Condensation Realm was no longer an obstacle for Su Jie, and there were no secrets to speak of. The rest was just a slow grind.

"So this is what it feels like to be a genius!"

Su Jie smiled. His soul used to only exist in the Niwan Palace, and he couldn't move at all like a ground-bound spirit.

But now Su Jie let his soul walk out of the Niwan Palace. The darkness that his soul illuminated was actually the area of ​​the body that he had never seen clearly in the past. It essentially improved his control over the body and gave Su Jie a comprehensive and clear understanding of himself.

At the same time, the body will also feed back to the soul. The abundant spiritual power and blood can always temper the fragile soul and make it as solid as a rock.

As Su Jie's soul becomes stronger, this understanding will become deeper and deeper. The body and soul promote each other and complement each other.

In the end, the body will be like a mirror, the soul will become the primordial spirit, the body and soul will be as desired, and all things will return to the abyss with one thought.

Of course, this realm is far from the realm of soul accumulation, or even the realm of secret storage.

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